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Allocating the secondary shadow area data set

If you defined a secondary shadow area data set on the PREPARE command (by specifying either the SHADOW2_DSNAME or SHADOW2_SUFFIX keyword), you must use the SHADOW_INIT command to allocate the secondary output area dynamically.

The SHADOW_INIT command allocates the secondary output area by using same allocation characteristics and space parameters that are used to allocate the primary output area (see Allocating the primary shadow area data set).

You must also specify one or more of the following additional space parameters on the ALLOCATE subcommand to allocate the secondary output area. If the additional space parameters are not specified, the secondary output area will not be allocated.





Like the primary output area, the Shadow Initialization function also performs the IDCAMS delete/define on the secondary output area.


You cannot use JCL to allocate the secondary output area; the Shadow Initialization function always uses dynamic allocation to allocate the data set.

For more information about the keywords that are available with the SHADOW_INIT command and the ALLOCATE subcommand, see SHADOW_INIT documentation Open link  and ALLOCATE documentation Open link .

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