Obtaining a copy of submitted job JCL

The JCLCOPY feature provides the ability to obtain a copy of the JCL for all submitted jobs (for Fast Path Recovery Utility and full-function database Batch Backout) and other possible error situations (such as MSDB Maintenance, Log Recovery). The JCL can be used in error recovery situations.

The JCL is saved in a partitioned data set referred to by the ddname JCLCOPY. If the JCLCOPY DD statement is not present or does not refer to a partitioned data set, this feature is disabled. The base source members are copied from members of the partitioned data set referred to by the RCFJCL DD. The names of members created in the JCLCOPY library are identified in message RCF4035I. A list of source members and the output members are provided in following table.

Source member

Output member




One member is stored for each PSB to be backed out. The psbname is used for the output member name.



One member is stored for each FRU2 job submitted. The variable n represents a value from A to Z or 0 to 9.



If a log recovery is required, a new member is written reflecting the log being closed.



If the MSDBINIT is being recovered or unloaded, a new member is written reflecting the OLDS or SLDSs used.

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