Documentation update


To provide a better user experience, we have now created a separate documentation space for Helix Vulnerability Management.
Users of Helix Vulnerability Management (includes BMC Helix Automation Console) can find the latest documentation at BMC Helix Vulnerability Management Open link .

System requirements

This topic describes the system requirements for TrueSight Automation Console.

System requirements for TrueSight Automation Console

TrueSight Automation Console supports the software, hardware, database, and port requirements listed here. 

Endpoint manager requirements

The following table describes the supported endpoint manager version.

Endpoint managerSupported versions

TrueSight Server Automation

  • 20.02.01 (with Remedy Single Sign-On)
  • 20.02 (requires a fix)
    For details about obtaining and applying the hotfix, see  Knowledge Article 000373710. Open link

Supported BMC product versions

The following table describes the supported versions required for integrating with BMC products:


BMC Discovery (on-premises only)

  • 12.0

  • 11.3.04

TrueSight Orchestration Platform (Classic deployment only)


TrueSight Orchestration Content
BMC Remedy IT Service Management (on-premises only)19.08

Supported browsers


Minimum supported resolution


Supported browsers

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox

Best viewed in Google Chrome 64+ and Microsoft Edge 41+

Supported scanning systems

The following table describes the vulnerability scanning systems supported by Automation Console.

System nameVersion
QualysCloud Platform

Third-party software

Automation Console is bundled with the following third-party software:

Product versionPostgreSQL versionJava versionApache Tomcat web server versionDocker container operating system
20.0812AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.2+99.0.21Alpine Linux 3.9

Docker requirements and supported operating systems

Automation Console is supported on Linux-enabled Docker, and it requires the following version of Docker:

docker18.09.7 or later (Docker CE)
17.06.2-ee-16 or later (Docker EE)
docker-compose1.19.0 or later

The following table lists the supported operating systems and Docker Editions:

Operating systemSupported Docker Edition
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.xDocker EE
CentOS 7.xDocker CE


Docker CE is not supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Minimum hardware requirements

The following table describes the minimum hardware requirements for a small deployment.

Requirement SmallMinimum space required for installation (GB)
Number of 
concurrent users

Automation Console server requirements

Number of 
Automation Console servers


CPUs per 
Automation Console


Automation Console
server memory (GB)


Automation Console
server disk 
space (GB)

Database server requirements
CPUs per 
memory (GB)
space (GB)

For more information about sizing requirements based on deployment scenarios, see Deployment sizing requirements.

External database requirements

The following table describes the supported database and its versions.

DatabaseSupported versions


  • 12
  • 11.2

Verify whether the PostgresSQL contrib modules are also installed. These are optional utilities shipped with the standard package, which may not installed by default. To verify whether the contrib modules are installed, run the following commands based on your version:

For PostgreSQL 12
yum list installed | grep postgresql12-contrib

For PostgreSQL 11.2
yum list installed | grep postgresql11-contrib

You can install the database by using the executables provided on the BMC Electronic Product Distribution (EPD) site, or you can use an existing PostgreSQL installation.

The following table describes the recommendations for a PostgreSQL database that you can use for optimal performance.


Users, Roles

  • The first installation of the application automatically creates the users and roles needed by the Automation Console. The installer requests the credentials for the PostgreSQL privileged user (usually named postgres).
  • Default names are provided for users and roles but they can be customized during installation.
Schema and Tablespaces
  • Automation Console database schema uses multiple tablespaces, which are automatically created during installation.
  • Data directories for the containerized database installed by the Stack Manager are created at the following location:
    • /var/lib/postgresql/data (Data Directory location on the database container) 
    • /var/bmc/truesight/postgresql/data (Data Directory location is mapped to the host)
  • The /var filesystem must have at least 50 GB of storage space.
Client Authentication
  • Ensure that the Automation Console computer can access the database server by allowing access to the pg_hba.conf file. 
  • Recommended configuration in pg_hba.conf is to use MD5 encryption for passwords.
  • Ensure that you add at least the database IP address and the Automation Console host IP address in the allowed list of host records in the pg_hba.conf file.

    To allow all the hosts for incoming connections
    #Allows all host for incoming connection
    host     all             all                  md5 


    To allow only TSAC host and DB host for incoming connections
    #Allows only TSAC and DB host (DB host IP is required even if (localhost) is added
    host     all             all             TSAC_HOST_IP/32         md5
    host     all             all             DB_HOST_IP/32           md5
Instance parameters

BMC recommends adding or updating the following parameters in the configuration of the database server in the postgresql.conf or equivalent file:

listen_addresses = '*' 
max_connections = 500 
default_statistics_target = 50 
constraint_exclusion = on 
wal_buffers = 8MB 
min_wal_size = 1GB
max_wal_size = 2GB
checkpoint_timeout = 15min 
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 
log_min_messages = fatal 
log_min_error_statement = fatal 
#following parameters should be tuned according 
#to actual memory available to Database server machine
#example of configuration for 8GB RAM 
maintenance_work_mem = 512MB
effective_cache_size = 5GB
work_mem = 48MB
shared_buffers = 2GB

After changing these values, restart the database server.

Port requirements

The port on which the Automation Console communicates with an endpoint manager must be open, and the application and the endpoint manager must be able to communicate with each other.

The following table provides the port numbers that you must enable for the product. 


You cannot change the port numbers after the installation or upgrade. You can use port numbers of your choice only during installation.



Configured on

User can change the port number?

Firewall exception needed?


10443TCPHost containing the Automation Console application installationYesYesSecure port used to access the Automation Console application.

Host containing the Automation Console application installation

Yes (at the time of installation)YesPort used for communication with the Docker repository



Host containing the Automation Console application installation

YesYesPort used for the WorkManager communication
5432TCPHost containing the database installationNoYesPort used by the database (PostgreSQL) for communication

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  1. Bhoomika Shrivastava

    Amod Mitragotri  Hi Amod, RSSO latest version available is 20.02 while doc says to use 20.08

    BMC Remedy Single Sign-On20.08

    We need to inform document team to update this with correct supported version

    Meeta Lalwani  FYI

    Shweta Hardikar  Please check on this

    Dec 17, 2020 06:17
    1. Shweta Hardikar

      Done! Thanks for pointing it out, Bhoomika. 

      Dec 17, 2020 11:03
      1. Bhoomika Shrivastava

        Thanks Shweta

        Dec 17, 2020 11:05