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This section provides information about uninstalling the BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service. Uninstalling the BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service will remove all the files, programs, saved data, and related directories of the BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service installation. Uninstalling the BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service will also uninstall the cell.


To ensure that the related directories are removed, restart the server after uninstalling the BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service. Under some conditions, the related directories are removed only after restarting.

Uninstalling the BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service on Microsoft Windows

To uninstall the BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service on Microsoft Windows, perform the following steps:

  1. On the computer where you have installed the BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service, open the Control Panel.
  2. In the Control Panel, under Programs, click Uninstall a program.
  3. