This documentation supports the 20.08 version of BMC Helix Platform. 
To view an earlier version, select 20.02 from the Product version menu.

Troubleshooting BMC Helix Platform Foundation data sync utility for Remedy ITSM

As a Remedy IT Service Management (Remedy ITSM) and BMC Helix Platform user, you can leverage Foundation data from Remedy ITSM in BMC Helix Platform.

To ensure faster onboarding and engagement of users in your organization, you can load existing Foundation data from Remedy ITSM to BMC Helix Platform in bulk.


You are a customer of Remedy ITSM and have purchased applications developed on BMC Helix Platform, such as BMC Helix Chatbot.

You want to use Foundation data from Remedy ITSM in BMC Helix Chatbot to ensure faster onboarding of users in your organization as well as to maintain data integrity.

Step 1: Understand the Foundation data model of Remedy ITSM v/s BMC Helix Platform

The Foundation data model differs between Remedy ITSM and BMC Helix Platform. As a result, data corresponding to some Remedy ITSM Foundation data mappings are not loaded to BMC Helix Platform. For more information, see Foundation data load and synchronization considerations.

Step 2: Install the BMC Helix Platform sync utility for Remedy ITSM

Install the appropriate version of Remedy ITSM. All the Remedy ITSM versions starting from 9.1.03 are supported for loading Foundation data to BMC Helix Platform.

To load the Foundation data from Remedy ITSM to BMC Helix Platform you must prepare your system for data transfer. You must download the following predefined files in BMC Remedy Deployment Application (D2P package):

  1. Atrium Integrator jobs and transformations, forms, and filters—Loads and synchronizes Foundation data from Remedy ITSM.
  2. Synchronization plug-in—Automatically synchronizes any changes in Remedy ITSM Foundation data to BMC Helix Platform.

For more information, see Installing the BMC Helix Platform sync utility for Remedy ITSM.

Step 3: Setup a connection between Remedy ITSM and BMC Helix Platform to perform a data transfer

To ensure that Foundation data from Remedy ITSM is loaded to BMC Helix Innovation Studio, you must connect the repositories by specifying the source (Remedy ITSM) and target (BMC Helix Platform) Foundation library details in Remedy ITSM.

For more information, see Connecting the Foundation data repositories.


For SaaS customers, Step 2 and Step 3 is performed by  BMC SaaS Operations.


Before synchronizing Foundation data from Remedy ITSM to BMC Helix Platform, ensure that you do not create Foundation data manually in BMC Helix Platform with the same value as that in Remedy ITSM.

For example, if the login id Allen already exists in Remedy ITSM, then ensure that you do not create the same login id manually in BMC Helix Platform.

Step 4: Load the Foundation data

For more information, see Loading and verifying Remedy ITSM Foundation data.

When you run the first job it will create spreadsheets in Data Management Console in BMC Helix Innovation Studio.

Best practice

BMC recommends that you load one spreadsheet at a time, and you trigger the data load in the recommended sequence as mentioned in the Loading and verifying Remedy ITSM Foundation data.


Step 5: Load the Foundation Association data

For more information, see Loading and verifying Remedy ITSM Foundation associations.

When you run the second job it will create spreadsheets in Data Management Console in BMC Helix Innovation Studio.

Best practice

BMC recommends that you load one spreadsheet at a time, and you trigger the data load in the recommended sequence as mentioned in the Loading and verifying Remedy ITSM Foundation associations.

Step 6: Load and verify custom Foundation data (Applicable only if you want to load custom Foundation data)

For more information, see Loading and verifying custom Remedy ITSM Foundation data.

Step 7: Initial Load Confirmation to start auto synchronization of Remedy ITSM Foundation data

After you load the Foundation data and the associations from Remedy ITSM, this is the final step in the process of loading Foundation data from Remedy ITSM to BMC Helix Platform.

Any changes made to Remedy ITSM Foundation data should auto synchronize with BMC Helix Platform. The Foundation data, that is loaded from Remedy ITSM, is locked for editing and cannot be modified in BMC Helix Platform.

Troubleshooting common Foundation data sync issues:


ERROR (306) or ERROR (9146) found in Processed - Person spreadsheet and Transaction Audit form in BMC Helix Innovation Studio.

[ERROR (306): Value does not fall within the limits specified for the field; (Field ID - <123>, Maximum length - 30)]


[ERROR (9146): Password does not meet strength requirements. Passwords should include at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one numeric character, at least one special character from the list "~!@#$%^&*_-", and should be from 8 to 30 characters in length.]

Passwords are always migrated from Remedy ITSM to BMC Helix Platform.

If the password strength does not match the BMC Helix Platform guidelines, all associations to Person Foundation data will break in BMC Helix Platform.

You can choose to ignore the password policy enforcement in BMC Helix Platform by configuring the following setting in the Centralized Tenant Configuration of BMC Helix Innovation Studio:

Enforce-Password-Policy = F


Users status are showing as OFFLINE in BMC Helix Platform.

In BMC Helix Platform, a user status shows as OFFLINE when it is not associated with any Primary Organization.

In simple words, if the Organization (Company) field is blank in a user profile then user status will automatically set to offline.

Initial SYNC loads 2 sets of information:

  • Data (People, Organization, and so on)
  • Associations (Person to Company)

Only after all the associations are done, you will see the correct status of users.

Most of the users forget to run second job (Load and verify Foundation associations) and end up seeing OFFLINE status. For more information, see Loading and verifying Remedy ITSM Foundation associations.


Unable to establish successful connection between Remedy ITSM and BMC Helix Platform Foundation data sync utility for Remedy ITSM.

