Mapping Foundation and CMDB data

This section explains the details of how you can map and load/onboard Foundation and CMDB data from Remedyforce to Helix ITSM using the Data Management console, by downloading and populating data in the data load spreadsheets


As part of this process, onboarding and/or data loading of CMDB and ITSM Foundation data is supported. Loading of Transactional data is not supported and is not in scope.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Export the data from Remedyforce system
  2. Map the Foundation data into the dataload spreadsheet
  3. Map the CMDB data into the dataload spreadsheet

Exporting data from Remedyforce system

Export the data to be mapped from Remedyforce system.

Refer to any one of the following methods to export the data: 

  1. Data loader - export data Open link
  2. Data Export Service page Open link

Include all objects and fields in the export.

Export the data for the following objects:

  1. Foundation objects:
    1. Account
    2. Category
    3. Group
    4. User
  2. CMDB objects:
    1. BMCServiceDesk__CMDB_Class
    2. BMCServiceDesk__BMC_BaseElement
    3. BMCServiceDesk__BMC_BaseRelationship

Use the reports generated for these objects to update the dataload spreadsheets with the correct mapping; see Mapping the Foundation data

Mapping the Foundation data

To load data into the ITSM Foundation forms, you need to populate data to the following dataload spreadsheets. We recommend to load the data by creating a separate job for each of the objects.

  • Company
  • PeopleOrg
  • Location
  • OperationalCatalog
  • Support_Group
  • People

The People spreadsheet contains sheets to populate data and load for People, Support Group Association, Permissions Groups, and Functional Roles. We recommend to load data into those forms in separate jobs and in the following order:

  1. Populate the CTM:LoadPeople sheet for all non-support staff and load the data.
  2. After successfully loading the data, populate the CTM:LoadPeople and CTM:LoadSupportGroupAssociation sheets for all support staff and load the data.
  3. Populate the CTM_LoadPeoplePermissionGroups sheet with Data access permissions for all users.
  4. Populate the CTM_LoadPeoplePermissionGroups sheet with the Application Permission required for each user.
    You may require a few jobs to be run to cover all your users if you have multiple permissions to be given to many of your users.
  5. Finally populate the CTM_LoadSGPFunctionalRole sheet with the functional roles required for your users and load the data.

The following table shows the respective objects in Remedyforce to map the Foundation data to the respective forms in the BMC Helix Innovation Suite Cloud system:

Remedyforce object name

ITSM form name















To map the Foundation data

Perform the steps in the following procedures to map the identified object in Remedyforce to the respective form in BMC Helix Innovation Suite Cloud.

Map Account to Company

Perform the following steps to map the Account object in Remedyforce to Company form of the BMC Helix Innovation Suite Cloud:

  1. Make sure that the report exported from Remedyforce includes the following fields:
    1. Account Name
    2. Remedyforce Account
    3. Cost Center
    4. Website
  2. Populate the spreadsheet accurately to avoid duplicate account name entries.
  3. In the Company.xlsx spreadsheet, map the data in the following sheets:
    1. Open the Company.xlsx spreadsheet.
    2. Open the COM_LoadCompany sheet.
    3. Use the data from the report exported from Remedyforce and map the objects as per the following table:


      An asterisk on a field name in the following table indicates that the field is mandatory and it needs to be mapped.

    1. Fields in the
      Sheet name: COM_LoadCompany

      Fields in the
      object: Account

      Mapping Value


      Account Name

      Account Name


      Remedyforce Account

      If the value of Remedyforce Account field is true, the Type* is Operating Company; otherwise the Type* is Customer.

      Cost Center

      Cost Center

      Cost Center

      Web Page





      If the value of the Inactive field is false, set the Status* as Enabled; otherwise the Status* is Offline.

Map Account object to CTM:People Organization form

  1. Make sure that the report exported from Remedyforce includes the Inactive field.

    Best Practice

    We recommend that you load only Active accounts.

  2. Populate the spreadsheet accurately to avoid duplicate account name entries.
  3. In the PeopleOrg.xlsx spreadsheet, map the data in the following sheets:
    1. Open the PeopleOrg.xlsx spreadsheet.
    2. Open the CTM_LoadPeopleOrganization sheet.
    3. Use the data from the report exported from Remedyforce and map the objects according to the following table:


      An asterisk on a field name in the following table indicates that the field is mandatory and it needs to be mapped.

