This documentation applies to the 8.1 version of Asset Management, which is in "End of Version Support." You will not be able to leave comments.

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Setting up an enterprise license

The enterprise license type is a company-wide site license for the product. It counts all instances of the product associated to the license.

To set up an enterprise license and calculate compliance

  1. On the IT Home page, select Product Catalog > Product Catalog console.
  2. Create a Product Catalog entry with Product Type = Software and CI Type = Product.
  3. Click the Model/Version tab and enter values for the Model/Version and Market Version, and set Requires Contract to Yes.
  4. On the IT Home page, select Asset Management > Manage CI, and create a new Product CI using the Product Catalog entry from step 2.
  5. On the IT Home page, select Asset Management > Manage CI and create a new Computer System CI.
  6. On the IT Home page, select Asset Management > Manage CI, search for the Product CI that you created in step 4, and relate the Product CI to the Computer System CI created in step 5 as a component or hosted system component.
  7. On the IT Home page, select Contract Management > Contract Console and create a new software contract for your software. Then, create a license certificate for the software contract that you just created. Use the product categorization from step 2. Choose the Enterprise license type.
  8. On the IT Home page, select Asset Management > SAM console > Manage License Jobs, and create a new license job for the enterprise license.
  9. Run the license job.
    The compliance details for the license certificate reports the number of Computer System CIs with the related software. No compliant or non-compliant result is shown. 

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
