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Naming the secondary shadow area data set

In addition to creating a primary shadow area data set, BMC recommends that you create a secondary shadow area data set that can be used for backup and recovery purposes.

The secondary shadow data set is a copy of the primary shadow data set that is created during Restructure function processing. You must specify either the SHADOW2_DSNAME or SHADOW2_SUFFIX keyword to name the secondary shadow data set; the keywords are mutually exclusive.

The value for the SHADOW2_DSNAME or SHADOW2_SUFFIX keyword is written to the Restructure Plan data set. The secondary shadow area data set names that are defined in the Prepare function are processed by the Shadow Initialization and Restructure functions.


The SHADOW2_DSNAME keyword specifies a mask name for the secondary shadow data set name. There is no default value.

The secondary shadow data set name produced by the mask (after variable substitutions are performed) must conform to standard data set naming rules. It cannot contain a reference to a partitioned data set (PDS) member name. It can contain a reference to a generation data set group (GDG), with or without a relative generation number, such as '(+1)'.


The SHADOW2_SUFFIX keyword identifies the 1-character to 8-character suffix to be appended to the original area data set name to form the name of the secondary shadow area data set. There is no default value.

The combined length of the original area data set and the suffix (including the period used as the separator) cannot exceed 44 characters. This requirement applies to both the cluster name and the data component name.

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