Managing employee data in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM from BMC Helix Business Workflows by using Jitterbit Harmony

To perform multiple Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM) operations from BMC Helix Business Workflows, use the prebuilt integration template provided by BMC Helix iPaaS, powered by Jitterbit. For example, you can retrieve employee information from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM to BMC Helix Business Workflows or update an employee's address or legal name in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM. To use the integration template with the values defined out of the box, update the project variables with details of your systems and deploy the integration template. 

The template provides the following capabilities:

Use caseOracle Fusion Cloud HCM to BMC Helix Business Workflows
Get employee informationRetrieves employee information from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM to a BMC Helix Business Workflows case or task
Use caseBMC Helix Business Workflows to Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM
Synchronize updates

Updates the address of an employee in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM from a BMC Helix Business Workflows case.

Important: Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM does not support updating an employee's country of residence. For more information about the address fields that can be updated, see the request document schema for the Update Employee Address use case

Updates an employee's legal name in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM from BMC Helix Business Workflows

The following image shows an example of employee details from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM in a BMC Helix Business Workflows case:

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM to BMC Helix Business Workflows data flow

The following image shows how to retrieve employee data from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM to BMC Helix Business Workflows:

BMC Helix Business Workflows to Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM data flow

The following image shows how to update the address of an employee in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM from BMC Helix Business Workflows:

The following image shows how to update an employee's legal name in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM from BMC Helix Business Workflows:

Before you begin

You require the following items to successfully set up and use this integration: 

Required versions
  • Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM 23A
    To learn more about viewing and managing data in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM 23A, see  REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Open link in the official Oracle documentation.
  • BMC Helix Business Workflows 22.1.06 and later

Authentication and permissions
  • Administrator access to BMC Helix Business Workflows
  • Access to the Workers REST API to view and manage the person and employment data in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM: 
    • To view an employee's person and employment information via the Workers REST API, the user must be assigned the Human Capital Management Integration Specialist job role.
      The code name of this job role is
      ORA_HRC_HUMAN_CAPITAL_MANAGEMENT_INTEGRATION_SPECIALIST_JOB. For information about how to assign roles to existing users, see
      Assign Roles to an Existing User Open link in the official Oracle documentation. 
    • To update an employee's address and legal name via the Workers REST API, the user must be assigned the security roles and privileges required for your worker tasks.
      The security roles and privileges to be assigned are organization-specific and depend on access restrictions that apply in your organization. To learn about the available security roles and privileges, see Workers Open link in the official Oracle documentation. 
Jitterbit Harmony subscription

A valid BMC Helix iPaaS Open link subscription


Ensure that the Helix ITSM foundation data is synced in BMC Helix Business Workflows. For additional information about uploading and syncing ITSM data with BMC Helix Business Workflows, see  Setting up Foundation data about the people in your company Open link

Task 1: To download and import the integration template project file

  1. Download the Manage Employee Information in Oracle HCM via BMC Helix Business Workflows 2023-05-01 Open link  file to your system.
    This file contains the
    BMC Helix iPaaS Cloud Studio project Manage Employee Information in Oracle HCM via BMC Helix Business Workflows.


    Your ability to access product pages on the EPD website is determined by the license your company purchased.

  2. As a developer, log in to BMC Helix iPaaS and navigate to the Cloud Studio.
  3. On the projects page, click Import.
  4. Click Browse and then select the Manage Employee Information in Oracle HCM via BMC Helix Business Workflows 2023-05-01.json file you downloaded. 
    The Project Name and Organization fields are automatically populated depending on the values defined. 
  5. From the Environment list, select the environment to which you want to import this integration template, and click Import.
    The project opens after the integration template is imported. 
  6. To open the project file at a later time, select the environment where the integration templates are available, select the Manage Employee Information in Oracle HCM via BMC Helix Business Workflows project, and click View/Edit.

Task 2: To update the project variables for the integration template

  1. Next to the Environment name, click the ellipses ... icon and select Project Variables.
  2. Update the following project variables:
    • Access points and authentication details for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM and BMC Helix iPaaS applications

      Project variableAction
      Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

      Enter the user name to access the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM instance. 


      Enter the password for the user name to access the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM instance. 

