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The Details Notebook pane displayed below the event list provides all of the recorded information about an event.

The cards or columns of the details notebook pane organize the information as described in the following table:

Event Details Notebook pane

Column nameSections in subtabDescription of contents
SummaryOverviewHyperlinks to launch Probable Cause Analysis, Show Graph(s), and Detailed Diagnostics 
Basic information about the event, such as status, severity, priority, date and time of occurrence, object class, object name, host, owner, message, and detailed message
Event MetricEvent metric information such as metric and its value, class, category, monitor category, repeated, and SO 
For an intelligent event, this field includes additional information such as threshold, average value, baseline, baseline type, comparison, duration, minimum sampling window, absolute deviation, deviation, score, predict, and auto close
Logs and NotesHistorical AttributesHistorical attributes of the event, such as date and time of occurrence, repeated, original severity and priority, origin time, reported by source, arrived, received, modified, last modifier, time to close, and action count (number of occurrences of actions) 
A user can enter additional information using the notes text area and click theNotes icon present in the Logs and Notes table to view the notes in a larger window. 
The Logs and Notes table displays notes added by the user, event notification history, event rule history, history of any rule or policy applied, and event operation history.
ObjectObject MonitoredHyperlinks to launch Show Graph(s) and Tools menu 
Information about the monitored object, such as its name, class, owner, and URL 
For an intelligent event, this field includes additional information about groups.
Host of ObjectInformation about the host of the monitored object, such as its name, address, class, location, and service 
For an intelligent event, this field includes additional information, such as VMware host and ID
ParameterMonitor metric and its value; parameter unit and its threshold
Related ComponentDevice name, component alias, ID, and type
SourceOriginInformation about the origin of the event, including class, key, and severity
ReporterInformation about the adapter or gateway from which the event originated, including the tool name, tool ID, monitoring tool name, tool suggestion, adapter host, client address, tool class, rule, tool key, tool severity, tool address, and tool time (time when the event originated) 
By default, this card is not visible.
InternalsTrackingTracking information, such as the ID, internal ID, account, timeout, collectors, propagations, history, modification history, Access Control List, and Common Event Model (SEM.) version 
Alarm ID is displayed in this section if the event selected is of ALARM type. 
By default, this card is not visible.
RelationshipsInformation about events abstracted from this one, abstractions, causes and effects, associations, relation source, and event relations
Undefined AttributesA list of undefined attributes and values
OthersdependOnTheSelectedEventInformation in this card changes according to the type of event selected. The event type is displayed before the slots present for that event type, provided the event type has slots that are not present in the remaining cards. 
For example, attributes of a core event that are not displayed in other cards, such as ITSM category, company, item, location, manufacturer, model, version, and operation category 1, 2, and 3, product name, type, Service Model Component (SMC) impact, and priority might be displayed in this card.

 To view and hide the Details Notebook

  1. Select an event from the event list.
  2. Click the Up arrows  to the left of Details to view the Details Notebook.
  3. Click the Down arrows  to hide the Details Notebook.

To view the total number of filtered events that are displayed

  1. Select a collector from the All Event Collectors folder.
  2. Apply the necessary filters for the events. For more information about applying filters, see Filtering event display for all abnormalities.

    The Event(s): label on the right side of the event list notebook header displays the number of events for which the filters have been applied. The format in which it is displayed is Event(s): <Number of filtered events>. For example, Event(s): 200, where 200 is the total number of filtered events.


    Event count is not displayed for the event list for which the Details Notebook pane is not present. For example, event count will not display for the latest 10 events and maximized event list on Tile and Canvas views. Event count is also not displayed if the number of events for a particular filter is zero.

To select the cards to be displayed in the Details notebook pane

  1. Select an event from the event list.
  2. Click Edit Notebook Preferences .
  3. Select the cards to be displayed in the Details Notebook pane.
  4. Click Close .


    If you select more cards than can be displayed, use the tiny right and left arrows to the right and left of the Details Notebook to navigate through the cards.

To select the event attributes to be displayed within a card in the Details Notebook pane

  1. Select an event from the event list.
  2. In any of the cards listed in the following table of the Details Notebook pane, click Edit Preferences .
  3. Select the event information that must be displayed in the selected card.

    The attributes available for selection depend on the type of event selected. The permissions that a user has determine whether the user can perform an action on a hyperlink.
  4. Click Close.


    In the Summary card, when you click Edit Preferences, attributes related to Baseline and Threshold for Intelligent events are not available for selection. These attributes cannot be displayed in the default Summary card view.

To view additional information about a card in the Details Notebook pane

  1. In any of the cards listed in the following table of the Details Notebook pane, click More Info .
  2. Click Minimize .

To add notes or annotate an event

  1. From the event list, select an event.
  2. In the Logs and Notes card of the Details Notebook pane, click More Info .
  3. Scroll down to the Logs and Notessection and enter the annotated text.


    Do not include nonprinting characters such as FS (0x1c) and RS (0x1e), and printing characters such as <, >, ', and "in the notes. These characters are not supported.

  4. Click Save.
    A Notes icon  is displayed in the selected event message.