      Fields in the 
      Sheet name: CTM_LoadPeopleOrganization

      Fields in the
      object: Account

      Mapping value


      Account Name

      Account Name


      Account Name

      Account Name


      Account Name

      Account Name



      If the value of the Inactive field is false, set the Status* as Enabled; otherwise the Status* is Offline.

Map Account object to SIT:Site form

  1. Make sure that the report exported from Remedyforce includes the following fields:
    1. Account Name
    2. Account Description
    3. Inactive (We recommend loading only active sites)
    4. Billing Country
    5. Billing City
    6. Account Fax
    7. Billing Street
    8. Billing Zip/Postal Code
    9. Billing Country
    10. Shipping Country
    11. Shipping State/Province
    12. Shipping City
    13. Shipping Street
    14. Shipping Zip/Postal Code
    15. Shipping Country

  2.  In the Location.xlsx spreadsheet, map the data in the following sheets:
    1. Open the Location.xlsx spreadsheet.
    2. Open the SIT_LoadSite sheet.
    3. Use the data from the report exported from Remedyforce and map the objects as per the following table:


      An asterisk on a field name in the following table indicates that the field is mandatory and it needs to be mapped.

      Fields in the
      Sheet Name: SIT_LoadSite

      Fields in the
      object: Account

      Mapping Value

      Site Name*

      Shipping Street

      For Shipping Street record, map the value from Shipping Street field

      record map value from Billing Street field.


      Shipping Street

      Billing Street

      For Shipping Street record, map value from Shipping Street field

      record map value from Billing Street field.




      For Shipping Street record:

      For Country*, map the value from the ShippingCountry field. If the value of the ShippingCountry field is empty, specify the Country* as UNKNOWN.

      For Billing Street record:

      For Country*, map the value from the BillingCountry field. If the value of the BillingCountry field is empty, specify the Country* as UNKNOWN.


      Shipping State/Province

      Billing State/Province

      For Shipping Street record, map the value from Shipping State/Province field.

      For Billing Street record, map the value from Billing State/Province field.



      Shipping City

      For Shipping Street record:

      For City*, map the value from the ShippingCity field. If the value of the ShippingCity field is empty, specify the City* as UNKNOWN.

      For Billing Street record:

      For City*, map the value from the BillingCity field. If the value of the BillingCity field is empty, specify the City* as UNKNOWN.

      Zip/Postal Code

      Shipping Zip/Postal Code

      Billing Zip/Postal Code

      For Shipping Street record, map the value from Shipping Zip/Postal Code field

      For Billing Street record, map the value from Billing Zip/Postal Code field

      CC Site Fax

      Account Fax

      Account Fax

      Area Site Fax

      Account Fax

      Account Fax

      Local Site Fax

      Account Fax

      Account Fax

      Additional Site Details

      Shipping Street

      Billing Street

      For Shipping Street record map value from

      record map value from Billing Street field



      If the value of the Inactive field is false, set the Status* as Enabled; otherwise the Status* is Offline.

    4. Open the CTM_LoadRegion sheet.
    5. Use the data from the report exported from Remedyforce and map the objects as per the following table:

      Fields in the
      Sheet name: CTM_LoadRegion

      Fields in the
      object: Account

      Mapping Value



      Not applicable 


      Account Name

      Account Name



      If the value of the Inactive field is false, set the Status* as Enabled; otherwise the Status* is Offline.

    6. Open the SIT_LoadSiteGroup sheet.
    7. Use the data from the report exported from Remedyforce and map the objects as per the following table:

      Fields in the
      Sheet name - SIT_LoadSiteGroup

      Fields in the
      object: Account

      Mapping Value

      Site Group* 




      Account Name

      Account Name





      Account Description

      Account Description



      If the value of the Inactive field is false, set the Status* as Enabled; otherwise the Status* is Offline.

    8. Open the SIT_LoadSiteCompanyAssoc sheet.
    9. Use the data from the report exported from Remedyforce and map the objects as per the following table:


      An asterisk on a field name in the following table indicates that the field is mandatory and it needs to be mapped.

      Fields in the
      Sheet name - SIT_LoadSiteCompanyAssoc

      Fields in the
      object: Account

      Mapping Value


      Shipping Street

      Billing Street

      For Shipping Street record, map the value from Shipping Street field

      record map value from Billing Street field


      Account Name

      Account Name




      Site Group





      If the value of the Inactive field is false, set the Status* as Enabled; otherwise the Status* is Offline.

