Training videos

This topic lists videos that help various Track-It! users to get started. You can also view these videos in a pre-configured playlist Open link .

This topic contains the following information:

Videos for system administrator

The following table provides details about video presentations that are helpful to the system administrator in Track-It!:

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No.GoalSummaryVideo linkReference topic
1To install Track-It!Provides information about key considerations before installing, the basic architecture of the product and the resources required. It shows of each screen and available installation options. Open link

2To understand the post installation configurations

Provides an overview of the configuration of Track-It! Also explains how to get started with the configuration, the basics of the green and red indicators, how settings are grouped, and how to navigate configurations.

It also explains the critical configurations that must be set up to use the product and the next steps. Open link

Configuring after installation
3To import users in Track-It! from Active Directory

Provides a brief explanation of Active Directory, why you would want to use this import tool to create user accounts, how to set up Self Service Active Directory authentication with Track-It!, and the benefits of Active Directory.

It also provides a step-by-step example of the required configuration. Open link

Importing users from Active Directory
4To configure business rulesProvides an overview of business rules, general use cases, and provides some specific examples of the settings. Open link

Configuring business rules
5To configure emails

Provides an overview of the email feature, benefits, and how to manage emails from users. Also provides usage scenarios, types of email supported, and then presents through a sample configuration. Open link

Configuring email
6To configure advanced business rulesProvides information about the types of business rules, email processing rules, notification rules, and skill routing rules are all set up in business rules. Open link

Configuring business rules
7To configure priorities and set up priority hierarchyProvides information about setting up priorities through Categories and setting up advanced options through SLAs and Business Rules. Open link

Creating and managing priorities
8To configure service level agreementsProvides information about how to configure service level agreements (SLAs), and how to, create actions, conditions, and milestones. Open link

Configuring service level agreements
9To configure categories

Provides an overview of categories, including their benefits and how to customize them. Also provides examples of typical categories and demonstrates the process of creating a category. Open link

Creating and managing categories
10To customize Self Service portalProvides an overview Self Service, benefits, creating custom links, customizing the logo, and the other visible elements in Self Service. Open link

Configuring Self Service
11To configure Ticket templates and Assignment status progression

Provides information about how to configure Ticket templates for commonly requested tickets, how to add assignment templates, and how to enable assignments after their predecessor assignments are complete. Open link

Creating and managing form templates
12To customize formsProvides information about how to customize module forms for groups. Open link

Customizing forms for groups
13To set up Active Directory authentication

Provides information about setting up the Active Directory authentication in Track-It! Open link

Enabling Windows authentication for Track-It!
14To learn about the migration toolProvides an information about the migration tool used to migrate to Track-It! Open link

Migrating to Track-It!
15Asset Management ConfigurationProvides information about configuring Asset Management in Track-It! Open link

Configuring asset management
16Basic Reports and Quick ReportsProvides information about Basic Reports and Quick Reports in Track-It! Open link

Designing and generating reports
17To learn how to customize the Purchasing Form and Printed Report Provides information about how to add fields to your purchasing forms and how to design and customize reports Open link

Customizing forms for groups

Videos for technicians

The following table provides details about video presentations that are helpful to the technicians in Track-It!:

No.GoalSummaryVideo linkReference topic
1To understand the Help Desk features

Provides an overview of all features that technicians can use in Track-It! Open link

Defining views and performing actions on Help Desk
2To customize the HelpDesk Grid

Provides information about grid views and their benefits. It also provides information about how to customize a view, sort records and multiple columns, select columns, filter, group, and color-code views. Open link

Defining views and performing actions on Help Desk
3Dashboard CustomizationProvides information about customizing the dashboard in Track-It! Open link

Customizing panels of a dashboard to view key data
4To work with HelpDesk ticketsProvides information about working with HelpDesk tickets in Track-It! Open link

Defining views and performing actions on Help Desk

Videos for requestors

The following table provides details about video presentations that are helpful to the requestors in Track-It!:

No.GoalSummaryVideo linkReference topic
1To learn about Self ServiceProvides an overview of Self Service in Track-It! Open link

Overview of Self Service

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