      BMC Helix iPaaS


      Enter the URL to access BMC Helix iPaaS in the following format: [http/https]://[host name and port]


      Enter the user ID to access BMC Helix iPaaS.


      Enter the password of the user ID to access BMC Helix iPaaS.

    • Webhook API variables

      Project variablesAction

      Enter a value, in seconds, for an API timeout.

      The minimum value must range between 30 and 180. By default, the value is set to 60.


      Enter comma-separated values of the user roles assigned for the BMC Helix iPaaS API.

      Only a user with these roles can access the APIs. Leave this value blank to restrict access only to administrators.

      Jitterbit_Integration_API_NameEnter the name for the Webhook API that is created in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM.

      Enter a security profile type.

      You can set the following values for this variable:

      • BASIC
      • APIKEY

      The default value is BASIC.

      A security profile type defines the authentication type to be used by the Webhook API. This value is added to the BMC Helix iPaaS Jitterbit API.

      Enter comma-separated values to select multiple profile types (ANONYMOUS, BASIC, APIKEY).


      • For profile types supported by the source application, the security profiles are automatically created by the integration template when you enable the integration. 
      • BMC Helix iPaaS does not support OAuth authentication. 

      For security profile type BASIC, enter the user name to create the security profile.

      The Jitterbit API and the Webhook API use this user name for authentication.


      For security profile type BASIC, enter the password for the security profile created.

      The Jitterbit API and the Webhook API use this user name for authentication.


      For security profile type APIKEY, enter the name of the APIKEY to set on the security profile.

      This APIKEY is used for authentication by the Jitterbit API and the Webhook API.

    • Email notification configurations

      Project variableAction
      Jitterbit_SMTP_HOSTNAMEEnter the SMTP host details for email configuration.

      Enter the email address to which you want to send the notification emails. 

      Enter comma-separated values to select multiple email addresses.

      Jitterbit_From_Email_AddressEnter the email address from which the notification emails must be sent.

      Define if notification emails must be sent.

      By default, the value is set to true. To disable email notifications, change the default value to false.


      Define if emails must be sent if an error occurs in the workflow.

      By default, this value is set to true. To disable email notifications for errors in workflows, set the value to false.


      Define if emails must be sent if the workflow is successful.

      By default, this value is set to true. To disable email notifications for successful operations, set the value to false.

(Optional) Task 3: To review out-of-the-box field mappings

The following table lists out-of-the-box field mappings defined between the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM and BMC Helix Business Workflows fields: 

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM fieldsBMC Helix Business Workflows fields
PersonNumberEmployee Id
EffectiveStartDateEffective Date for Address Change
Effective Date for Name Change
FirstNameFirst Name
LastNameLast Name
AddressLine1Address Line 1
AddressLine2Address Line 2
AddressLine3Street Address
PostalCodePostal Code


You cannot edit the mappings between Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM and BMC Helix Business Workflows fields provided by the integration.

Task 4: To deploy and enable the project

Deployment is a one-time activity that initializes the integration configurations. The UI displays a message for the deployment status.

To deploy the project and then enable the integration:

  1. To deploy the project, next to the project name, click the ellipsis ..., and select Deploy Project.
  2. To enable the integration, next to the Enable Integrations workflow, click the ellipsis ... for the Enable Integration operation, and select Run

The following image shows the steps to deploy the project and enable it by running the operation:

After you enable the project, you can perform multiple Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM operations. For example, you can retrieve employee information from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM to BMC Helix Business Workflows or update an employee's address or legal name in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM.

Task 5: To retrieve the BMC Helix Business Workflows operation details from the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM API

To complete the integration, retrieve service URLs for the operations you want to perform by using the integration.

  1. In BMC Helix iPaaS, select API Manager > My APIs.

  2. Open the API created for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM.
    The API name is the value that you entered for the Jitterbit_Integration_API_Name variable.
  3. Perform the following operations:
    1. From the top of the page, copy the service URL. 
      The format of the service URL includes the BMC Helix iPaaS host name, environment, and the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM operation. For example, https://<hostname>/<environmentName>/<integrationName>/<OracleOperation>.
    2. Add this URL as the Path value when you define the web requests for the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM use cases in BMC Helix Business Workflows. Replace <OracleOperation> with one of the following values, depending on the operation you want to perform:
      • getEmployee 
      • updateEmployeeAddress 
      • updateEmployeeName

After you enable the integration and configure BMC Helix Business Workflows to receive the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM data, you can perform multiple actions in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM. For example, you can retrieve employee information from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM to BMC Helix Business Workflows or update an employee's address or legal name in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM.