Map Category to CFG:Service Catalog

 Check the levels of categories stored in the Category fields and map as per the following points:

  • If a category value does not have a parent category:
    • Map it to Categorization Tier 1* field. Set the Categorization Tier 2 and Categorization Tier 3 fields as NULL.
  • If a category value has a parent category and the category value has two levels. For example, “HR-Onboarding - Telecom setup”
    • Map the Categorization Tier 1* field as HR-Onboarding
    • Categorization Tier 2 field as Telecom setup
    • Categorization Tier 3 field as NULL.
  • If a category value has a parent category and the category value has three levels. For example, “Client Services-Application-Enhancement”
    • Map the Categorization Tier 1* field as Client Services
    • Categorization Tier 2 field as Application
    • Categorization Tier 3 field as Enhancement.

Perform the following steps to map the Category object in Remedyforce to CTM:People Organization form of the BMC Helix Innovation Suite Cloud:

  1. Make sure that the report exported from Remedyforce includes the following fields:
    1. Parent Category
    2. Category
    3. Inactive

  2. In the OperationalCatalog.xlsx spreadsheet, map the data in the following sheets:
    1. Open the OperationalCatalog.xlsx spreadsheet.
    2. Open the CFG_LoadServiceCatalogAssoc sheet.
    3. Use the data from the report exported from Remedyforce and map the objects as per the following table:


      An asterisk on a field name in the following table indicates that the field is mandatory and it needs to be mapped.

      Fields in the
      Sheet name: CFG_LoadServiceCatalogAssoc

      Fields in the
      object: Category

      Mapping Value



      - Global - 

      Categorization Tier 1*


      Based on the levels of categories stored in the Category field

      Categorization Tier 2


      Based on the levels of categories stored in the Category field

      Categorization Tier 3


      Based on the levels of categories stored in the Category field



      If the value of the Inactive field is false, set the Status* as Enabled; otherwise the Status* is Offline.

    4. Open the CFG_LoadServiceCatalog sheet.
    5. Use the data from the report exported from Remedyforce and map the objects as per the following table:

      Fields in the
      Sheet name: CFG_LoadServiceCatalog

      Fields in the
      object: Category

      Mapping Value

      Categorization Tier 1*


      Based on levels of categories stored in Category field

      Categorization Tier 2


      Based on levels of categories stored in Category field



      If the value of the Inactive field is false, set the Status* as Enabled; otherwise the Status* is Offline.

Map Group to CTM:Support Group

  1. Make sure that the report exported from Remedyforce includes the name of the support groups. 
  2. If you have any duplicate account name entries, ensure that you pick the right one to populate the spreadsheet.
  3. Map the data in the Support_Group.xlsx spreadsheet:
    1. Open the Support_Group.xlsx spreadsheet.
    2. Open the CTM_LoadSupportGroup sheet.
    3. Use the data from the report exported from Remedyforce and map the objects as per the following table:


      An asterisk on a field name in the following table indicates that the field is mandatory and it needs to be mapped.

      Fields in the
      Sheet name: CTM_LoadSupportGroup

      Fields in the
      object: Group

      Mapping Value

      Support Company*

      Enter the value from COM:Company form 

      Entries in this required field must match a company already loaded in the COM:Company form.
      The combination of Support Company, Support Organization, and Support Group Name must be unique.

      Support Organization*

      Enter the value from COM:Company form 


      Support Group Name*


      Support group name extracted from the report.

      Support Group Role*


      Help Desk

      Vendor Group*






      Disable Group Notifications



Map User to CTM:People form

Perform the following steps to map the User object in Remedyforce to CTM:People form of the BMC Helix Innovation Suite Cloud:

  1. Make sure that the report exported from Remedyforce includes the following fields:
    • Username  
    • Locale  
    • Mobile  
    • Full Name  
    • Last Name  
    • FirstName  
    • Profile 
    • Account 
    • Title  
    • VIP  
    • Extension  
    • Fax  
    • Mobile  
    • Phone  
    • Email  
    • Pager  
    • Time Zone  
    • IsActive   
  2. Map the data in the People.xlsx spreadsheet:
    1. Open the People.xlsx spreadsheet.
    2. Open the CTM_LoadPeople sheet.
    3. Use the data from the report exported from Remedyforce and map the objects as per the following table:


      An asterisk on a field name in the following table indicates that the field is mandatory and it needs to be mapped.

