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When you chat with a virtual agent, you can look at the history of your current chat session. 

  • In 8.1.02 and later, scroll up in the chat window to view previous questions and responses.

  • In 8.1.01 and earlier, only the last question and response are shown in the chat area of the portal. To display the entire chat dialog, select the Show Chat Log check box at the bottom of the portal. If the chat log is long, scroll bars appear so that you can view the entire log.

    ssp show chat log  

To keep a copy of the chat log for your records, you can send a copy of the chat log to yourself via email.

To send the chat log

  1. Click the Email Chat link at the bottom of the portal.8.1.02 and later:
    new ssp send chat log

    8.1.01 and earlier: 
    ssp email chat log

  2. In the pop-up window, confirm the email address or type a new one, and then click Send.
    The chat log is sent to the specified email address.