Allocating the Restructure Plan data set for the Prepare function

The Restructure Plan data set that is created by the Prepare function is used for input into the Shadow Initialization and Restructure functions.

This data set contains information that is required to perform the restructure of the original database into the shadow database. A separate Restructure Plan data set must be created for each database that is specified.

When processing the Prepare function, the Restructure Plan data set can be supplied in the JCL, or it can be accessed by using dynamic allocation.

  • For JCL allocation, you can supply the Restructure Plan data set DD statement in the JCL and then specify the DDNAME keyword with the PLAN_FILECTL subcommand.

  • For dynamic allocation, you can specify the DSNAME keyword with the PLAN_FILECTL subcommand. You can also use the DISP keyword to control the allocation and disposition of the data set. The DISP=USE status parameter indicates conditional allocation. If the data set does not exist, it is created (as if DISP=NEW had been specified). If the data set already exists, it is reallocated (as if DISP=OLD had been specified). If CATLG is specified, the normal and conditional parameters are changed from CATLG to KEEP. In addition to the DISP keyword, the following keywords can also be used to control the allocation of a data set:

    • AVGREC


    • EXPDT

    • LIKE


    • RETPD

    • SPACE


    • UNIT

    • VOLCNT

    • VOLSER

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