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This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.

  1. On Central Server, in installationDirectory\pw\custom\conf\pronet.conf change the following properties:
    For multi-server environment change:
    For single-server environment change:
  2. In installationDirectory \pw\pronto\conf\CloudAdapter.xml update the bppmCentralHost and bppmCentralPortproperties:

        <value>{bppmCentralHost} (Host name of BPPM central server)</value>
        <value>{bppmCentralPort} (BPPM Port Default is 80)</value>
  3. In C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ProactiveNet\pw\pronto\conf\CLMAdapter.xmlupdate:

    <clm-password password="{clmAdminPassword}"encrypted="false"/>
  4. Restart the Infrastructure Management server using the command pw sys start.

To register Infrastructure Management Child server to an existing Central server:

Run the pw configwsroles command from the Infrastructure Management Child server.
For more information on the pw configwsroles command, see pw configwsroles.