      Fields in the
      Sheet name: CTM_LoadPeople

      Fields in the
      object: User

      Mapping Value

      Last Name*

      Last Name

      Last Name

      First Name*


      Map the value of the FirstName field. If the FirstName field is empty, enter a dot ".".




      Person ID

      User ID

      User ID

      Client Type*





      If the value of the VIP field is true, map to Yes; otherwise map to No.

      Client Sensitivity*



      Support Staff*


      • If the Profile value is ServiceDesk Staff or ServiceDesk Change Manager, set the Support Staff* to 0.
      • If the Profile value is ServiceDesk Client , set the Support Staff* to 1.

      Assignment Availability

      Use either of the following values.

      • 0 — Yes
      • 1 — No

      This field is required if the Support Staff field is set to Yes. The assignment menu shows the record of the people for whom you have set the assignment availability.  



      Entries in this required field must match a company already loaded in the COM:Company form or a company being loaded by the Company.xlsx spreadsheet.

      Email Address*




      Obtain the value from the SIT:Site form

      Entries in this field must match a site already loaded on the SIT:Site form or a site being loaded by the Location spreadsheet. 

      Important: This field is required if the Client Type is one of the followings:

      • Office-Based Employee
      • Field-Based Employee
      • Contractor

      Home Time Zone

      Time Zone

      Time Zone

      CC Mobile



      Area Mobile



      Local Mobile



      CC Business Fax



      Area Business Fax



      Local Business Fax



      CC Pager



      Area Pager



      Local Pager



      Corporate Email



      Notification Availability



      CC Pager NT



      Area Pager NT



      Local Pager NT



      Login ID



      License Type

      Select from the following options:

      • 0 or Read 
      • 1 or Fixed 
      • 2 or Floating 

      Map the valid values.

      Full Text License Type

      Select from the following options:

      • 0 or Read 
      • 1 or Fixed 
      • 2 or Floating 

      Map the valid values.

      Contact Type



      Profile Status*


      If the value of the IsActive field is true, set the Profile Status* as Enabled; otherwise the Profile Status* is Offline.

Map GroupMember object to CTM_LoadSupportGroupAssociation form 

  1. Make sure that the report exported from Remedyforce includes the following fields: 
    • UserOrGroupId
    • Group.Name 
  2. Map the data in the People.xlsx spreadsheet)
    1. Open the People.xlsx spreadsheet. 
    2. Open the CTM_LoadSupportGroupAssociation sheet. 
    3. Use the data from the report exported from Remedyforce and map the objects as per the following table:

      An asterisk on a field name in the following table indicates that the field is mandatory and it needs to be mapped.

  3. Fields in the
    Sheet name:   CTM_LoadSupportGroupAssociation


    Fields in the
    object: Group Member

    Mapping Value 

    Login ID* 





    Enter a valid company name.

    Entries in this required field must match a company already loaded in the CTM:SupportGroup form or a company being loaded by the SupportGroup.xlsx spreadsheet. 


    Support Organization* 

     Enter a valid support organization.

    Entries in this required field must match an organization already loaded in the CTM:SupportGroup form or an organization being loaded by the SupportGroup.xlsx spreadsheet. 


    Support Group* 



    Support Group Association Role* 



    Assignment Availability* 




    Select either of the following values:

    • 0 Yes
    • 1  No

    For each Login ID, only one support group record can have the default set to Yes. 

Map People to permission group

Create required data access and application permissions for the users using CTM_LoadPeoplePermissionGroups sheet. For more information about people permission groups, see Assigning permission groups and permissions on an individual basis Open link in BMC Helix ITSM documentation.


An asterisk on a field name in the following table indicates that the field is mandatory and it needs to be mapped.

Fields in the
Sheet name: 
Fields in the
Mapping Value 
Mapping Value Login ID  Login ID 
Permission Group* Enter a valid permission group

When the Permission Group Type field is set to Application Permission, the Permission Group* field must contain a valid permission group from LIC:SYS-License Permission Map form.

When the Permission Group Type field is set to Data Access the Permission Group* field must contain a valid company with the either of the following type from the COM:Company form or a company being loaded by the Company.xls spreadsheet:

  • Customer
  • Generic Contact
  • Manufacturer
  • Operating Company
  • Vendor

You can the obtain the Permission Group associated with the company.

Important:  The Company data is valid only for Data Access records.  For Support Groups, add data on the CTM_LoadSupportGroupAssociation tab. 

