This documentation supports the 20.02 version of Remedy with Smart IT.

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Searching for tickets, assets, resources, and people in Smart IT

This topic describes the search options available in Remedy with Smart IT, details of how the search function works, and how to optimize the function for your environment. On mobile clients, the search function discussed in this topic is available from the main menu. The search function is available by clicking on the magnifying glass to the left of the profile icon.

Before you begin

Full text search must be enabled and configured to use the search feature in Smart IT. For more information, see Enabling and configuring Full Text Search for Smart IT.

Search overview

Smart IT provides various search options:

Search optionDescription
Global searchSearch for all types of tickets, assets, knowledge articles, release activities, and people.
Smart IT console

Search for tickets, assets, resources, and people from the Smart IT console search text box.

Ticket console

Filter tickets listed in the ticket console

For more information about filtering tickets, see Filtering the Smart IT search results.

Resource/Activity searchSearch for resources or activities from within a ticket
Smart recorder search

Results displayed when typing entries using @!.

For more information about how Smart IT displays possible values when using Smart Recorder, see How the Smart Recorder search works.

On the incident profile, when you type text to search for the affected asset and service, the system searches for the keyword after you enter the third character and if there is a delay of .5 seconds or more between the current and the next character, it starts searching for the string with the current character. For example, you enter Appl and you pause typing, there is a delay of .5 or more seconds. Now the system searches for the keyword Appl. Now you continue to type and enter ication with a delay less than .5 seconds in each character you type, now the system searches for the entire keyword Application. Because multiple intermediate search criteria (backend calls) are not sent, the system is not busy, and this improves the performance when you search for affected assets and services.

When you search for customers and contacts in Smart IT, the system overrides the values specified the Customer and Contact Search Type and Customer and Contact Name Format list on the Incident Management Settings window in Remedy ITSM. For example, in the Customer and Contact Search Type list select Last Name, and in the Customer and Contact Name Format list select [First name] [Middle name] [Last name]. In Smart IT, notice that you can specify any of the following and search for customers and contacts: corporate ID, first name, last name, internet email ID, phone number, and login ID. In case of the name format, by default Smart IT supports only the [first name] [last name] name format.

Global search

Smart IT uses the Full Text Search (FTS) to search for tickets and knowledge articles, and database search to search for people and assets. For people and assets search the following fields are matched for the entered search text. 

For global asset search

Field nameField ID
CI Name200000020
Serial Number200000001
Product Name240001002
Tag Number*260100004
CI ID*210000000

Tag Number and CI ID are only included in search if an administrator configured the isExclude_TAG_and_CI_ID flag is to false.

For global people search

Field nameField ID
First Name1000000019
Last Name1000000018
Full name1000000017
Remedy Login Id4
Internet Email1000000048
Corporate Id1000000054

When you perform the global search, you can select a target area from the list of target areas, and then enter the search criteria. The system searches for the value that you specified, and displays the search result. Ticket and Knowledge is the default target search area. The system displays blank result if you enter the search criteria that does not correspond with the specified target search area. For example, you select Knowledge as the target search area, and specify an incident ID as the search criteria, because of the mismatch, the system does not display any result.

If you select All as the target search area, the system searches for the search criteria in all target areas, and displays the result. You can further refine the result by specifying filters.

Smart IT console search

The Smart IT search function scans your BMC Remedy ITSM environment for records that contain a match for the word or phrase that you type in the Search field at the top of the screen. You can also augment your search by including special characters and boolean expressions. The search results include only information that you have permission to access. Retired articles will not be listed under Recommended Knowledge, or under suggested knowledge articles while creating a new knowledge article. You can search for Retired articles only through the global search or advanced search using the Search for knowledge resources option.

The Search function searches for matches to your query across the following record types:

  • Incident tickets
  • Work orders
  • Change requests
  • Problem investigations
  • Known errors
  • Release tickets
  • Tasks
  • Service requests
  • Knowledge articles
  • People profiles
  • Asset profiles
  • Outages

To use special characters and boolean expressions in search

You can include special characters and boolean expressions in your search, as explained in the following tables.

Special characters and their results

Special character


Example search string

Example results


(double-quotation marks)

Performs a phrase search on the terms enclosed in the double-quotation marks.

"firewall blocked"

  • firewall blocked her access
  • firewall blocking my access



Find requests that contain any of the specified words separated by a comma

  • firewall, blocking
  • "firewall, blocking"
  • firewall blocks access
  • firewall will block access
  • firewall is not working
  • try blocking his access

Boolean operators and their results

To use boolean operators, you must enter them in upper case; otherwise, they are treated as search strings. AND, OR, and NOT operators are applicable only when searching for Tickets and Knowledge articles.

