Changing and configuring the keystore password

This CLI execution is not supported from a remote computer.

Do the following to change and configure the keystore password:

  1. Run the following commands in the given order to change the TSR.keystore file password and the TSR private key password:
    1. keytool -storepasswd -new <new password> -keystore "<installed_location>/appserver/conf/tsr.keystore" -storepass <current password>

    2. keytool -keypasswd -alias smartreporting -keypass <current password> -new <new password> -keystore "<installed_location>/appserver/conf/tsr.keystore" -storepass <new password>

  2. Navigate to the <TrueSight Smart Reporting - Platform installation directory>/utilities/cli directory and run the following command to configure the keystore password.


    TSR.bat configurekeystorepassword -d <HostName> -p <PortNumber> -u <TssrAdminUserName> -w <TssrAdminUserPassword> -cp <CurrentKeystorePassword> -np <NewKeystorePassword> -s


    ./ configurekeystorepassword -d <HostName> -p <PortNumber> -u <TssrAdminUserName> -w <TssrAdminUserPassword> -cp <CurrentKeystorePassword> -np <NewKeystorePassword> -s


    configurekeystorepassword -d <HostName> -p <PortNumber> -u <TssrAdminUserName> -w <TssrAdminUserPassword> -cp <CurrentKeystorePassword> -np <NewKeystorePassword> -s

    where angle brackets (< >) indicate a user-defined variable value.




    The current keystore password.

    Host name of the TrueSight Smart Reporting - Platform server.

    -npThe new keystore password

    Port number of the TrueSight Smart Reporting - Platform server.

    -sThe HTTP secure protocol.

    The TrueSight Smart Reporting - Platform administrator user name.


    The TrueSight Smart Reporting - Platform administrator password.

  3. Restart the TrueSight Smart Reporting - Platform service.

Example inputs for configuring the keystore password

The following example provides the input to configure the keystore password:


TSR.bat configurekeystorepassword -d localhost -p 8443 -u tssradmin -w admin12345 -cp password1234 -np password6789 -s


./ configurekeystorepassword -d localhost -p 8443 -u tssradmin -w admin12345 -cp password1234 -np password6789 -s

Add note that all below steps needs to be done on local tssr only and not on remote. Or just mention that, this CLI execution is not supported from remote location.

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  1. Greg Michael

    I'd suggest making this line a "Note" or a "Warning" box. At a minimum it should be emboldened.

    This CLI execution is not supported from a remote computer.

    Oct 29, 2021 09:20