Types of fields

A number of field types are supported in FootPrints version 12.1. In addition to those listed below, there are a number of fields created when containers and record definitions are created including the record ID or record number field which generates the unique record ID for each ticket, contact, and so on that is created in your databases.

Record number field restrictions

You cannot create the record number type of field, but you can customize the one created by the system. For more information, see Customizing ticket numbers and other record IDs.

The following field types are supported:

AssignmentAllows you to select users and/or teams who can be assigned to the item to which this field belongs.
BooleanAllows users to select one of two options, usually Yes or No.
CategoryAvailable only in knowledge bases and service portfolios. Allows you to create category trees for organizing solutions, services, and so on.
DateAllows users to select a date from the calendar.
Date-TimeAllows users to select a date and a time. Can be linked to the Calendar. Agents can select whether to link a ticket to the workspace calendar.
HyperlinkAccepts URL addresses (in the format http://server.name.com) and fully qualified FTP addresses (in the format ftp://ftp.sitename.com). Appears as a hypertext link on the Details page of a record (such as tickets, solutions, and so on).
ImageAccepts links to image files such as logos and icons.
IntegerAccepts long integers.
Multi-SelectAllows users to select multiple choices from a predefined list.
Quick Template

Available only for service items in service portfolios. Allows you to create a field in which you can select a quick template from related workspaces to create tickets from services in your service catalog.

Real NumberAccepts integers or decimal numbers. You set the number of digits accepted when you configure the field. The system validates the value entered in the field, checking for the number of digits and for invalid characters.
Rich TextAccepts content up to 2 GB. Allows users to use formatting tools when entering text and to insert images.
Single SelectAllows users to select one option from a set of options.
Simple TextAccepts up to 255 characters.
Text areaAccepts multiple lines of text up to 2 GB.
Work ScheduleAllows users to select from the work schedules defined for a system. This field type is used mostly with SLM.

For email address, FTP, and Web site fields, you can use a Hyperlink, Rich Text, Simple Text, or Text area field type and select Email, FTP or Website in the Validation field.

Format for Email type validation

When configuring a field, you can choose a validation method. The validation method ensures that when a value is entered in a field, the value conforms to the preconfigured format. For example, if you select Email as a validation option for a field, the value entered by a user must be in the valid email address format. For example, abc@example.com. If the value entered by a user does not match the preconfigured format, an error message is shown and the record is not saved. For example, asterisk (*) symbol is not allowed for email fields by the system, so if it is entered in field that has an active Email validation, an error message is displayed.

An email address contains the following components:

  • Username - A unique sequence of characters used to identify a user and allow access to the email messages. It is the part of an email address before the @ symbol. For example, in the john.smith@example.com email address, john.smith is the user name..
  • Domain name - A domain name locates an organization or other entity on the Internet. For example, in the john.smith@example.com email address, example is domain name.
  • Domain region - A domain region is generally used or reserved for a country, sovereign state, or dependent territory identified with a country code. For example, in the johnsmith@example.co.uk email address, uk is the domain region.

The following table contains information about the format for the email validation:


The separator in the following table refers to the separator used to add multiple email addresses to a single field.
For example,

  • abc@example.com;str@example.com
  • or abc@example.com,str@example.com
  • abc@example.com str@example.com.

(upper & lower case)
(0 to 9)
Single quote



Domain name(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(error)(tick)(error)(error)(error)
Domain region(tick)(tick)(tick)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)(error)

Related topics

Configuring fields

Built-in fields

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  1. Linda Kirkpatrick

    The "date" field type is not described here as another field type available.  

    Also, the "Quick Template" field type is not described correctly in this context.  The Quick Template field in this context allows you to create a field in which you can select a quick template from related workspaces to create tickets from services in your service catalog. 

    Apr 06, 2017 07:00
    1. Deval Faldu

      Thank you for your comment. We will check with the development team and update the topic.

      Warm Regards,

      Apr 07, 2017 09:05
    1. Deval Faldu

      Thank you for the feedback Linda. We have made the suggested changes in the topic. Do let us know in case of any other feedback.

      Warm Regards,

      Apr 13, 2017 12:53
  2. Jean Ad


    I want to understand what is the aim of the field type 'Work Schedule' for workspace?

    I am working on service analytics on 'Calculated Fields' like 'Time: Created to Closed', 'Time: Created to Responded'... and I created many system Work Schedules and in my Workspace I created a field type 'Work Schedule' that is selected depending on the country of the contact of my ticket.

    The problem that in service analytics, the chosen Work Schedule in the ticket is ignored and Times are not related to different Work Schedules of ticket contacts... so 'Time: Created to Closed', 'Time: Created to Responded'... ARE WRONG.

    Can you give us more details regarding the field type 'Work Schedule' that doesn't seem to work as expected as it works in Service Level Target.

    Oct 30, 2018 09:43
    1. Dottie Wood

      Hi, Jean. Someone from BMC Support should be contacting you shortly to help resolve this issue.

      Oct 31, 2018 01:03