Role endpoints in the REST API

The following section provides a list of supported endpoints for roles and details about running these endpoints. For more information about roles, see Roles and permissions.

Before you run an endpoint, you must authenticate yourself. For more information, see Access and authentication for the REST API.


You can perform the following operations related to roles: 

POST /ims/api/v1/roles
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>
Request body
  "composite": false,
  "default_role": false,
  "description": "string",
  "name": "string"
Example request body
  "composite": false,
  "default_role": false,
  "description": "Operator role with view permissions only",
  "name": "Mark Operator"

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema

Indication of whether the role must be a composite role.

Valid values:

  • true
  • (default) false

Indication of whether the role must be created as an out-of-the-box role.

Valid values:

  • true
  • (default) false
descriptionbodyDescription of the role.yesstring
bodyName of the role.yesstring

Successful response
  "role_id": "880083129358647"
Unsuccessful response
  "timestamp": "2020-10-07T13:04:01.606391Z",
  "code": 400,
  "message": "BAD_REQUEST",
  "error": "name Mark Operator already exists."
GET /ims/api/v1/roles
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles
Request URL with optional parameters
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles?page={pagenumber}&size={records}&orderBy=created_date_time&sortOrder=asc
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema

Page number from which you want to retrieve roles. 

Note that the page number starts from 0 (default). Use this parameter in conjunction with the size parameter.


Total number of records that you want to retrieve from a page.

Default: 1000 records


Column on which you want to sort.

Valid values: 

  • role_id
  • name
  • description
  • system_object
  • composite
  • default_role
  • (Default) created_date_time

Sort order of the details to be retrieved.

Valid values:

  • (Default) asc
  • desc

Successful response
  "records": [
      "role_id": "559668411572956",
      "name": "Administrator",
      "description": "All permissions for all applications",
      "system_object": true,
      "composite": false,
      "default_role": false
      "role_id": "231029950887169",
      "name": "RBACAdmin",
      "description": "All permissions for Users Management",
      "system_object": true,
      "composite": false,
      "default_role": false
      "role_id": "928062612479169",
      "name": "Reporting Admin",
      "description": "Reporting Admin",
      "system_object": true,
      "composite": false,
      "default_role": false
      "role_id": "506411079685279",
      "name": "Reporting Editor",
      "description": "Reporting Editor",
      "system_object": true,
      "composite": false,
      "default_role": false
      "role_id": "902074252661131",
      "name": "Reporting Viewer",
      "description": "Reporting Viewer",
      "system_object": true,
      "composite": false,
      "default_role": false
  "_metadata": {
    "page": 0,
    "records_per_page": 1000,
    "page_count": 1,
    "total_count": 5
DELETE /ims/api/v1/roles/{id}
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema
idpathID of the role that you want to delete.yesstring

Successful response
"message": "SUCCESS"
Unsuccessful response
  "timestamp": "2020-10-07T13:19:08.030982Z",
  "code": 1300,
  "message": "Role not found.",
  "error": "Role with id :949723054752721 not found."
GET /ims/api/v1/roles/{id}
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema
idpathID of the role for which you want to retrieve details.yesstring

Successful response

Scenario 1: No objects are assigned to the role:

  "role_id": "949723054752722",
  "name": "abcde",
  "description": "string",
  "system_object": false,
  "composite": false,
  "default_role": false,
  "groups": [],
  "permissions": [],
  "roles": [],
  "users": []

Scenario 2: Objects are assigned to a role:

  "role_id": "928062612479169",
  "name": "Reporting Admin",
  "description": "Reporting Admin",
  "system_object": true,
  "composite": false,
  "default_role": false,
  "groups": [],
  "permissions": [
      "permission_id": "reporting.dashboards_permissions.admin"
  "roles": [],
  "users": [
      "user_id": "549720570762485"
PATCH /ims/api/v1/roles/{id}
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>
Request body
  "default_role": false,
  "description": "string",
  "name": "string"
Example request body
  "default_role": false,
  "description": "This is a new admin role",
  "name": "Admin"

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema
IDpathID of the role that you want to update.yesstring

Indication of whether the role must be available to all users under the tenant.

Valid values:

  • true
  • (default) false
descriptionbodyUpdated description of the role.nostring
bodyUpdated name of the role.yesstring

Successful response
  "message": "SUCCESS"
Unsuccessful response
"responseTimeStamp": 1600423987155,
"statusMsg": "[Failed to create role, entry with same name already exists]",
"resourceId": null,
"resourceName": null,
"failedResource": null
POST /ims/api/v1/roles/search
Request URL
https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/search
Request URL with optional parameters
https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/search?page={pageNumber}&size={records}&orderBy=created_date_time&sortOrder=asc
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>
Request body
  "filters": [
      "field": "string",
      "values": [
Example request body
  "filters": [
      "field": "*",
      "values": ["role_name1"

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema

Page number from which you want to retrieve roles. 

