Frequently asked questions

This section answers some frequently asked questions about TrueSight Smart Reporting.

To read frequently asked questions about TrueSight Operations Management Reporting, see  Frequently asked questions. Open link

TrueSight Smart Reporting licensing

Is TrueSight Smart Reporting included in perpetual licenses?

Yes. However, you must download the license file from the Electronic Product Distribution (EPD) website. For more information, see this knowledge article Open link .

Do I require a license key for TrueSight Smart Reporting?

The TrueSight Smart Reporting license key is included in the TrueSight Smart Reporting installer. However, if the license expires, you must manually install a new license. For instructions on installing a new license, see  this knowledge article Open link .

Can I integrate TrueSight Smart Reporting with other data sources, or must I integrate it only with TrueSight Operations Management?

No. The TrueSight Smart Reporting license terms allow you to generate reports with the data gathered by the Report Engine. You cannot integrate TrueSight Smart Reporting directly with external data sources such as Microsoft Excel, CSV, or XMS files, or with any other databases.

Platform administration

Does TrueSight Smart Reporting support the disaster recovery mode or a high-availability architecture?

No. TrueSight Smart Reporting does not support the disaster recovery mode or a high-availability architecture.

Can I use existing an existing application of Yellowfin, for example Remedy Smart Reporting, for TrueSight Smart Reporting?

No. You must use the Yellowfin application that is provided in TrueSight Smart Reporting because:

  • TrueSight Smart Reporting integrates with TrueSight Presentation Server, and you can use TrueSight Smart Reporting only when you add it as a component in the TrueSight console.
  • TrueSight Smart Reporting has TrueSight Presentation Server web services installed to communicate with the TrueSight Presentation Server.

Report Administration

How do I migrate Reports from BMC Reporting Foundation to TrueSight Smart Reporting?

BMC Reporting Foundation 4.1 reports cannot be migrated to TrueSight Smart Reporting. You can create new reports in TrueSight Smart Reporting.

How many out-of-the-box reports does TrueSight Smart Reporting provide?

TrueSight Smart Reporting provides 1 sample report - the Server Health Report.

How can I promote a report from one environment to another?

The reporting administrator can export and import reports and other definitions by using an XML-based import-export feature available inTrueSight Smart Reporting.

Can I export report data in the XML format so that it could be consumed by a third-party integration?

No. TrueSight Smart Reporting does not support exporting the report data into XML format. You can export only the report definition into the XML format, which may The reporting administrator can export and import reports and other definitions by using an XML-based import-export feature available inTrueSight Smart Reporting, which may not be compatible with other tools. When you export reports to other formats such as CSV, Excel, and PDF, the reports contain the report data and not the report definition.

Can I create a template for report formatting settings and reuse it for other reports?

Administrators can set format settings at the server level that apply to all reports by default. Currently, there is no concept of a template for report formatting.

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