Prerequisites (2019 Release 03)

Before installing or upgrading FootPrints, you must deploy the following applications on your FootPrints Server environment:

  • Apache Tomcat 8.5
  • Java OpenJDK 12 or OpenJDK 13


If you are upgrading from releases earlier than FootPrints 2018 Release 03, you must reconfigure the following default ports of Tomcat 7 in the server.xml file to some other port numbers:

  • Port 8080
  • Port 8005
  • Port 8009

Tomcat 8 uses these port numbers for FootPrints 2019 Release 03.

This topic describes the steps that you need to perform before you start upgrading to or installing FootPrints 2019 Release 03 depending on your OS installation.

For Microsoft Windows installations

If you have Windows installed, perform the following steps:

  1. Install OpenJDK 12 or OpenJDK 13.


    • (2019 Release 03 and later) FootPrints does not support OpenJDK 11.
    • The default Java installations that are a part of the operating system might not include all the functionality required to run FootPrints. You must download and install Java even if it was already a part of the operating system.
  2. Extract and copy the jdk folder into the Program files folder. For example, C:\Program Files\Java.

  3. Install and configure Tomcat 8.5:
    1. Download Tomcat 8.5 from the Apache Tomcat website.
    2. Go to the Tomcat installation folder. For example, C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\bin.
    3. Start the Tomcat Service Wrapper (Tomcat8w.exe).
    4. From C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-<version>\bin\server\jvm.dll, select JVM.
      When updating the Tomcat Service Wrapper, see the following figure:
    5. Open a command window with admin rights and run the following commands to set the JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables to point to the correct Java version:

      setx -m JAVA_HOME "C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk-<version>"
      setx -m PATH "%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin";


      • Use the appropriate version in the command in accordance with your jdk version.
      • The setx -m PATH command does not work correctly if the PATH has more than 1,024 characters.

For Red Hat Linux installations

If you have Linux installed, perform the following steps:

  1. Install OpenJDK 12 or OpenJDK 13.


    • (2019 Release 03 and later) FootPrints does not support OpenJDK 11.
    • The default Java installations that are a part of the operating system might not include all the functionality required to run FootPrints. You must download and install Java even if it was already a part of the operating system.
  2. Extract and copy the jdk folder. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable in Linux, where the JAVA plus HOME value is the path extracted in the previous step.


    export JAVA_HOME                   
    export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin    


    Use the appropriate version in the command in accordance with your jdk version.

  3. In the terminal, enter the command echo $JAVA_HOME to check whether the environment variable is set correctly. The command must return the OpenJDK 12 or the OpenJDK 13 path.


    If the command does not return the correct OpenJDK path, restart the machine.

  4. Install and configure Tomcat 8.5:
    1. Download Tomcat 8.5 from the Apache Tomcat website.
    2. Go to Tomcat 8.5 bin directory (/tomcat8.5/bin).
    3. Create a file or open the file if it already exists.
    4. Add the following lines in the file:

      export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk-<version>
      export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Xms2048m" 
      export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Xmx8192m"
      export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
      export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"


      Use the appropriate version in the command in accordance with your OpenJDK version.

  5. If FootPrints is not started via Tomcat 8.5 and Tomcat logs contain an error related to cxf, add the following line in the file:

    export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dorg.apache.cxf.stax.allowInsecureParser=1"

Extracting or decrypting the installer

FootPrints 2019 Release 03 installer is password protected.

  1. Download the Windows installer.
  2. Use 7-zip or winrar to extract the contents of the installer.
  3. When the password window appears, enter fp2019r3.
    The data is extracted.
  1. Download the installer to a directory.
  2. Start the terminal.
  3. Go to the directory where you had copied the installer.
  4. Type gpg in the terminal and press Enter.
    This verifies that the machine is running the gpg module.
  5. Type the following command:
    gpg -d <footprintsInstallerName>.tar.gz.gpg | tar zxvf –
  6. When prompted for password, enter fp2019r3.
    The data is extracted.

For more detailed instructions, see Knowledge Article 166012 Open link .

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  1. John Ossmann

    This statement: "FootPrints does not support OpenJDK 11" should be changed to read "FootPrints 20.19.03 and later does not support OpenJDK 11".

    FootPrints 20.19.01 and 20.19.02 DID support it. Not every customer will be immediately upgrading to 20.19.03.

    Dec 22, 2019 07:06
    1. Dov Kaiser

      Hi, John. Thanks for contacting us. We have updated this topic in light of your comment.

      Dec 24, 2019 12:36
  2. Cristy Castano

    Also, the way the readme instructions have the users set the path to the Java_Home is not correct - it should be this way:

    setx -m PATH "%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%"

    where the JAVA_HOME is at the beginning of the line and not at the end.

    and CMD must be launched / Run as an ADMINISTRATOR.

    Jan 29, 2020 11:17
    1. Dottie Wood

      Hi, Cristy. Thanks for your input! We have forwarded it to the team that is in charge of this content. 

      Jan 30, 2020 09:03
    1. Dov Kaiser

      Hi, Cristy.

      You commented on the command displayed in step 3.e. under "For Microsoft Windows installations," The team responsible for this content has confirmed that "%JAVA_HOME%\bin" should come at the end of the line, as currently displayed. This ensures that the newer JAVA_HOME reference is always used, and you do not need to update older path references for each new PATH variable.

      You are correct that the command window must be run with administrator rights. This is stated at the beginning of step 3.e.

      Feb 13, 2020 04:32
  3. Elaine Duggan

    JDK13 do not include the most up to date security vulnerability fixes and are no longer recommended for use in production. can JDK14 be used?


    Apr 20, 2020 09:46
    1. Dov Kaiser

      Hi, Elaine. Thanks for contacting us! We have forwarded your input to the writer who is responsible for this content.

      Apr 21, 2020 01:49
      1. Frederic Jouannet

        Hello, any updates on Elaine's initial question? Thanks.

        May 18, 2020 03:26
        1. Dov Kaiser

          Hi, Frederic. Thanks for your question. The product team has confirmed that FootPrints 2019 R3 does not support JDK14, and nor will FootPrints 2020 R1.

          May 18, 2020 06:59