(Optional) Task 6: To set the time for API debug mode

By default, the debug mode is set to 2 hours after you run the integration. Debug logs are updated during the debug mode. To increase the duration of the debug mode, perform the following steps:

  1. In BMC Helix iPaaS, powered by Jitterbit, select API Manager > My APIs.

  2. Open the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM API.

  3. Select Enable Debug Mode Until: and set it for the required date and time.

  4. Save and publish the API.

Task 7: To configure BMC Helix Business Workflows to use the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM API by using BMC Helix iPaaS

After you deploy the integration, configure BMC Helix Business Workflows to use the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM API to perform operations in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM from BMC Helix Business Workflows. Complete the following procedures to configure BMC Helix Business Workflows to use Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM APIs.

To define a document schema for each Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM use case 

For each Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM use case, create a document definition to establish the request and response communication between BMC Helix Business Workflows and Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM. 

  1. Log in to BMC Helix Innovation Studio and navigate to the Workspace tab. 

  2. Select the BMC Helix Business Workflows application.

  3. On the Documents tab, click New.

  4. To create a Request document definition for a specific use case, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Document Name field, enter a unique name to identify the use case for which to use the document, for example, Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM - Request - Get Employee Data.
    2. In the Document Schema field, enter the document schema for the Request format as described in the following table:

      Use Case

      Request Document Schema 


      Get Employee Data



      Update Employee Address

      "id" : "",
      "AddressLine1": "",
      "AddressLine2": "",
      "AddressLine3": "",
      "TownOrCity": "", 
      "PostalCode": "",
      "EffectiveStartDate": ""

      Important: Currently, you cannot add any custom fields to update the employee's address. Only the listed address fields are supported. 

      Update Employee Legal Name

       "id" : "",
       "EffectiveStartDate" :
       "FirstName" :"",
       "LastName" :"",

      The following fields are mandatory: 

      • id
      • EffectiveStartDate

      Based on the requirements of your organization, you can add either FirstName or LastName, or both these fields.

      Important: Currently, you cannot add any custom fields to update the employee's legal name. Only the listed fields are supported. 

    3. In the Scope/Customization Options field, define the scope of the document definition by selecting the Public option. 
    4. Click Save.
  5. To create a Response document definition for a specific use case, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Document Name field, enter a unique name to identify the use case for which to use the document, for example, Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM - Response - Get Employee Data.
    2. In the Document Schema field, enter the document schema for the Response format as described in the following table:

      Use Case

      Response Document Schema


      Get Employee Data

        "PersonNumber": "",
        "DateOfBirth": "",
        "CountryOfBirth": "",
        "FirstName": "",
        "LastName": "",
        "Email": "",
        "WorkPhone": "",
        "Country": "",
        "City": "",
        "AddressLine1": "",
        "AddressLine2": "",
        "AddressLine3": "",
        "Postalcode": "",
        "HireDate": "",
        "TerminationDate": "",
        "AssignmentId": "",
        "AssignmentEffectiveStartDate": "",
        "BusinessUnitName": "",
        "UserPersonType": "",
        "JobCode": "",
        "DepartmentName": "",
        "AssignmentCategory": "",
        "Basic Salary": "",
        "CurrencyCode": "",
        "SalaryFrequency": ""

      Important: Currently, you cannot add any custom fields to retrieve the employee information. Only the listed fields are supported. 


      You do not need to define a response document schema for the Update Employee Address and Update Employee Legal Name workflows.

    3. In the Scope/Customization Options field, define the scope of the document definition by selecting the Public option. 
    4. Click Save

For additional details about defining a document schema, see Defining a document schema Open link .