The workflow automatically creates the corresponding record on the CTM:People Permission Groups form. 

License Type 

Enter either of the following values:

  • None
  • Fixed
  • Floating 
  • Read
  • Not applicable 

Enter valid values.


Permission Group Type* 

Enter either of the following values:

  • 1 Application Permission
  • — Data access

Application Permission is for loading specific application permissions.

For example, Incident User,  Data Access is for loading Company level permissions. 

Load support group functional roles of the users using CTM_LoadSGPFunctionalRole sheet. 

Fields in the
Sheet name:
Fields in the
object: CTM:People
Mapping Value 
Login ID* Login IDLogin ID
Company* Enter a valid companyEntries in this required field must match a support company already loaded in the CTM:SupportGroup form or a support company being loaded by the SupportGroup.xlsx spreadsheet.  
Support Organization* Enter a valid organizationEntries in this required field must match a support organization already loaded in the CTM:SupportGroup form or a support organization being loaded by the SupportGroup.xlsx spreadsheet. 
Support Group* Enter a valid support groupEntries in this required field must match a support group already loaded in the CTM:SupportGroup form or a support group being loaded by the SupportGroup.xlsx spreadsheet. 
Functional Role Alias* 

Enter a valid functional role alias.

For example:

  • 15000 Incident Manager 
  • 7000  Infrastructure Change Approver 

Check function role alias header in the CTM_LoadSGPFunctionalRole sheet from the People spreadsheet  and map the values.

Assignment Availability* 

Enter either of the values:

  • 1 Yes
  • — No

Map the valid values.

To map the CMDB data

Remedyforce stores all the CMDB data in the following three API objects:

  1. BMCServiceDesk__CMDB_Class – CMDB_Class maintains the CMDB metadata that contains the class name. The attributes for each class are maintained in the BMC_BaseElement object. 
  2. BMCServiceDesk__BMC_BaseElement – This object contains all the class attributes information for all the CI types supported in Remedyforce.
  3. BMCServiceDesk__BMC_BaseRelationship – This object contains the relationship information of all the CI types. 

All field names in the Remedyforce database will have a prefix of BMCServiceDesk__ and a suffix with __c. In this procedure, we show only the field names that are visible in the Remedyforce UI/label.

For example, the field name ClassID is shown as BMCServiceDesk_ClassID_c in the Remedyforce database.

The following list shows the spreadsheets needed for loading CMDB data:

  1. Transactional_CI_Express
  2. Transactional_Asset

Map the BaseElement class to a report

Each CI from Remedyforce will be created as an entry in the corresponding class form in ITSM. The Transactional_CI_Express spreadsheet has different sheets for different classes such as Computer System, Product, Process. 

Make sure that the BMCServiceDesk__BMC_BaseElement data exported from Remedyforce includes the following fields:

  • ClassID
  • Class Name
  • Instance Name
  • Id
  • Serial #
  • Supported
  • Primary Capability
  • Capabilities
  • Description
  • CITag
  • OwnerName
  • OwnerContact
  • Manufacturer Name
  • Site
  • CFRM Site Name
  • Maximum Block Size
  • Licenses Available
  1. In the BMCServiceDesk_CMDB_Class object, identify the class name for each of the following classes.
    The following table shows the mapping between the Remedyforce object name, Class Name, and the spreadsheet.

    Remedyforce object name

    CMDB Class Name/AST Class name

    Sheet name/Tab name in spreadsheet ‘Transactional_CI_Express.xlsm’


