This documentation supports the 20.08 version of BMC Helix Platform. 
To view an earlier version, select 20.02 from the Product version menu.

Upgrading BMC Helix Platform SDK to 20.08.12

If you are using the BMC Helix Platform SDK to build and deploy applications and/or libraries, after you receive the notification, you must upgrade BMC Helix Platform SDK and any application projects that you created using an earlier version of BMC Helix Platform SDK. Note that these steps are not required for pure codeless development by using BMC Helix Innovation Studio.


For more information about issues corrected in this patch, see Known and corrected issues.

To upgrade BMC Helix Platform SDK to 20.08.12

  1. After you receive notification that your BMC Helix Platform has been updated, download the BMC Helix Platform SDK ZIP file (

  2. Make sure that you have Node.js version 12.13.0 and Yarn version v1.19.1 installed. If not, see To install Node.js.
  3. Development environment has changed to OpenJDK. To install OpenJDK, see .Setting up your IDE and installing BMC Helix Platform SDK v20.08.09
  4. Some Maven repositories may not be available over HTTP, so if your maven compilation fails due to the error, Return code is: 501 , ReasonPhrase:HTTPS Required, then add the following entry in the <mirrors> section in settings.xml file located in your <maven installation>/conf directory. For more information, see Creating a Project using Maven and the Archetype.

    <name>Maven Central Repository</name>
  5. Rename your current SDK folder to create a backup.
    For example, rename it to com.bmc.arsys.rx.sdk-20.08.09.BACKUP.
  6. At the location where you want to install the SDK, create a new SDK folder and extract the BMC Helix Platform SDK ZIP file (

  7. Add an environment variable, RX_SDK_HOME, that points to the sdk folder location.

  8. Find the .m2 folder (usually located in your user directory, such as %USERPROFILE%\.m2\repository\com\bmc on windows). Delete the arsys and rx folders located there.
  9. Install BMC Helix Platform SDK in your Maven repository by using the following commands:

    \com.bmc.arsys.rx.sdk-20.08.12> cd lib
    \com.bmc.arsys.rx.sdk-20.08.12\lib> mvn clean install
  10. Update the archetype-catalog.xml file to delete the earlier archetype versions (for example, 17.5.0) and ensure the archetype-catalog.xml has the archetype version as 20.08.12-SNAPSHOT.

    The archetype-catalog.xml file might be located at following locations:

    • .m2
    • .m2/repository

    For example: 

     <description>Rx SDK lib archetype</description>
     <description>Rx SDK simple archetype</description>

To upgrade your application or library

If your application/library has not been updated to 20.08.12 yet, please check the 20.08.12 upgrade steps. If you have upgraded your application or library to 20.08.12 SDK or created an application or a library by using the 20.08.12 SDK, then perform the steps given below:

  1. Change the rx-sdk version to 20.08.12 in the parent pom.xml file located in the project folder by using the following syntax: 
  2. Build, export, and deploy your application project.
    For example: 

    myproj> mvn clean install -Pexport -Pdeploy
  3. Verify that your application functions correctly.

Create a new dummy application or library by using the relevant maven archetype. For more information, see Creating a Project using Maven and the Archetype

You are not required to build the dummy application or library. The use of this application is only for temporary use and hence for this upgrade name the temporary application as TempApp and refer the original application as MyApp. The dummy application or library should have the same properties as the application or library you want to upgrade (same bundleId, same artefactId).


If you have any customizations to the build scripts created from an archetype, create a backup of MyApp\bundle folder. If you have any customization of the automation or ui-automation (especially the properties.config), do a backup of the MyApp\automation\properties.config and MyApp\ui-automation\properties.config files and reapply your customization or settings after the upgrade.

Modify the following files by using the TempApp application as a template:

  • In main pom.xml file,  copy the new property maven-clean-plugin.version under maven-bundle-plugin.version to the following value:

  • In the /bundle/package.json file, change the Lodash version to 4.17.20:
    "lodash": "4.17.20",
  • In the /bundle/pom.xml, search the command <artifactId>maven-clean-plugin</artifactId>, and add the following command:


Related topic

Known and corrected issues

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