Adding truststore details for enabling Chat Bot in TLS(SSL) environment with CA certificates

For the SupportBotPlugin to receive responses to HTTP requests sent to eschat and ProgramD web applications hosted by Apache Tomcat, you must manually add the truststore file information in the BMC Remedy Action Request System (BMC Remedy AR System) Plug-in server. This is required only when the BMC Remedy AR System server and Virtual Chat are installed in a TLS/SSL environment with CA certificates.


This procedure does not apply if the environment has self-signed certificates.

SupportBotPlugin issues HTTP requests that are specified in the configuration entries at Virtual Agent Administration Console > Virtual Agent Queries.

Before you begin

  • Ensure the appropriate hotfix is installed for the Virtual Chat version:
    • BMC Virtual Chat version 9.1.02 - VC_910200_2017FEB22_CU_ALL
    • BMC Virtual Chat version 9.1.01 - VC_910100_2017JAN05_CU_ALL
  • Ensure the truststore file that contains the Apache Tomcat trusted SSL certificates signed by CA is located on the BMC Remedy AR System server file system.
  • Ensure you have a trustStorePassword.
  • As a Virtual Chat administrator, you must have edit permissions for the BMC Remedy AR System server and BMC Remedy AR Plug-in server files.
  • Ensure that the Tomcat servers hosting BMC Virtual Chat (eschat and ProgramD web applications) are running.
  • The server.xml file on each Apache Tomcat server contains the connector configured to use SSL certificates (SSLEnabled="true") and the keystoreFile and keystorePass are specified.

To add the truststore file information in the AR System Plug-in server

  1. Stop the BMC Remedy AR System server.
  2. Open the armonitor configuration file located at:
    • Windows: ARSystemServerInstallDir\Conf\armonitor.cfg
    • UNIX: /etc/arsystem/serverName/armonitor.conf


      For more information about the file, see armonitor.conf or armonitor.cfg Open link

  3. Find the line which contains com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.ARPluginServerMain. It contains parameters for BMC Remedy AR System Plug-in server start.
  4. Locate the string -Xmx512m in this line and add the trustStore file path and trustStorePassword. 

    "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111\bin\java"
    -Xmx512m\DIR\trustStore.jks -classpath
    "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\pluginsvr;
    C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\pluginsvr\arpluginsvr91_build001.jar;
    C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\approval\bin\armaskingImpl91_build001.jar;
    C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\arserver\api\lib\arcmnapp91_build001.jar" 
    -x clm-aus-014435 -i "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem" -m
  5. Save the file and start the BMC Remedy AR System server.

To test the configuration

  1. Open the Self Service Portal.

  2. Enter the question: Do you like pizza?
    The response should be Yes I like to eat pizza. My favorite topping is pepperoni. 
    If it contains an error, then the BMC Remedy AR System Plug-in server is not configured properly. There might be an incorrect trustStore file or password for it, or the trustStore file does not contain certificates trusted by Apache Tomcat which hosts eschat and ProgramD.

To enable logging for SupportBotPlugin

  1. Stop the BMC Remedy AR System server.
  2. To enable the SupportBotPlugin logging add the following lines to the ...\BMC Software\ARSystem\pluginsvr\log4j_pluginsvr.xml file on the BMC Remedy AR System server. 

    <appender class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender" name="SupportBotPluginLog">
    	<param name="File" value="C:/Program Files/BMC 
    	<param name="MaxFileSize" value="5MB"/>
    	<param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="10"/>
    	<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
    		<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %-5p [%t] %C (%F:%L) - %m%n"/>
    <logger additivity="false" name="">
    	<level value="debug"/>
    	<appender-ref ref="SupportBotPluginLog"/>


    You need to refer to the SupportBotPlugin.log file location because the VC_SupportBotPlugin_SearchLocation_out.log file is generated at the same location.

  3. Enable SSL logging for the AR System Plug-in server:
    1. Open the armonitor configuration file.
    2. Find the line which contains com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.ARPluginServerMain.
      It contains parameters for BMC Remedy AR System Plug-in server start.
    3. Locate the string -Xmx512m in this line and add

      "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111\bin\java" 
      -classpath "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\pluginsvr; 
      C:\Program Files\BMC 
      C:\Program Files\BMC 
      C:\Program Files\BMC 
      com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.ARPluginServerMain -x 
      clm-aus-014435 -i "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem" -m
  4. Save the file and start the BMC Remedy AR System server.
  5. Open the Self Service Portal.
  6. Enter the question: Do you like pizza? 
  7. Look for a generated VC_SupportBotPlugin_SearchLocation_out.log file with the SSL connection logging in the same directory where VC_SupportBotPlugin.log is located. 
  8. If you cannot find the file, stop the BMC Remedy AR System Plug-in server and look again for the file. If you are unable to find it, verify that you configured the previous steps properly.  

To test ProgramD

The ProgramD web application is a Chat Bot that answers common questions from the users. To test it, perform the following steps:

  1. In a web browser, enter the following URL:
    http://midTierServer:8080/programd/?qry=do you like pizza
    The response should be: Yes I like to eat pizza. My favorite topping is pepperoni. 

Related topic

Configuring the virtual agent chatbot engine query

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