To create a REST API web service request definition for the Jitterbit API 

  1. Log in to BMC Helix Innovation Studio. 
  2. On the Workspace tab, select Business Workflows
  3. Click the Web APIs tab and click New

  4. On the  Properties tab, provide a name for the RESTful Service, such as Jitterbit API.

  5. On the New Web API page, click New Web Request. 

    You must add a web request for each Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM use case.

  6. On the Settings tab, fill out the fields as described in the following table:



    NameType a name for the web request; for example, Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM - Get Employee Data.
    Request MethodSelect POST.
    (Optional) Multipart RequestDo not turn on this toggle key. 

    Enter the URL path of the Jitterbit API copied after deploying the project. The format of the service URL includes the BMC Helix iPaaS host name, environment and the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM operation. Enter the path starting from the /environment name in the URL. Replace <OracleOperation>  with one of the following values, depending on the operation you want to perform:

      • getEmployee 
      • updateEmployeeAddress 
      • updateEmployeeName

    Format of the URL: /<environmentName>/<integrationName>/<OracleOperation>

    Important: If you have added the path parameters in the Path field, the parameters are populated automatically in the Path Parameters field.

    BodySelect the document definition you created for the request.

    Select the document definition you created for the response.

    Error on Unsuccessful Response

    Select this option so that if an error occurs when the web API is run, the process associated with the web API is not run.

    (Optional) Add HeadersAdd the headers for this web request.
    (Optional) Query ParametersAdd the query parameters for this web request.
    Encode Request Parameters Turn on the toggle key to encode the following parameters:
    • Path parameter and its value
    • Query parameter and its value


    • You cannot choose the parameters or values that you want to encode.
    • If you do not encode the parameters, the values in the Path parameter and Query Parameters are applied as is.

  7. Click Save

For more information, see Creating a REST API web service request definition Open link .

To define the Web API connection for the BMC Helix iPaaS endpoint  

  1. Log in to BMC Helix Innovation Studio and navigate to the Administration tab. 
  2. Select Integrations > Web APIs > Web API connections. 
  3. On the Web API Connection page, click New.
  4. On the General tab, enter the following information:


    Enter a meaningful name for the REST API web service connection, such as BMC Helix iPaaS Endpoint Connection.

    Host NameEnter the hostname from the Service URL copied after deploying the project.
    PortEnter 443.
    ProtocolSelect HTTPS.
    AuthenticationSelect Basic Auth.
  5. To add the authentication credentials, click Next
  6. On the Authentication tab, enter the login credentials for the BMC Helix iPaaS admin user.

  7. Click Save.

For additional details about creating a REST API web service request definition, see  Configuring the authentication credentials of REST API web services Open link .

To map the REST API web service request alias to the BMC Helix iPaaS connection

  1. Log in to BMC Helix Innovation Studio and navigate to the Administration tab. 
  2. Select Integrations > Web APIs > Web API mapping.
  3. From the Application list, select bwfa.
    A list of web request aliases that you configured for the selected application are displayed as Connection Target.  

  4. In Connection Configuration, select the authentication credentials for BMC Helix iPaaS. 
  5. Click Save

For additional details about mapping the REST API web service request alias to the BMC Helix iPaaS connection, see  Mapping the REST API web service request alias to an appropriate connection Open link .

To create an automated task template in BMC Helix Business Workflows 

  1. Create an automated task template in BMC Helix Business Workflows.
    For more information about creating an automated task template, see  Automating tasks for quicker case resolution Open link .


    When creating the automated task for Create New Process?, select Yes

  2. Add dynamic fields to the task template to display the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM data on your template.
    1. Log in to BMC Helix Business Workflows and click My Application Settings .
    2. Select Task Management > Templates.
    3. Select the created task template for an automated task. Ensure that the template is not in the Active status.
    4. On the template page, click Manage Process Fields.
    5. Add the required dynamic fields for the use case for which you are creating the template, as described in the following table:

      Use Case

      Dynamic fields


      Get Employee Data

      • Employee ID
      • Birth Date
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Email Address
      • Phone Number
      • Country
      • City
      • Address Line 1
      • Address Line 2
      • Street Address
      • Postal Code
      • Hire Date
      • Termination Date
      • Assignment ID
      • Assignment Effective Start Date
      • Business Unit Name
      • User Person Type
      • Job Code
      • Department Name
      • Assignment Category
      • Basic Salary
      • Currency Code
      • Salary Frequency

      You can choose the dynamic fields that you want to include in the template. However, a BMC Helix Business Workflows case or task that uses this template will display only the employee details for the fields that you have added. 

