This documentation applies to the 8.1 version of Service Request Management, which is in "End of Version Support." You will not be able to leave comments.

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Defining behavior rules for surveys

Use the Surveys tab in the Request Preferences form to set up behavior rules for surveys on a per-company basis.

To define survey rules

  1. From the Application Administration Console, click the Custom Configuration tab.
  2. From the Application Settings list, choose Service Request Management > Advanced > Preferences, and click Open.
  3. From the Request Preferences form, click the Surveys tab.
  4. Select Global or the specific company to which this rule applies.
  5. (Optional) Enter a description.
  6. In the Status field, select Enabled if you want this request preference entry to be enabled; otherwise, select a different status.
  7. Define survey rules:
    • Enable Survey — Select Yes if you want requesters in the company to receive surveys after their requests have been completed.
    • Last Surveyed Days — Specify the minimum number of days that must pass before the next survey is sent.
      For example, if you enter 5, no survey will be sent for 5 days after the last survey was sent. Starting on the sixth day, a survey will be sent when the next service request is completed. Entering 0 specifies that a survey is sent every time a service request reaches the Completed status. 


      Avoid sending too many surveys.

  8. Click Save.

Additional information

The Pulse: Survey frequency and investigation in BMC Service Request Management (BMC Communities)

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.


  1. Lindsay Barrett

    Your definition of the Last Surveyed Days setting is not correct.

    You have: "Last Surveyed Days — Select the number of surveys that are sent to a user each day."

    This is NOT the number of surveys to send within a given timeframe.  This is the number of DAYs before a new survey can be generated.  Any tickets completed during the defined gap of days will not generate a survey.

    The link provided here by Jesse RIchardson describes this correctly and in detail: 

    "If a survey is sent today after a closed request, then application will ignore all closed requests for next 5 days and will send a survey request again for the next closed request after the 5 days. If there are no closed SRs on the 6thday, it will wait for the next closed SR to send out the survey and restart the counter. It does not matter if there was any closed request or not in the 5 day interval set in application after sending a survey today. The system starts the count from the day the survey request is sent by the SRM application and is *not* dependent on when the user responded. Also, surveys will be sent even if the user does not respond or has never responded to the similar request in the past."

    Jul 30, 2014 03:15
    1. Catherine Siderine

      Thanks for your comment, Lindsay. I have updated this topic.



      Aug 06, 2014 04:36