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This topic provides information to enable tracing for SNMP event adapters.

To enable SNMP trap tracing for all adapters

Update the following settings in the default section of mcxa.conf.

TraceFile              = mcxa.trace

TraceLevel             = 6

TraceSizeMax           = 1000000

TraceSizePeriod        = 10

TraceFileCount         = 10

For more details about these settings, see BMC Event Adapter User Guide.

The trace levels are as follows:

  • 0 – disables all traces
  • 1 – header messages
  • 2 – fatal messages
  • 3 – major errors
  • 4 – minor errors
  • 5 – normal output
  • 6 – verbose output

For debugging purposes, use TraceLevel = 6.

To revert to the defaults, comment these lines out by preceding each line with #

The mcxa.* trace files are created in  installationDirectory/pw/server/tmp/adapters/

Restart the BMC Event Adapter for the logging changes to take effect.

To enable SNMPv3 trap tracing

Update the following settings in the SnmpV3 section of mcxa.conf.

SnmpTraceLevel = 7
SnmpTraceFileCount = 10
SnmpTraceFileSize =  1000000 

For debugging purposes, use SnmpTraceLevel = 7

The ESNMP.log trace files are created in installationDirectory/pw/server/tmp/adapters/