Use the REPORT_DDNAME keyword to specify the destination ddname(s) for one or more reports requested with the associated subcommand.

You can use the JCL parameters on the referenced DD statement(s) to place report(s) on tape, disk, or another storage medium. If the JCL does not contain a DD statement(s) with the referenced ddname(s), an error message is issued.


Multiple report sets will be written to the same DD statement if the ddname is used on more than one command or if multiple areas are being reported. The DD statement referenced will be OPENed and CLOSEd for each report set that is written to it. If more than one report set will be written to the DD statement, DISP=MOD must be used to ensure that all reports are available.

The output data set must be a sequential data set. The record format (RECFM) can specify fixed or variable length records, blocked or unblocked, and can include ANSI carriage control. The logical record length (LRECL) can be any length. If an output record exceeds the LRECL, the record is truncated. If an output record is shorter than the LRECL, the record is padded with trailing blanks. The block size (BLKSIZE) can be any value that is appropriate for the LRECL and RECFM.

If you specify ANSI carriage control, a control character is generated for each logical record. If you do not specify ANSI carriage control, the Fast Path/EP product generates blank lines to simulate any carriage control function requested.

The following DCB characteristics are recommended:



REPORT_DDNAME is an optional keyword for the following subcommands:




REPORT_DDNAME=(parameter[, parameter ...])


Specify a 1-character to 8-character ddname of a JCL statement, or an asterisk (*) to request dynamic allocation of a SYSOUT=* data set.





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