Review installation requirements

Review the following questions to prepare for your installation:



Detailed information

My company is new to BMC. Will I need to register in order to obtain downloads and access technical support?

If your company has never used any BMC product before, register your support ID (also called a Contract ID).

Gaining full access to BMC Support Central

I am installing a new product. What type of product authorization will I need?

Each product requires a CPU authorization password that you apply by using the Installation System.

You can apply a password before, during, or after installing a product, but you must apply the password before you can use the product.

Obtain your CPU authorization password

What are the requirements for running the Installation System?

The Installation System requires:

  • ISPF Version 4.0 or later

  • DD ISPTABL library in your ISPF logon PROC (for ISPF table processing)

  • For your ISPPROF or ISRPROF data set, shared disposition (DISP=SHR) in your logon procedure (to allow batch TSO to update the data set)


    This setting allows you to merge product source files and to run the BMCINSTL REXX EXEC. If you do not set the disposition to shared, you will receive an ISPS105 error (invalid keyword) when submitting the installation JCL to merge product source files, and when running BMCINSTL REXX EXEC.

  • Approximately 183 cylinders of space for the Installation System repository, which is hosted by the Runtime Component System ( RTCS )

  • Approximately 40 cylinders of space for the user data sets that the Installation System allocates in the $205ALOC job (one of the generated configuration jobs)

  • If generated, execution of the $490TRIG job requires CONSOLE authority.
  • If generated, the $420INF and $490TRIG jobs reference system symbolics which require SYSSYM=ALLOW for the JOBCLASS definition in the SYS1.PARMLIB member where job classes are defined.

How much space do I need to install a product?

During the installation process, the Installation System determines space requirements for the SMP/E target, distribution, and auxiliary data sets based on the products that you selected for installation. The amount of space allocated is padded to allow for growth for maintenance and updates. You can increase the amounts for the target and distribution libraries in the project. The generated $100DOC member lists the amount of DASD needed for the SMP/E libraries.


If you are using objects that Db2 defined, you must have a previously defined storage group (STOGROUP). The Installation System does not define STOGROUPs.


What are the operating system and database requirements for my product?

Use the BMC Product Compatibility utility to determine the platform, database, technology, and third-party software requirements for a product.

BMC Product Compatibility

Do additional requirements apply to the product I am installing?

See product-specific information.

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