Note that the page number starts from 0 (default). Use this parameter in conjunction with the size parameter.


Total number of records that you want to retrieve from a page.

Default: 1000 records


Column on which you want to sort.

Valid values: 

  • role_id
  • name
  • description
  • system_object
  • composite
  • default_role
  • (Default) created_date_time

Sort order of the details to be retrieved.

Valid values:

  • (Default) asc
  • desc

Field by which you want to search roles.

At one time, you can search by the role name, description, or the role ID. If you want to perform a global search in all the fields, provide an asterisk (*) as the value.

Valid values:

  • name
  • description
  • role_id

Value with which you want to search the access keys.

You can pass a comma-separated list of multiple values for all the valid fields except when you use an asterisk (*) as the field.


Successful response
   "records":    [
         "role_id": "903310426408451",
         "name": "role_name1FegD6",
         "description": "testing",
         "system_object": false,
         "composite": true,
         "default_role": true
         "role_id": "880429686585810",
         "name": "role_name123FegD6",
         "description": "testing",
         "system_object": false,
         "composite": false,
         "default_role": false
   "_metadata":    {
      "page": 0,
      "records_per_page": 1000,
      "page_count": 1,
      "total_count": 2
Unsuccessful response

Scenario 1: You search by the role ID instead of the role name or description.

   "records": [],
   "_metadata":    {
      "page": 0,
      "records_per_page": 1000,
      "page_count": 0,
      "total_count": 0

Scenario 2: You pass more than one value in a search.

   "timestamp": "2020-12-31T19:43:11.060242Z",
   "code": 2300,
   "message": "BAD_REQUEST",
   "error": "Only one value for search is supported."

Scenario 2: You search with any value other than "*" as the field parameter value.

   "timestamp": "2020-12-31T19:43:57.375969Z",
   "code": 2300,
   "message": "BAD_REQUEST",
   "error": "Unsupported search field: role_name"

Role associations

You can perform the following operations related to the users, user groups, and permissions associated with a role and the roles associated with a composite role: 

PATCH /ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/groups
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/groups
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>
Request body
  "groups": [
      "id": "string",
      "op": "string"
      "id": "string",
      "op": "string"
Example request body
  "groups": [
      "id": "907575313926650",
      "op": "add"
      "id": "564275313234650",
      "op": "remove"


NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema
idpathID of the role that you want to update.yesstring
idbodyID of the user group that you want to add or remove.yesstring

Type of operation that you want to perform.

Valid values:

  • add
  • remove

Successful response
  "message": "SUCCESS"
PUT /ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/groups
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/groups
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>
Request body
  "groups": [
      "group_id": "string"
      "group_id": "string"
Example request body
  "groups": [
      "group_id": "907575313926650"
      "group_id": "564275313234650"

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema
idpathID of the role in which you want to replace user groups.yesstring
group_idbodyID of the user group that you want to assign to the role.yesstring

Successful response
  "message": "SUCCESS"
GET /ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/permissions
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/permissions
Request URL with optional parameters
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/permissions?includeCompositeRole={true/false}
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema
idpathID of the role from which you want to retrieve the permissions.yesstring



Indication of whether to retrieve details of a composite role.

Valid values:

  • true
  • (default) false

Successful response (with includeCompositeRole=false)
    "permission_id": "ims.users.modify"
    "permission_id": "ims.roles.list"
    "permission_id": "ims.users.create"
    "permission_id": "ims.access_keys.list"
    "permission_id": "ims.users.access_keys_delete"
    "permission_id": "ims.roles.delete"
    "permission_id": "ims.roles.modify"
    "permission_id": "ims.access_keys.create"
    "permission_id": "ims.permissions.list"
    "permission_id": "ims.users.delete"
    "permission_id": "ims.access_keys.delete"
    "permission_id": "ims.roles.create"
    "permission_id": "ims.users.access_keys_create"
Unsuccessful response (with includeCompositeRole=false)
  "timestamp": "2020-12-18T10:40:54.582697Z",
  "code": 1300,
  "message": "Role not found.",
  "error": "Role ID 400348018016 could not be found. Verify that the role ID specified is correct."
PATCH /ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/permissions
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/permissions
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>
Request body
  "permissions": [
      "id": "string",
      "op": "string"
      "id": "string",
      "op": "string"
Example request body

  "permissions": [
      "id": "",
      "op": "add"
      "id": "ims.permissions.put",
      "op": "remove"

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema
idpathID of the role that you want to update.yesstring

ID of the permission that you want to add or remove.


Type of operation that you want to perform.

