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During installation, port 80 is required to install the Apache web server. If you have another product installed that uses port 80, you must change the Apache HTTP port to another port number before you start the application that is using port 80.

To update the Apache HTTP port number

  1. Open the appropriate files for your operating system:
    • UNIX: /usr/pw/apache/conf/httpd.conf
    • Microsoft Windows: pw\ApacheGroup\Apache\conf\httpd.conf and pw\pronto\conf\pronet.conf
  2. Search for the string Port 80 and replace the value 80 with the desired port number.
  3. Search for the string Listen 80 and replace the value 80 with the same port number provided in the previous step.
  4. Save and exit the .conf files.
  5. Search for the string Listen 80 and replace the value 80with the same port number provided in the previous step.


    If you change the Apache HTTP port number on a BMC ProactiveNet Central Server, ensure that you change the port number on all its child servers by running the pw configwsroles command on the central and child servers. For more information about the pw configwsroles command, see pw configwsroles.

If you change the default Apache HTTP port number, ensure that you update the SAP port number in the CloudAdapter.xml file.

To update the SAP port number

  1. Open the CloudAdapter.xml file located in the pw\pronto\conf folder.
  2. Update the SAP port number:
    <value>{bppmCentralHost} (Host name of BMC ProactiveNet Central Server)</value>
    <value>{bppmCentralPort} (BMC ProactiveNet port default is 80)</value>

If you change the default Apache HTTP port number, ensure that you update the accessPointUrl port number.

To update the accessPointUrl port number

  1. Roll back the existing published SAI web service from the UDDI server by running the following command:
  2. Update the port number in bmc.bppmsaiws.accessPointUrl located in the folder.
  3. Publish the SAI web service to the UDDI server by running the following command:

To update the RMI port number

Update the port information in the following files:

  1. <Remote Admin Installation Directory>\BMC ProactiveNet Admin\admin\etc\

    # The JServer port on which IX will be communicating for authentication and authorization
    # purpose. IX also uses this port for fetching certain configuration related data
    jserver_comm_port=<Port number on which BMC ProactiveNet server Integration Service is running>
  2. <Remote Admin Installation Directory>\BMC ProactiveNet Admin\admin\pronto\conf\pronet.conf

     # Port Number used by RmiRegistry
    pronet.rmi.port=<Port number on which BMC ProactiveNet server RMIRegistry is running>