Error: Either: The connection to https:< appears unsuccessful with the user (, HTTP return
code 401 OR the Helix SYNC utility minimum required version is incompatible with the current utility version (ARWARN 51112)


Error: Either: The connection to https:< appears unsuccessful with the user (, HTTP return code of OR the Helix SYNC utility minimum required version is incompatible with the current utility version (ARWARN 51112)

Check the connectivity between Remedy ITSM and BMC Helix Platform.

  • If Remedy AR System and Remedy ITSM is installed in a Linux machine, then execute the following CURL command.
    >curl http://<IS Server Name>:<port>/com.bmc.arsys.rx.innovationstudio/index.html#/login -v
    The command should return HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    For example:

    [root@ARSERVER ~]# curl -v

    * About to connect() to company-tailoring-is port (#0)

    *   Trying

    * Connected to company-tailoring-is( port (#0)

    > GET /com.bmc.arsys.rx.innovationstudio/index.html HTTP/1.1

    > User-Agent: curl/7.29.0

    > Host:

    > Accept: */*

    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  • If Remedy AR System or Remedy ITSM is installed in a window machine, then use the POSTMAN client to call BMC Helix Platform and ensure it returns Status: 200 OK
    Install POSTMAN client in your windows BMC Remedy AR machine


Remedy ITSM Foundation data load or auto sync job is not working, and records are stuck in Unprocessed status.

  • Ensure that the connection between Remedy ITSM and BMC Helix Platform is successfully established.
    1. From Applications menu on the IT Home page, select Administrator Console > Application Administration Console.
    2. Select Custom Configuration > Foundation > Innovation Suite > Configure Foundation SYNC, and click Test Connection.

If connection is successfully established, and then check the following list:

  • Ensure that escalations are running in Remedy ITSM by manually running ISS:REG:FoundationSYNC_Job escalation.
  • Ensure that ISS:REG:FoundationSYNC_Job escalation is running in timely manner in Remedy ITSM.

The synchronization plug-in is scheduled to run at 12 AM daily so that the Foundation data changes synchronize every 24 hours.

If you want, you can change the synchronization interval time.

Best practice: BMC recommends that you can schedule the plug-in to run up to a maximum of four times per day. Synchronization operations are memory intensive.

Frequent synchronizations can affect server performance and increase synchronization errors.

  1. Start the BMC Remedy Developer Studio from BMC Remedy AR System server.
  2. Open the escalation ISS:REG:FoundationSYNC_Job.
  3. Specify the interval for executing the escalation. You can define the escalation to run at a specific time or at a specific interval.

Entries are stuck in Unprocessed status in Transaction Audit form in BMC Helix Innovation Studio.

In BMC Helix Platform, there are escalations or rules with various trigger events.

The rule SYNC Control in Foundation application is scheduled to trigger on interval of every 30 minutes on FoundationSYNC record definition.

What you see in Transaction Audit is same as what is present in FoundationSYNC record definition.

If you find the entries are stuck in the Transaction Audit form with Unprocessed status, then perform the following steps:

Important: You must perform the above step only when we need to run the transaction audits which are in errored or Info status.

    • Select an Unprocessed record in Transaction Audit form and click on Flag to Re-Process and wait for the rule or escalation SYNC Control to trigger again.
    • Make sure that escalations or rules are running in BMC Helix Platform by capturing the escalation logs.
    • Make sure the SYNC Control escalation or rule is running on a dedicated pool
      By default it is set to run in pool # 2 dedicated for this escalation.
    • Change the timing of rule or escalation to 3 minutes and check if it started triggering again.
      Important: You must work with BMC Support or BMC SaaS Operations to perform this task.
6.Foundation data load fails with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exceptions.

This error occurs due to insufficient Pentaho memory size.

  • Increase the Pentaho memory size in  BMC Remedy AR System server.
    (Windows)  ARSystemServerInstallDir \Conf\armonitor.cfg
    (UNIX)  /etc/arsystem/serverName/armonitor.conf
  • For diserver value, enter the Pentaho memory size that is required to load your Remedy ITSM Foundation data. The default Pentaho memory size is 1024.

Foundation data spreadsheet stuck in Queued status in Data Management Console in BMC Helix Innovation Studio.

This error could occur because of connection/ network issue in BMC Helix Platform or it could be related to one corrupted entry in spreadsheet.

You can perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Workspace > Data Management Console
  2. Select Data Load Files record definition, and click on Edit Data.
  3. Open the entry that is stuck in Queued status and change the status to New and blank the Message field.
  4. Enable the server.log file (API+SQL+Filter+process+Rule) in Debug mode and re-load the spreadsheet data.

    If the entry moves to Queued again status, then check the logs.

    In server.log file search with spreadsheet ID. (In Data Management Console, click on 3 dots in top right and add the ID column) and you will see something like below and if it is related to any specific entry then you will also see Row# of entry that is created problem.

    For example:

    <MSG: Data load processing of AGGIBRMCIKVRRAQH5ZTRQG8BEXXDCS job is queued on Admin server. Tenant is <customer name>

  5. Delete that entry or the record from the spreadsheet and re-load the spreadsheet and run it again.

Unable to load attachments with size more than 2 MB, in BMC Helix Platform.

  • Enabled developer tool (F12) logs and load an attachment.
  • Check if you see the below error:
    Error: 413 Request Entity Too Large.
  • Request BMC SaaS Operations to increase the attachment size limit in BMC Helix Platform.


Logs are the key to troubleshoot any issue. In case of Foundation data sync issues it requires process logs, filter, rule, SQL, API logs in one server.log file.

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