Valid values:

  • add
  • remove

Successful response
  "message": "SUCCESS"
Unsuccessful response
  "timestamp": "2020-10-12T07:31:08.393769Z",
  "code": 1300,
  "message": "Role not found.",
  "error": "Role with id :681559887017412 not found."
  "timestamp": "2020-10-12T07:34:04.190024Z",
  "code": 400,
  "message": "BAD_REQUEST",
  "error": "permission_id ims.permissions.read1 does not exist."
PUT /ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/permissions
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/permissions
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>
Request body
  "permissions": [
      "permission_id": "string"
      "permission_id": "string"
Example request body
  "permissions": [
      "permission_id": ""
      "permission_id": "ims.permissions.create"

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema
idpathID of the role in which you want to replace permissions.yesstring
permission_idbodyID of the permission that you want to assign to the role.yesstring

Successful response
  "message": "SUCCESS"
Unsuccessful response
  "timestamp": "2020-10-12T10:09:24.421465Z",
  "code": 400,
  "message": "BAD_REQUEST",
  "error": "permission_id ims.core.create does not exist."
PATCH /ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/roles
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/roles
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>
Request body
  "roles": [
      "id": "string",
      "op": "string"
      "id": "string",
      "op": "string"
Example request body
  "roles": [
      "id": "134948174005733",
      "op": "add"
      "id": "229948123005786",
      "op": "remove"

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema
idpathID of the composite role that you want to update.yesstring
idbodyID of the role that you want to add or remove.yesstring

Type of operation that you want to perform.

Valid values:

  • add
  • remove

Successful response
  "message": "SUCCESS"
Unsuccessful response
  "timestamp": "2020-10-12T11:32:14.815283Z",
  "code": 1300,
  "message": "Role not found.",
  "error": "Role with id :543131979140958 not found."
PUT /ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/roles
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/roles
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>
Request body
  "roles": [
      "role_id": "string"
      "role_id": "string"
Example request body
  "roles": [
      "role_id": "681559887017411"
      "role_id": "134948174005733"

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema
idpathID of the composite role in which you want to replace roles.yesstring
role_idbodyID of the role that you want to assign to the composite role.yesstring

Successful response
  "message": "SUCCESS"
PATCH /ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/users
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/users
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>
Request body
  "users": [
      "id": "string",
      "op": "string"
      "id": "string",
      "op": "string"
Example request body
  "users": [
      "id": "811597463253119",
      "op": "add"
      "id": "765597481253900",
      "op": "remove"

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema
idpathID of the role that you want to update.yesstring
idbodyID of the user that you want to add or remove.yesstring

Type of operation that you want to perform.

Valid values:

  • add
  • remove

Successful response
  "message": "SUCCESS"
Unsuccessful response
  "timestamp": "2020-10-12T14:01:43.907876Z",
  "code": 400,
  "message": "BAD_REQUEST",
  "error": "user_id 111597463203120 does not exist."
PUT /ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/users
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/{id}/users
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>
Request body
  "users": [
      "user_id": "string"
      "user_id": "string"
Example request body
  "users": [
      "user_id": "907575313926650"
      "user_id": "200755400921234"

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema
idpathID of the role in which you want to replace users.yesstring
user_idbodyID of the user that you want to assign to the role.yesstring

Successful response
  "message": "SUCCESS"
Unsuccessful response
  "timestamp": "2020-10-12T14:30:29.239140Z",
  "code": 400,
  "message": "BAD_REQUEST",
  "error": "user_id 811597463253120 does not exist."
POST /ims/api/v1/roles/user_mappings
Request URL
 https://<BMC Helix Portal URL>/ims/api/v1/roles/user_mappings
Request header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>
Request body
  "mappings": [
      "actions": [
          "op": "string",
          "user_ids": [
      "role_id": "string"
Example request body
  "mappings": [
      "actions": [
          "op": "add",
          "user_ids": [
      "role_id": "721343778993755"

NameLocated inDescriptionMandatorySchema

Type of operation that you want to perform.

Valid values:

  • add: Assigns the specified users to the role.
  • remove: Removes the specified users from the role.
  • replace: Replaces the existing users with the specified users.

Note: If you specify all the operations in the same request body, the API evaluates and runs these operations by using the following precedence order. Multiple expressions of the same operation are run together. For example, all the expressions for adding users are performed together.

  1. Add operation is performed.
  2. Remove operation is performed.
  3. Replace operation is performed.
bodyComma-separated list of user IDs to use for performing the operation.yesstring

ID of the role that you want to update.


Successful response
  "message": "SUCCESS"
Unsuccessful response

Scenario 1: You specify a role that does not exist.

  "timestamp": "2021-06-14T13:22:57.128547Z",
  "code": 2300,
  "message": "BAD_REQUEST",
  "error": "Some roleIds are missing, please send correct roleIds."

Scenario 2: You specify one or more users that do not exist.

  "timestamp": "2021-06-14T13:23:44.126419Z",
  "code": 2300,
  "message": "BAD_REQUEST",
  "error": "Some userIds are missing, please send correct userIds."

Scenario 3: You do not specify a mandatory field.

  "timestamp": "2021-06-14T13:25:38.848751Z",
  "code": 2300,
  "message": "BAD_REQUEST",
  "error": "At least one action with valid payload should be present. Please check the documentation for correct request body."
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