Phased rollout


This version of the software is currently available only to early adopter SaaS customers as the first step in our phased rollout. Click here to view an earlier version.

Use case - Configure quick check if the user intends to submit a particular service request

If there are similar kinds of services, then IBM Watson Assistant may trigger unwanted Dialog flow. To avoid that you can configure a Yes / No type of question before getting into actual service questionnaire. Lets see how to configure that question.
Once you import any DWPC service into chatbot login to IBM Watson Assistant and open your skill where that service is imported. Look for IBM Watson Dialog for the imported service.
Lets take an example of Create Distribution List Service which we provide as a part Chatbot starter kit and lets add a confirmation question/check if user wants to submit desired service. Open IT Chatbot skill. Looks for BMC - Create Distribution List dialog node. At parent node add a question 'I understand that you want to create Distribution list. Is that correct?' and sys_options as context variable, this context variable will present Yes-No options.

Change parent node 'jump to' behavior to 'wait for reply'. Add a child node for 'No' option. Here you can define any customer behavior like showing bot capabilities and asking user to pick one. But in this example we have just jumped to 'Anything I can help you with?' node.

Add one more child dialog node for 'Yes' option. Then move the below 2 dialog nodes under the newly created child dialog node '@yes' ,

  1. Check Entitlement - Create Distribution List
  2. Request Service - Create Distribution List

From '@yes' node jump to the 'Check Entitlement - Create Distribution List' dialog node as shown in below screenshot.

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