Preparing to install

Where you are in the Installation process

1.Complete the planning activities

Prepare for installation (You are here)


Install TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse.


Complete the post-installation activities.

Before installing TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse, ensure that you complete the tasks described in this section:

Preinstallation tasks on Windows

Do the following:

    • Ensure that your environment meets the requirements given in the Planning section.
    • Ensure that you have downloaded the TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse installation files from the BMC Electronic Product Distribution (EPD) location: TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse Open link
    • Ensure that:

      • You have installed TrueSight Server Automation 8.9.x.

      • You have set up TrueSight Server Automation databases for every instance, which are referred as sites, from where you want to collect data for reporting and analysis.
      • You have at least one site. If there are multiple sites, the site that is added first acts as the primary site, where users have TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse administrative privileges. Ensure that at least one user have the GlobalReportAdmins role in the primary site. For more information, see:
        • Roles and report access in multi-site environments Open link

        • Managing access Open link

    • Ensure that the short name, 8dot3 name, behavior is enabled on the server where TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse will be installed.

      1. Open a command prompt.
      2. Enter the following command:

        fsutil behavior query disable8dot3

        If the short name (8dot3 name) behavior is enabled, the output is disable8dot=0.
        If the short name (8dot3 name) behavior is disabled, the output is disable8dot=1. To enable the short name (8dot3 name) behavior, do the following:

        1. Enter the following command:

          fsutil behavior set disable8dot3 0

        2. Restart the Windows server.

    • Install the Network Shell version 8.9 or later and Remote System Call Daemon (RSCD) Agent on the server where TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse will be installed.
      For more information, see 

      • Installing an RSCD agent (Windows) Open link
      • Installing only the Network Shell (Windows) Open link
    • Ensure that you have disabled the NSH proxy on the reports server to avoid failure during upgrade. To disable the NSH proxy, run the following command on the NSH client:

      secadmin -m default -p 5 -appserver_protocol clear -T encryption_only -e tls

      This command removes the appserver_protocol=ssoproxy entry from the default line in the secure file (in the rsc folder).


      After the upgrade completes, remember to add this entry back into the secure file. Use the following command to add the entry:

      secadmin -m default -p 5 -appserver_protocol ssoproxy

    • Ensure that the TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse database and the TrueSight Server Automation database are of the same type. For example, both the databases must be Oracle or SQL Server. Their versions can be different.

    • Ensure that multiple schemas of TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouseare on separate database instances. For example, TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse schemas for staging and production environments must be on separate database instances.

    • TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse must be installed on a separate server than the TrueSight Server Automation application server.
    • (Microsoft Windows 2012 R2) Ensure that you have the following patches installed on the server where you want to install TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse. These are required as a prerequisite for installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 as part of TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse installation:

      • KB2919442 Open link (Required for 2919355)
      • KB2919355 Open link This patch requires the following patches, which are available on the download page for KB2919355 Open link :
        clearcompressionflag.exe, KB2919355, KB2932046, KB2959977, KB2937592, KB2938439, and KB2934018.
        For more information about the prerequisites for Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3, refer to the Microsoft documentation here Open link .
    • If you are deploying with the SQL Server database, ensure that:

      • You install the bcp utility on the server where you want to install TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse. For more information, see  bcp utility Open link . Before installation, ensure that the Microsoft SQL Server path is set in the Windows PATH variable. For example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn

        If you want to install TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse on the server where BMC Decision Support for Server Automation is already installed, you can use the bcp utility from the existing Microsoft SQL client installation.

      • You have set up the SQL Server databases. For more information, see Setting up the databases
    • If you are deploying with the Oracle database, ensure that:

      • You have an Oracle 32-bit or Oracle 64-bit client software on the server where you want to install TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse. 

      • You select the Administrator installation type when you are installing the Oracle 32-bit or Oracle 64-bit client.

      • The ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the Oracle client installation path.

      • You have set up the Oracle database. For more information, see Setting up the databases. Open link .

Preinstallation tasks on Linux

Note: Deployment notes for Linux

  • You can install TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse on Linux only for deployments with an Oracle database.
  • You can install the product only as a root user. Non-root user installation and Console mode installation is not supported.

