Managing projects

In addition to starting and selecting projects on the Manage Projects panel, you can use commands to manage projects.

Manage Projects panel

 BMIPPRJL                         Manage Projects         Row 253 to 264 of 264 
 Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR  
 Primary Cmds: NEW project, FILTer list, Locate project, SORT list
 Line Cmds: Select, Modify, Info, Copy, Delete, Edit JCL, View JCL
 Cmd Name       Description / JCL Library                Updated On Updated By
 --- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
  _  MYTEST1  * testing                                   2016/01/23 USER1
                TEST1.INSTALL.JCLLIB                      21:12:51
  _  MYTEST2    IMS products test                         2015/01/23 USER1
                TEST2.INSTALL.JCLLIBI                     10:22:41
  _  TESTSYS2   Test Case 11                              2015/01/23 USER2
                TEST12.JCL                                19:16:42 
  _  DB2_ONLY   new DAD install                           2015/01/23 USER2
                DB2.INSTALL.JCL                           12:12:24 
  _  IMS_ONLY   mix 1 of ims products                     2015/01/23 USER1
                IMS.INSTALL.JCL                           09:03:31
  _  MV_ONLY    MainView product mix                      2016/01/23 USER24
                BMC.MV.INSTALL.JCL                        14:11:02

Use the following commands to manage projects:




This primary command creates a project as described in Creating and selecting a project.


This primary command limits the list of projects displayed. The syntax of the command is:

FILTer [OFF|NAME|UPDate|ID],value

You can abbreviate the command to FILT. Use one of the following parameters with the command:

  • (default) OFF resets any existing filters. If you enter a value, it is ignored.

  • NAME, value limits the listed projects to those whose name matches the specified value. You can use the * wildcard character at the end of the value to match any characters.

  • UPDate, value limits the listed projects to those updated on or after the specified date. Specify a date in a yyyy/mm/dd format. You can use the * wildcard character at the end of the value to match any characters.

  • ID, value limits the listed projects to those updated by the specified user ID. You can use the * wildcard character at the end of the value to match any characters.


This primary command finds a project by name. The syntax of the command is:

Locate name[*]

You can abbreviate the command to L. You can use the * wildcard character at the end of the name to match any characters.


This primary command sorts the list by the values in a column. The syntax of the command is:


  • NAME sorts the list by the project name in the Name column.
  • DESC sorts the list by the description in the Description/JCL Library column.
  • JCL sorts the list by the JCL in the Description/JCL Library column.
  • UPD sorts the list by the date in the Updated On column.
  • ID sorts the list by the user ID in the Updated By column.

Issuing the same SORT command two times in a row reverses the order of the sort, ascending to descending, descending to ascending, and so on.

You can also position the cursor on a column heading and press Enter to sort the column.


This line command selects a project to use as described in Creating and selecting a project.


This line command displays the Modify Project panel on which you can change the project name, description, and JCL library used for the project.

When renaming the JCL library, you must enter a / in the Automatic JCL library rename to confirm that you want to rename the library.

You can also modify the description and JCL library for the active project on the Modify Project panel.


This line command displays a list of all the products, solutions, families, and components that are included in the selected project.


This line command creates a project by copying another project as described in Creating and selecting a project.


This line command deletes the project from the list of projects and deletes the project from the Installation System repository. A confirmation panel is displayed.

Edit JCL

This line command displays a member list of the JCL library that is associated with the project. Select a member with the s line command to edit the member.

View JCL

This line command displays a member list of the JCL library that is associated with the project. Select a member with the s line command to view the member.

For more information, view the Quick Course Installation System - Installation Projects.

Note: You must already be logged in to BMC Support Central or you will receive an Page Not Found error.

For a list of Quick Courses about the Installation System, see PDFs and videos

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