Creating and selecting a project

A project comprises the actions that are required to install and configure one or more products. You can create, select, and perform various activities on a project using the commands provided on the Manage Projects panel. 

Projects are automatically saved at the following points:

  • When you make a change to the project and exit the project.
  • Before generating the installation JCL.
  • Before generating the configuration JCL.
  • After selecting a configuration option on the Configure Products or Components panel but not making any changes to the project and exiting the project.

For more information, view the Quick Course Installation System - Installation Projects.

Note: You must already be logged into BMC Support Central or you will receive a Page Not Found error.

For a list of Quick Courses about the Installation System, see PDFs and videos

Related topic

This topic contains the following sections:

To create a project

  1. On the Installation System Main Menu, select Manage Projects.
  2. On the Command line of the Manage Projects panel, enter NEW.

     BMIPPRJL                         Manage Projects         Row 253 to 264 of 264 
     Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR  
     Primary Cmds: NEW project, FILTer list, Locate project, SORT list
     Line Cmds: Select, Modify, Info, Copy, Delete, Edit JCL, View JCL
     Cmd Name       Description / JCL Library                Updated On Updated By
     --- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
      _  MYTEST1  * testing                                   2016/01/23 USER1
                    TEST1.INSTALL.JCLLIB                      21:12:51
      _  MYTEST2    IMS products test                         2015/01/23 USER1
                    TEST2.INSTALL.JCLLIBI                     10:22:41
      _  TESTSYS2   Test Case 11                              2015/01/23 USER2
                    TEST12.JCL                                19:16:42 
      _  DB2_ONLY   new DAD install                           2015/01/23 USER2
                    DB2.INSTALL.JCL                           12:12:24 
      _  IMS_ONLY   mix 1 of ims products                     2015/01/23 USER1
                    IMS.INSTALL.JCL                           09:03:31
      _  MV_ONLY    MainView product mix                      2016/01/23 USER24
                    BMC.MV.INSTALL.JCL                        14:11:02
  3. On the Execute Project panel, specify a project name, a project description, and a JCL data set name (the library in which to store generated JCL) for the new project.

    BMIPPRJE                        Execute Project
     Command ===> _________________________________________________________________ 
     Project Name . . . *CHG ME*
     Description  . . . ________________________________________
     JCL Data Set . . . ___________________________________________________
     Select one of the following installation actions:
     __   1. Select Products, Solutions, or Infrastructure
          2. Set SMP/E Data Set High Level Qualifiers
          3. Set SMP/E Data Set Allocation Values
          4. Set Installation Job Values and FTP Options
          5. Generate and Execute Installation Batch Jobs
     Select one of the following configuration actions:
     __   1. Set Runtime Data Set High Level Qualifiers
          2. Set Runtime Data Set Allocation Values
          3. Set Selected Product or Component Values
          4. Set Configuration Job Values
          5. Generate and Execute Configuration Batch Jobs
          6. Multiple SSID install for DB2 Products only (optional)
  4. Press Enter.

    The Installation System creates the project. Available options are highlighted. You can select any available option to continue the project.

To create a project by copying an existing project

  1. On the Installation System Main Menu, select Manage Projects.
  2. In the Cmd field of the Manage Projects panel, enter the C (copy) line command next to the project that you want to copy.
  3. Complete the Copy Project panel.

     BMIPPRJC                         Copy Project                                  
     Command ===> _______________________________________________________________________
     Enter project details as desired.                                              
     Project Name . . . USER1                                                     
     Description  . . . Sandbox                                                   
     JCL Data Set . . . USER1.BMCINST.JCLLIB                           
     Enter '/' to select an option                                                  
      _ Copy JCL library contents                                                   
      _ Replace existing JCL library (ensure this is not used in another project!)  
     Created On . . . : 2014/12/10 - 11:06:12 by USER1                             
     Updated On . . . : 2016/01/03 - 21:12:51 by USER1
    1. Specify the new project's name, description, and JCL data set name (the library in which to store generated JCL).

      Data set names are used exactly as specified. Nothing is prefixed or appended to the name. Do not use single or double quotation marks.

    2. To copy the content of the JCL library of the copied project in addition to copying the values in the project, select the Copy JCL library contents option.
    3. If the JCL library you specified for this project already exists and you want to overwrite it with the JCL library of the copied project, select the Replace existing JCL library option.


      Before using this option, make sure that the library is not used by another project.

  4. Press Enter.

    The Installation System creates the new project, makes it the active project, and displays the Manage Projects panel.

To select a project

  1. On the Installation System Main Menu, select Manage Projects.
  2. In the Cmd field of the Manage Projects panel, enter the S (select) line command next to the project that you want to use.

    The selected project becomes the active project and the Execute Project panel is displayed.

    BMIPPRJE                        Execute Project
     Command ===> _________________________________________________________________ 
     Project Name . . . USER1
     Description  . . . Sandbox                                
     JCL Data Set . . . USER1.BMCINST.JCLLIB                           
     Select one of the following installation actions:
     __   1. Select Products, Solutions, or Infrastructure
          2. Set SMP/E Data Set High Level Qualifiers
          3. Set SMP/E Data Set Allocation Values
          4. Set Installation Job Values and FTP Options
          5. Generate and Execute Installation Batch Jobs
     Select one of the following configuration actions:
     __   1. Set Runtime Data Set High Level Qualifiers
          2. Set Runtime Data Set Allocation Values
          3. Set Selected Product or Component Values
          4. Set Configuration Job Values
          5. Generate and Execute Configuration Batch Jobs
          6. Multiple SSID install for DB2 Products only (optional)

    Available options are highlighted. You can select any available option to continue the project.

To resume an active project

  1. On the Installation System Main Menu, confirm that the Active Project field cites the project that you want.
  2. Select Resume Active Project.

    The Execute Project panel is displayed. Available options are highlighted. You can select any available option to continue the project.

Where to go from here

Continue to Generating installation jobs.

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