Boolean operator


Example search string

Example results


Find requests that contain all of the specified words and phrases

firewall AND blocking

  • firewall blocks access
  • firewall will block access


Find requests that contain any of the specified words and phrases

firewall OR blocking

  • firewall blocks access
  • firewall will block access
  • firewall is not working
  • try blocking his access


Exclude the specified word or phrase

firewall NOT blocking

firewall is not working


group expressions

firewall AND (block, allow)

  • firewall blocking access
  • set up firewall to allow access

To filter search results 

The Search function displays the search results in a list that is grouped by record type: tickets, knowledge resources, and so on. You can also apply filters to the list to help narrow the results and more quickly identify what you are looking for. 

To understand how the filtering works, consider the following scenario:

  1. To accomplish an assigned task, Ian Plyment, a help desk specialist, needs to look at all of the incident records that were created for Allen Allbrook in the past week, and that are still open.
  2. In the Search field, located at the top right of the universal client, or main menu on mobile clients, Ian types Allen, then presses the Enter key or taps Search.
  3. The Search returns 520 records that match "Allen" (511 tickets, 1 asset record, 1 people record, and 7 knowledge resources). Because there is a large number of tickets and knowledge resources found by the search, the search results list displays only 4 of the tickets and only 4 of the knowledge resources. Ian can, however, view all of the tickets or knowledge resources by choosing View All.  The number of records displayed on-screen when the search returns a large number of results is controlled by the application.

  4. To narrow the list of tickets, Ian needs to filter the list.

    1. He clicks or taps the Filter icon at the top of the list, then clicks or taps Record Type and selects Incident. If Ian were working from a tablet, he would then tap Back to go back to the Filter list.

    2. Ian clicks Filter again to further narrow the results list by showing Created Date and then selecting Past Week from the menu. Additionally, since Ian was looking for only security incidents, he selects Security Incident from the Incident Type drop-down menu.

    3. Finally, because he only wants to see incident tickets belonging to Calbro Services, he applies the Company filter. After clicking Filters, he selects Company, and uses the search field to locate the correct company. If necessary, Ian can apply more than one filter of a specific type. For example, if Ian wanted to see all of Allen's Incident and Work Order tickets that were created in the last week, Ian could add a second Record Type filter to include Work Order tickets. Alternatively, if Ian needs to remove one of the filters, he can click the X in the filter tag. To remove all of the filters, Ian would click or tap Clear All
      As Ian adds a filter to the search results lists, the system also adds tags beside the filter Icon, so that Ian can see which filters he has applied. This combination of filters (Create Date, Record Type, Incident Type, and Company) reduces the search results list from 511 tickets to 10.

  5. With this much more manageable list of tickets, Ian is able to quickly review the remaining records to accomplish his assigned task.

To search for specific tickets on the Console (all three consoles), you can select multiple filters and click Apply. The system displays the result according to the filters that you specified. When selecting filters if you select Cancel , the system cancels your selection and displays the result according to the filters that were previously applied. Note that you must select minimum two filters for the system to display the result. If you have set preset, and additionally specified filters, the system displays the result as per the preset and filters. To clear all the filters, click the Clear Filters option. The system now displays the result according to the default preset.

All Open and All Closed filters

The following statuses are considered when you select the All Open filter:

Draft, Assigned, In Progress, Pending, Waiting Approval, Planning, Work in Progress, New, Staged, Request for Change, Request for Authorization, Planning in Progress, Scheduled for Review, Scheduled for Approval, Scheduled, Implementation in Progress, Change in Draft, Problem in Draft, Problem under Review, Problem under Investigation, Assigned to Vendor, Scheduled For Correction, Build Approval, Close Down Approval, Deployment Approval, Initiation Approval, Planning Approval, Registered, Test Approval.

The following statuses are considered when you select the All Closed filter:

Close, Completed, Closed, Rejected, Cancelled, Resolved, No Action Planned

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  1. Andreas Wiencek

    Could you please clarify? Do special "characters and boolean expressions" only apply to the Global Search field (FTS) or can we use it in any search field in Smart IT?

    Apr 24, 2020 12:39
    1. Nilay Agambagis

      Hello Andreas,

      Thanks a lot for your comment.

      Special Characters and Boolean expressions work wherever we have Global Search.


      Nilay Agambagis

      May 27, 2020 09:08