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  1. Configuring CI Types as services to enhance service monitoring capabilities

    As a service specialist operator, monitoring a large number of services and different types of services can be a complex and tedious task. The ability to monitor services from the TrueSight console enables you to manage and monitor these services in your infrastructure environment. The TrueSight console enables you to
  2. 11.3.04 enhancements

    _solutionName version 11.3.04 provides the following enhancements and changes: The _tsimComponentoperator console is no longer supported. The _tsConsole, a component of _tspsComponent, is the replacement for the operator console. For more information on the _tsConsole enhancements in 11.3.04, see Installation
  3. 20.02 enhancements

    This topic provides information about the enhancements introduced in PATROL Agent version 20.02. Usability improvements PSL function to verify localhost … 15 For more information, see System requirements. release_notes features version_11_3_02 version_20_02 version_20_02_00 enhancements version_21_02_00
    BMC PATROL Agent 20.02Jul 23, 2020
  4. 11.3.04 enhancements

    _tspsComponent 11.3.04 provides the following enhancements: The _tsimComponent operator console is no longer supported. The _tsConsole, a component of _tspsComponent, is the replacement for the operator console. For more information on the _tsConsole enhancements in 11.3.04, see Authentication and authorization
  5. 11.3.04 enhancements

    _tsimComponent 11.3.04 provides the following enhancements: The _tsimComponent operator console is no longer supported. The _tsConsole, a component of _tspsComponent, is the replacement for the operator console. For more information on the _tsConsole enhancements in 11.3.04, see Operator console workflows available
  6. 11.3.01 enhancements

      _tsitdaComponentversion 11.3.01 offers the following key features and enhancements: Known and corrected issues Getting started Long-term data retention Data Archive.png Archiving data The Archiving and restoring data features have been added to _tsitdaComponent 11.3.01. You can archive data to external
  7. Enhancing the PATROL Agent data security in TrueSight Operations Management

    Starting from TrueSight Operations Management 10.7 release, you can enhance the PATROL data security by encrypting it with customized installation specific keys exchanged through the key exchange process between the TrueSight Presentation Server and the PATROL Agent. The PATROL Agent data that can be secured through
  8. Metrics and Thresholds Pearl enhancements (1).png

  9. Re: System requirements

    fullah The 20.08 version of the Patrol Agent was released in September. Under the Enhancements section of the Release Notes 20.08 enhancements you will find that CentOS 7.7 and 8.0 are supported on the 20.08 Version of the Patrol
  10. TSOM.pdf

    Personalized delivery of your OnDemand service Providing enhanced proactive product support through designated specialist resources Performing application … Executive Sponsor Premier Advanced  Highest level of technical support  Providing a proactive BMC Support experience and enhanced SLAs  Hosted lab