Master Tickets and subtasks

Sometimes the task identified on a ticket must be divided into subtasks to manage the different parts of the task. You can create parent-to-child relationships between tickets to manage these tasks.

For example, numerous tasks must be accomplished when a new hire is performed. A Master task could be created for this purpose with several subtasks, such as acquiring a telephone or adding the new hire as a user to the network.

Before a Master Ticket can be closed, the subtasks must be completed. Business rules can be configured to either:

  • Close the Master Ticket automatically
  • Notify all individuals who are assigned to the Master Ticket that the subtasks have been closed and the Master Ticket is now ready to be closed manually.

For example, numerous tasks must be accomplished when a new hire is performed. A Master task could be created for this purpose with several subtask tickets, such as acquiring a telephone or adding the new hire as a user to the network. When the subtasks are completed, the Master Ticket could be closed.

Also, subtask tickets can be created individually and then linked to a Master Ticket.

Restrictions for Master Tickets and subtasks

Because the parent-child relationship between Master Tickets and subtasks sometimes reflects a complicated relationship with its own set of rules, the following restrictions apply to these ticket types:

  • Only two-level parent-to-child relationships are supported.
  • Nested subtasks are not supported. A subtask cannot be the Master Ticket of other subtasks.
  • Nested Master Tickets are not supported. A Master Ticket cannot become a subtask of another ticket.
  • Master Tickets cannot be linked to Global Tickets because both function as the top-level ticket in a linked group of tickets and nested linking of this type is not supported. Subtask tickets cannot be linked to Global Tickets because they are already linked to a Master Ticket, and conversely, tickets linked to a Global Ticket cannot be linked to Master Tickets.

The following video presentation provides information about the closing the master task when its subtask closes.

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