Documentation update


To provide a better user experience, we have now created a separate documentation space for BMC Helix Automation Console (previously called BMC Helix Vulnerability Management).
Users of BMC Helix Automation Console can find the latest documentation at BMC Helix Automation Console. Open link .

Working with assets

This topic provides instructions on viewing and exporting a list of assets (servers or network devices) depending on the endpoint manager, TrueSight Server Automation or TrueSight Network Automation. Starting 21.02.01, TrueSight Automation Console also supports TrueSight Network Automation as an endpoint manager.
It also provides instructions on mapping assets to endpoints in the endpoint manager, and adding tags. 

To learn more about assets, see Assets

Viewing and exporting managed assets

On Assets > Managed Assets page, view the following details:

  • The total number of assets appears near the tab title. 
  • (For TrueSight Server Automation) Host name, IP address, operating system, number of unique missing patches, and number of compliance violations for an asset. 

  • (For TrueSight Network Automation) Host name, IP address, device vendor, and device type for an asset. 

  • To search for an asset, enter a search term, and click .Depending on the endpoint manager, you can search using the host name, IP address, or operating system (TrueSight Server Automation) and host name, IP address, or device name (TrueSight Network Automation).

For TrueSight Server Automation only

To view the list of unique missing patches for any asset, do the following:

  1. Click the link against any asset in the Missing Patches column. 
    The Risks > Missing Patches page shows the unique missing patches, patch age, severity, classification, and CVE IDs for each missing patch for the particular asset. 
  2. Click Clear Filters to view all unique missing patches across all assets. 
    To view more information about the missing patches, see Working with risks.

Exporting managed assets data

On the Assets > Managed Assets page, click Export and enter a name to save the results in a CSV file. 

If you filter data using the advanced filter options and then export, then the filtered data appears in the CSV file. 

Viewing and exporting assets from a vulnerability scan

On the Assets > Scanned Assets page, view the following details: 

  • Total number of assets imported from a scan appears near the tab title.
  • Asset name, IP address, status, source, operating system, and vulnerabilities identified for each asset. 

To view a list of vulnerabilities identified for an asset, do the following: 

  1. Click the link against any asset in the Vulnerability column.
    The Risks > Vulnerabilities page shows the vulnerabilities and their details. 
  2. Click Clear Filters to view all vulnerabilities imported from the latest scan. 
    To view more information about vulnerabilities, see Working with risks.

To search for an asset, enter an asset or host name or IP address, and click Search

To show tags as additional columns on the Scanned Assets page, click Display Tags, select a tag and click Apply. The new tag appears as a column.
For example, if you have added a Location tag to the scanned assets, after you choose it, a new Location column which shows the location for each asset appears. 

Exporting scanned assets data with vulnerabilities

On the Assets > Scanned Assets page, click Export and enter a name to save the results in a CSV file. 

If you filter data using the advanced search options and then export, filtered data appears in the CSV file. 

Mapping and unmapping scanned assets

On the Assets > Scanned Assets page, do the following: 

  1. Select an asset and click Map.

  2. Select an endpoint and save changes.
    You can use the Operating System or Operating System Vendor filters to select the endpoints. The asset status changes to Mapped and the mapped endpoint appears under the asset host name.

To remove mapping, select one or more assets with the status as Mapped, and click Remove Mapping. You cannot remove mapping for assets for which a remediation operation is created and scheduled. 

Importing tags for managed and scanned assets

On the Assets > Managed Assets or the Assets > Scanned Assets page, do the following:

  1. Click Import Tags and either download the CSV template, or download the assets data in a CSV format.
    If you want to download filtered data, perform an advanced search and then click Export to get the assets data in a CSV file. 
  2. If using the exported CSV file, in the Tags column, add tag keys and values to be associated with the assets, in a key:value format. 
    If using the CSV template, provide asset data such as the asset ID, scanned host name, IP address and then add tag keys and values, in a key:value format. 
    For example, the CSV template is in the following format, in which you provide the asset data and tags:  

    Asset ID

    Scanned Hostname

    Scanned IP Address 



    <host name>


    LOCATION: Pune; OWNER: Admin


    <host name>


    LOCATION: USA; OS: Redhat Linux

    Best practices for adding tags

    • To add more than one key:value pair, use a semi-colon separated list.
    • You can add more than one value for a particular key in a key:value pair format.
      Example: LOCATION: Pune; LOCATION: Austin
    • Every time you import tags for assets, the previous values are overwritten based on the latest CSV file.
    • You can import up to 10000 key:value pairs through a CSV file.
  3. Attach the updated CSV file, and then click Import.

  4. Click Display Tags and select the tags that you want to be displayed on the Managed Assets or Scanned Assets page. 
    Tagging for scanned and managed assets is handled separately. 

Removing tags

To remove tags, delete the key:value pair(s) in the exported CSV file, and then upload the same file again in Automation Console.

Viewing assets from BMC Discovery

You can view discovered assets for TrueSight Server Automation endpoint manager only. On the Assets > Discovered Assets page, view the following details:

  • The key performance indicators (KPIs) show the following information: 
    • Total Discovered Assets: Total number of discovered assets by BMC Discovery.
    • Unmanaged Assets: Total number of assets that are found by BMC Discovery, but are not mapped to endpoints in TrueSight Server Automation.
    • Unscanned Assets: Total number of assets, either discovered, or mapped in Server Automation, but not yet scanned for vulnerabilities. 

  • To view all assets for a category, click the KPI link. 
    For example, if you click Total Discovered Assets, all assets discovered by BMC Discovery appear in the list. 
  • Host name, IP address, operating system, and business services for the assets. 
  • To search for an asset, enter a search term, and click Search.
    You can search using the host name, IP address, or operating system of the asset. 
  • If you want to remove an asset, remove it first from TrueSight Server Automation and then from BMC Discovery. This change gets reflected in Automation Console based on the Data Refresh Cycle configured on the Administration > Service Account page. Business services affecting such assets are also removed from Automation Console.
  • If you delete an asset from BMC Discovery, which is not managed in Automation Console but is available only in BMC Discovery, the business services at risk for the asset are not removed and the data remains unchanged in the Top 10 Business Services at Risk widget on the dashboard.

To view discovered assets

Performing an advanced search

On the Assets > Managed Assets page, do the following: 

  1. Click Advanced filter and choose one or more of the following options:

    • For TrueSight Server Automation:

      • Asset
      • Operating System
      • Operating System Vendor
      • Risk Owner
      • Risk Score
      • Unique Missing Patch


      When you select the Operating System and Operating System Vendor filters, the lists of operating systems and operating system vendors are retrieved directly from the endpoint manager.

    • For TrueSight Network Automation:

      • Asset
      • Device Types
      • Device Vendors
      • Risk Owner
      • Risk Score

  2. Click Clear filters to view unfiltered data. 

On the Assets > Scanned Assets page, do the following: 

  1. Click Advanced Search and choose one or more of the following options:

    • Asset
    • Asset Tag
    • Operating System
    • Risk Owner
    • Risk Score
    • Source
    • Status
    • Vulnerability Name

    When you select the Operating System filter, the list of operating systems is populated dynamically depending upon the imported scan file. 

  2. Click Clear Filters to go back and view unfiltered data. 

For TrueSight Server Automation onlyOn the Assets > Discovered Assets page, do the following: 

  1. Click Advanced Search and choose one or more of the following options:

    • Asset
    • Business Service
    • Operating System
  2. Click  Clear Filters to go back and view unfiltered data. 
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