This documentation applies to the 8.1 version of Asset Management, which is in "End of Version Support." You will not be able to leave comments.

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Setting up a per copy license

The per copy license type counts the licenses deployed based on the number of users of the product. If the same user has the product installed on two computers, such as a desktop and a laptop, that user consumes one license. A user of a product is identified by a BMC_Person record related to the computer system on which the product is installed. If no users are related to the computer system on which the product is installed, the product consumes one license.

The following illustration describes how per copy licenses are calculated.

To set up a per copy license and calculate compliance

  1. On the IT Home page, select Product Catalog > Product Catalog Console.
  2. Create a Product Catalog entry for CI Type = Software and Product Type = Product CI.
  3. Click the Model/Version tab and enter values for the Model/Version and Market Version, and set Requires Contract to Yes.
  4. On the IT Home page, select Asset Management > Asset Management Console > Manage CI and create a new Product CI using the product catalog entry from step 2.
  5. On the IT Home page, select Asset Management > Asset Management Console > Manage CI and create a new Computer System CI.
  6. Select Asset Management > Manage CI, search for the Product CI created in step 4, and relate it to the Computer System CI (step 5) as a component or hosted system component.
  7. On the IT Home page, select Asset Management > Manage CI, search for the Computer System CI that you created in step 5, and relate two users with a Used By relationship to the Computer System CI. They must reside in the BMC_Person class.
  8. On the IT Home page, select Contract Management > Contract Console and create a new software contract for your software. From the newly created software contract create a license certificate for the software contract you just created. Use the product categorization from step 2. Choose the license type Per Copy. On the license certificate add the number of Licenses Purchased = 5.
  9. On the IT Home page, select Asset Management > SAM console > Manage License Jobs.
  10. Create a new license job for the per copy license.
  11. Run the license job.
    The Product CI is connected to the certificate and licenses deployed = 2. The certificate is out of compliance. This is because you have two users related to the Computer System CI, and you only allow 1 copy. Each user consumes 1 license.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.


  1. Tamer Aygã¼n


    The sentence below is wrong:

    2. Create a Product Catalog entry for CI Type = Software and Product Type = Product CI.

    It should be as below :

    Product Type = Software and CI Type* = Product

    Jul 20, 2018 02:58