Do the following:

  • Ensure that your environment meets the requirements given in the Planning section.
  • Ensure that you have downloaded the TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse installation files from the BMC Electronic Product Distribution (EPD) location: TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse Open link
  • Ensure that:

    • You have installed TrueSight Server Automation 8.9.x.

    • You have set up TrueSight Server Automation databases for every instance, which are referred as sites, from where you want to collect data for reporting and analysis.
    • You have at least one site. If there are multiple sites, the site that is added first acts as the primary site, where users have TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse administrative privileges. Ensure that at least one user have the GlobalReportAdmins role in the primary site. For more information, see:
      • Roles and report access in multi-site environments Open link

      • Managing access Open link

  • Install the Remote System Call Daemon (RSCD) agent and Network Shell version 8.9 or later on the server where TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse will be installed.

    • For shell-based installers, use the instructions in Installing the RSCD agent and Network Shell (Linux and UNIX) Open link
    • For native installers, use the instructions in Using RPM to install NSH or the RSCD agent Open link .
  • Ensure that you have disabled the NSH proxy on the reports server to avoid failure during upgrade. To disable the NSH proxy, run the following command on the NSH client:

    secadmin -m default -p 5 -appserver_protocol clear -T encryption_only -e tls

    This command removes the appserver_protocol=ssoproxy entry from the default line in the secure file (in the rsc folder).


    After the upgrade completes, remember to add this entry back into the secure file. Use the following command to add the entry:

    secadmin -m default -p 5 -appserver_protocol ssoproxy 

  • Ensure that the TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse database and the TrueSight Server Automation database are Oracle database. Their versions can be different. 
  • Ensure that multiple schemas of TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouseare on separate database instances. For example, TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse schemas for staging and production environments must be on separate database instances.
  • TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse must be installed on a separate server than the TrueSight Server Automation application server.
  • Ensure the following:
    • You have an Oracle 32-bit or Oracle 64-bit client software on the server where you want to install TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse. 

    • You select the Administrator installation type when you are installing the Oracle 32-bit or Oracle 64-bit client.

    • The ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the Oracle client installation path.

    • You have set up the Oracle database. For more information, see Setting up the databases. Open link .
  •  Ensure that you install the product from a computer where X server is installed. Do the following:
    1. Start the X server software.
    2. Configure the security settings of the X server software to permit remote hosts to display X applications on the local system.

    3. Connect to the remote system where you want to install the product and start a terminal session on that system, for example, an X terminal (xterm).

  • Ensure that the user file creation mask, also called umask, is set to 022 for a UNIX user before installation. This setting prevents the potential permission-related issues in accessing the files that are needed to start or stop services on Linux systems.
    To set umask, run the following command as a root user in the same terminal session where you plan to invoke the installation program: set umask 022

Next step in the Installation process

After completing the pre-installation tasks, the next step in installation process is to install TrueSight Server Automation - Data Warehouse by using one of the following options:

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  1. Matthew Ragland

    The Installing using the wizard & Installing silently links yield a "Page Not Found" error

    Aug 23, 2019 10:02
    1. Mukta Kirloskar

      Hello Matthew,

      Can you please try again? These errors should not recur.

      Thanks you.

      Aug 27, 2019 05:09
      1. Matthew Ragland

        This links are still broken, please check and fix them. They are pointing to this URL:

        There are many links within the tssrsa documentation that point to tssadwmaster which all yield "Page Not Found"

        Feb 20, 2020 09:16
  2. Carlos Schapiro (tdi)

    Hi I am getting the same message as Matthew. Full message The requested URL /expc/ was not found on this server.

    Nov 19, 2019 03:10
    1. Mukta Kirloskar


      We have change  the links. 

      Thank you!

      Nov 21, 2019 05:16
  3. Rajesh Joshi

    The Installing using the wizard & Installing silently links still yield a "Page Not Found" error

    Feb 20, 2020 10:45
    1. Bipin Inamdar

      Hi Rajesh,

      Thanks for the feedback. The links are fixed now.


      Bipin Inamdar

      Feb 23, 2020 11:14