This documentation supports the 20.08 version of BMC Helix Platform. 
To view an earlier version, select 20.02 from the Product version menu.

Associating Organization data with other types of Foundation data

You can leverage the organization data and its association definitions to form a data model for your application. The Organization record definition stores data related to an organization such as the support organization, service provider, the consumer of those support services, a manufacturer of products that you use, a supplier of those products, departments within an organization, or another type of contact. 

You can associate the organization data with other types of organizations or other foundation data.

Before you begin

To associate Organization data

  1. Log in to BMC Helix Innovation Studio and navigate to the Administration tab. 
  2. Select Foundation Data Manage Organizations
  3. Select the Organization Name for which you want to create associations. 
  4.  On the Edit Organization page, click Advanced


    Only supported associations for the selected Organization type are displayed.

  5. Associate the Organization data by performing the steps indicated in the following table:

    Organization with People (If you want to associate an organization with employees or support agents).
    1. Click People.

      1. (If you want to associate the organization with employees) On the Employed By tab, select Add.
      2. (If you want to associate the organization with support agents) Click the Supporting Agents tab and click Add.
    2. From the list of employees or agents, select the check box corresponding the employees or customers that you want to associate the organization with.
      You can select only one check box at a time.

    3. Click Select.
    4. Click Cancel.
    Organization with Categories (Out of all the categories that you have, if you want to associate specific categories to this organization. The list of tier 1 categories are listed. When you associate an organization with tier 1 category, all child tier categories are visible in that organization).
    1. Click Categories and click Add.

    2. From the list of catgeories, select the check box corresponding the category that you want to associate with the organization.

    3. Click Select.
    4. Click Cancel.
    Organization with Sites (If you want to associate multiple sites created as a location of this organization).
    1. Click Sites and click Add.

    2. From the list of sites, select the check box corresponding the site that you want to associate the organization with.
      You can select only one check box at a time.

    3. Click Select.
    4. Click Cancel.
    Organization with Vendors and Manufacturers (If you want to associate vendors or manufacturers for this organization)
    1. Click Associated Organizations and click Add.

    2. From the list of vendors or manufacturers, select the check box corresponding to the vendor or manufacturer that you want to associate with the organization.
      You can select only one check box at a time.

    3. Click Select.
    4. Click Cancel.
  6. Click Close.

The Organization data model is now ready. You can proceed with creating associating Person, Categorization, Location, and Geography data. 

Related topics

Creating or modifying Foundation data associations

Associating Person data with other types of Foundation data

Leveraging Remedy ITSM Foundation data

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