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Getting started

The BMC Fast Path Online Restructure/EP product is an application enhancement tool that is included in the BMC Fast Path/EP Series of products.

The Fast Path/EP Series consists of the following products:

  • Fast Path Analyzer/EP

  • Fast Path Indexer/EP

  • Fast Path Online Analyzer/EP

  • Fast Path Online Image Copy/EP

  • Fast Path Online Reorg/EP

  • Fast Path Online Restructure/EP

  • Fast Path Reorg/EP

These products deliver a range of functions for reorganizing databases, managing spaces, and associating indexes with Fast Path databases.

With Fast Path Online Restructure/EP, you change the structure of a data entry database (DEDB) while the database is online to the IBM IMS system. After reading an area directly from DASD, the product writes the restructured DEDB directly to DASD. Writing directly to DASD can potentially reduce processing time and downtime.

This section contains the following topics:

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