    BMC_BusinessService / AST_BusinessService



    BMC_ComputerSystem / AST _ComputerSystem

    AST _ComputerSystem


    BMC_Product / AST _Product

    AST _Product


    BMC_Processor / AST _Processor

    AST _Processor


    BMC_OperatingSystem / AST _OperatingSystem

    AST _OperatingSystem


    BMC_Application / AST _Application

    AST _Application


    BMC_Document / AST _Document

    AST _Document


    BMC_Database / AST _Database

    AST _Database


    BMC_DiskDrive / AST _DiskDrive

    AST _DiskDrive


    BMC_Printer / AST _Printer

    AST _Printer



    AST _UPS


    BMC_Equipment / AST _Equipment

    AST _Equipment


    BMC_Monitor / AST _Monitor

    AST _Monitor


    BMC_Rack / AST _Rack

    AST _Rack


    BMC_PhysicalLocation / AST _PhysicalLocation

    AST _PhysicalLocation


    BMC_FloppyDrive / AST _FloppyDrive

    AST _FloppyDrive


    BMC_CDROMDrive / AST _CDROMDrive

    AST _CDROMDrive


    BMC_Card / AST _Card

    AST _Card


    BMC_FileSystem / AST _FileSystem

    AST _FileSystem

  2. Get the ID value from the BMCServiceDesk_CMDB_Class object for each unique ClassName value.
  3. Search for the specific class ID in the CMDB_Class field in the BMCServiceDesk__BMC_BaseElement object in Remedyforce.
    You will get a list of CIs for the respective class names.
  4. Export all the CI data for each Class separately.
    Make sure that you get the data for all the fields mentions in the mapping table below:
  5. Populate each sheet of the Transactional_CI_Express spreadsheet and run separate jobs.
    For example: Populate the sheet AST:ComputerSystem and run a job to load the data, and once successfully loaded then repeat the steps and load separate jobs for each of the 20 classes.
    Use the following table to perform the mappings:


    An asterisk on a field name in the following table indicates that the field is mandatory and it needs to be mapped.

  6. Fields in the
    Spreadsheet name:

    Based on Class Type

    Fields in the object: BaseElement

    Mapping value

    Class Id*


    For both the Class ID and Class Name fields in the spreadsheet, you need to populate the class name value from Remedyforce.

    CMDB_Class holds a foreign key reference of the Class Name present in the CMDB_Class table.

    Enter the class name in CAPITAL letters. For example, if the class name is BMC_Computer_System, enter BMC_COMPUTERSYSTEM.

    CI Name*


    For both the Class ID and Class Name fields in the spreadsheet, you need to populate the class name value from Remedy Force.

    This field uses a static value, so the class name is shown in mixed-case capitalization. For example, the Computer System class shows the value as BMC_ComputerSystem

    CI Description*

    Instance Name

    Instance Name

    CI ID+

    Id(should we mention the ID, I could not find the ID field in RF Base element form)

    This field is not visible on Remedyforce UI. This field is exposed only via export.




    For this field, populate only the value Deployed for all CIs you are onboarding.



    Remedy login and user name or ID of who is creating the job

    Serial Number

    Serial #

    Serial #




    Primary Capability

    Primary Capability

    Primary Capability




    Additional Information



    Tag Number


    This field is not visible on Remedyforce UI. This field is exposed only via export.

    Owner Name



    Owner Contact




    Manufacturer Name

    Manufacturer Name




    Site Group

    CFRM Site Name

    CFRM Site Name

    Max Block Size

    Maximum Block Size

    Maximum Block Size

    Licenses Available

    Licenses Available

    Licenses Available

Map the BaseRelationship class to a report 

Make sure that the BMCServiceDesk__BaseRelationship data exported from Remedyforce includes the following fields:

  • ImpactDirection
  • CMDB_Class
  • Destination

To export and load the relationship data for each Parent CI name

  1. Use Parent CI name in a separate job. 
  2. Create spreadsheets for all the Parent CI names available in Remedyforce.
  3. For each Parent CI spreadsheet, map the following fields:


    An asterisk on a field name in the following table indicates that the field is mandatory and it needs to be mapped.

    Fields in the
    Sheet Name:

    Fields in the object - BaseRelationship

    Mapping Value

    Relationship Type*



    Parent CI Name*



    Child CI Name*



    Parent ClassId*


     Parent Class Id
    For example: AST: Computer system Class Id is "BMC_COMPUTERSYSTEM"

    Child ClassId*


     Child Class Id
    For example: AST: Product Class Id is "BMC_PRODUCT"

    Parent CI Company*

    Enter a valid  company name

    Get the value from Source field and look up the value in the Instance Name field of the Base Element object to identify the CI. Then get the value in Service Provider field of the Base Element object and look up the value in the Account ID field in the Account object to identify the account details. From the account details, complete the corresponding Account Name in the Parent CI Company.

    Child CI Company*

    Enter a valid  company name

    Get the value in Destination field and look up the value in the Instance Name field of the Base Element object to identify the CI. Then get the value in Service Provider field of the Base Element object and look up the value in the Account ID field in the Account object to identify the account details. From the account details, complete the corresponding Account Name in the Parent CI Company.

Where to go from here

Go to Stage 6: Data load/Onboarding in the topic Migration process for Remedyforce to BMC Helix Innovation Suite Cloud.

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