      Update Employee Address

      • Employee ID
      • Effective Date for Address Change
      • Address Line 1
      • Address Line 2
      • Street Address
      • City
      • Postal Code

      The following fields are mandatory: 

      • Employee ID
      • Effective Date for Address Change

      You can add other fields based on the requirements of your organization.

      Update Employee Legal Name

      • Employee ID
      • Effective Date for Name Change
      • First Name
      • Last Name

      The following fields are mandatory: 

      • Employee ID
      • Effective Date for Name Change

      You can add other fields based on the requirements of your organization.


      The Employee ID field in BMC Helix Business Workflows is mapped to the PersonNumber field in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM. 

      For more information about adding dynamic fields, see the To add dynamic fields to the task template for an automated task section in Automating tasks for quicker case resolution Open link .

  3. Add the required elements to the task process to post and get data from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM.

    1. Log in to BMC Helix Business Workflows and click My Application Settings .
    2. Select Task Management > Templates.
    3. Select the created task template for an automated task. Ensure that the template is not in the Active status.
    4. On the template page, click Edit Process.
      The Input Variables are added to the process properties.
    5. From the Elements palette, drag the following process elements for the selected use case to the process canvas:

      • Create Document
      • Web Request
      • Update Task Data
    6. In the General Properties pane, enter a Name and Description for the element.

    7. In the Element Properties pane, enter the properties for the element for the selected use case.

      ElementInput Map fieldsAction
      Create Document

      Document Definition Name

      Select the document definition that you created for the Request format of the Get Employee Data use case.

      Add/Remove Document Nodes

      Click and select the fields added to the document schema for the Request format of the Get Employee Data use case.
      After you add the fields, click Click to build an expression and map the values to the dynamic fields in the expression builder.

      Web Request


      Select the BMC Helix iPaaS connection created for the Jitterbit Rest API services.

      Web API


      Select the Web API for the Get Employee Data use case created in the Rest API web service request definition.


      Click Click to build an expression and map this value to the Output element in the expression builder.

      Update Task Data

      Task ID 

      Click Click to build an expression and map the ID field of the Record Instance to this field.

      Document Definition NameSelect the document definition that you created for the Response format of the Get Employee Data use case.
      Add/Remove Document Nodes

      Click and select the fields added to the document schema for the Response format of the Get Employee Data use case.
      After you add the fields, click Click to build an expression and map the values to the dynamic fields in the expression builder.

      ElementInput Map fieldsAction
      Create DocumentDocument Definition Name Select the document definition that you created for the Request format of the Update Employee Address use case.

      Add/Remove Document Nodes

      Click and select the fields added to the document schema for the Request format of the Update Employee Address use case.
      After you add the fields, click Click to build an expression and map the values to the dynamic fields in the expression builder.

      Web Request


      Select the BMC Helix iPaaS connection created for the BMC Helix iPaaS Jitterbit Rest API services.

      Web API


      Select the Web API for the Update Employee Address use case created in the Rest API web service request definition.

      ElementInput Map fieldsAction
      Create Document

      Document Definition Name

      Select the document definition that you created for the Request format of the Update Employee Legal Name use case.
      Add/Remove Document Nodes

      Click and select the fields added to the document schema for the Request format of the Update Employee Legal Name use case.
      After you add the fields, click Click to build an expression and map the values to the dynamic fields in the expression builder.

      Web Request


      Select the BMC Helix iPaaS connection created for the BMC Helix iPaaS Jitterbit Rest API services.

      Web API


      Select the Web API for the Update Employee Legal Name use case created in the Rest API web service request definition.


      Click Click to build an expression and map this value to the Output element in the expression builder.

    8. Click Save and return to the previous window to see the template details page.
    9. Change the status of the template to Active.

For more information about editing the task process, see the To edit process and manage dynamic fields associated with a task template for an automated task section in Automating tasks for quicker case resolution Open link .

