Specifying JCL values for generated installation jobs

Use the following procedure to specify JCL information and file transfer options for the Installation System to use when generating the installation jobs.

  1. On the Installation Job Values & FTP Options panel, in the Job Card Template fields, specify a valid job card statement.

    The Installation System uses this information to create the job card in the generated JCL.

     BMIPIN40               USER1 - Installation Job Values & FTP Options   
     Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR  
     Enter the Generated Job options for the installation jobs.                    
                                                                       More:     +
     Job Card Template                                                             
     Job Name Options                                                              
       Match generated member names . . . . . Y (Y=Yes, N=No) (Both options cannot 
       Suffixed with member name number . . . N (Y=Yes, N=No)  contain 'Y')        
     How will the BMC products be downloaded (select only one method)              
       Use File Transfer Protocol (FTP) . . . . . . N  (Y=yes, N=no)               
       Use File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS) . . Y  (Y=yes, N=no)               
       Use Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) . . N  (Y=yes, N=no)               
       Use physical media or Distributed FTP  . . . N  (Y=yes, N=no)               
     SFTP Options                                                                  
  2. In the Job Name Options fields, specify how you want the generated job cards to be named.

    The Match generated member names and Suffixed with member name number fields are mutually exclusive. Specify:

    • Y for Match generated member names to have the job card name match the generated member name.

      For example, if the member is $103DWNL, the job card name becomes //$103DWNL.

    • Y for Suffixed with member name number to have the job card name suffixed with the numeric ID of the member.

      For example, if the member is $103DWNL and the job card is //BMCIVPJB, the ID is 103 and the job card name becomes //BMCIV103.

    • N for both fields to use what you have in Job Card Template.

  3. In the How will the BMC products be downloaded fields, specify the method for downloading files from BMC.
    Specify Y for only one field and N for all the others.
  4. If you selected to use SFTP for downloads, in the SFTP Options fields, specify the default directory path that SFTP can use for creating new directories and files.
  5. In the FTP Options field, specify GA unless you are Beta testing a product.
  6. If the firewall credential fields are displayed, specify a user ID and password for your firewall.

    The firewall credential fields are displayed if the symbolics &FRWLUSER and &FRWLPSWD are specified in the site-wide default values for the firewall login credentials. The fields ask for a user ID and password. For security purposes, the credentials are not stored with the project.

  7. Press Enter.

Where to go from here

Continue to Generating the installation JCL.

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