To create a case template in BMC Helix Business Workflows and associate the automated task template with it

  1. Create a case template for each use case.
    For more information about creating a case template, see Creating case templates and task templates Open link .
  2. Add the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM fields that will be displayed as dynamic fields in the template.
    1. Log in to BMC Helix Business Workflows and click My Application Settings .
    2. Select Case Management > Templates.
    3. Select the created case template. Ensure that the template is not in the Active status.
    4. On the template page, click Manage Process Fields.
    5. Add the required dynamic fields for the specific use case as described in the following table:

      Use Case

      Dynamic fields


      Get Employee Data

      • Employee ID

      Update Employee Address

      • Employee ID
      • Effective Date for Address Change
      • Address Line 1
      • Address Line 2
      • Street Address
      • City
      • Postal Code

      The following fields are mandatory: 

      • Employee ID
      • Effective Date for Address Change

      You can add other fields based on the requirements of your organization.

      Update Employee Legal Name

      • Employee ID
      • Effective Date for Name Change
      • First Name
      • Last Name

      The following fields are mandatory: 

      • Employee ID
      • Effective Date for Name Change

      You can add other fields based on the requirements of your organization.


      The Employee ID field in BMC Helix Business Workflows is mapped to the PersonNumber field in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM.  

    6. Change the status of the template to Active.
      For more information about adding dynamic fields, see the To add a dynamic field to a case template or task template section in Adding dynamic fields for storing additional case information Open link .
  3. Associate the automated task template you created to this case template. 
    For more information about adding an automated task template to the case template, see the To associate a task template for an automated task to a case template section in Automating tasks for quicker case resolution Open link .

Now, when you create a case by using the case template defined for the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM operations, the Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM data is available in the case.


To establish a connection between the case in BMC Helix Business Workflow and Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM, you must set the status of the created case to In Progress

Workflows included in the integration template

The following workflows are defined as a part of the integration template. Refer to the following tables for an overview of the tasks defined in the workflow operations and configurations defined within each workflow.

Enable Integration

This workflow defines the operations required to enable the integration after all the required project configurations are completed. The following operations are included in this workflow:

Operation nameActions performed
Enable integrationCreates all the required webhooks for the template and enables the integration

Login in Jitterbit

Logs in to Jitterbit by using the credentials provided in the project variables

Check Custom API and Security Profiles exist

Checks if the Custom API and security profiles exist
Publish Custom API

Publishes the custom APIs to BMC Helix iPaaS

Create Security Profiles and Custom API

Creates security profiles and REST APIs in BMC Helix iPaaS

Delete API and Security Profile if neededDeletes existing APIs or security profiles, if required

Master Controller

This workflow determines an operation to be called based on details provided in the project variables. The following operation is included in this workflow:

Operation nameActions performed
Master ControllerEnables all the API entry points by using the details provided in the project variables

Get Employee details from Oracle HCM

This workflow gets employee information from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM to BMC Helix Business Workflows. This information can be used to view details available in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM in your BMC Helix Business Workflows record. The following operations are included in this workflow:

Operation nameActions performed
Get Employee Personal InformationGets employee personal data; for example, the first and last name of an employee, the gender and marital status
Get Employee Compensation Information

Gets employee compensation information; for example, an employee's salary

Update Employee Home Address

This workflow updates an employee's home address in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM when you update the address details in BMC Helix Business Workflows. The following operations are included in this workflow:

Operation nameActions performed
Get Employee AddressGets employee address information from a BMC Helix Business Workflows case; for example, an employee's country and city of residence
Update Employee Home Address

Updates a home address of an employee in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM from a BMC Helix Business Workflows case

Update Employee Legal Name

This workflow updates the legal name of an employee in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM when you update the name in BMC Helix Business Workflows. The following operations are included in this workflow:

Operation nameActions performed
Get Employee NameGets the first and last name of an employee from a BMC Helix Business Workflows case; for example, an employee's country and city of residence
Update Employee Legal Name

Updates an employee's legal name in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM from a BMC Helix Business Workflows case

Error Handling

This workflow sends email notifications if operations are successful or failed. The following operation is included in this workflow:

Operation nameActions performed
Error HandlingSends an email notification if the operation in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM is successful or failed
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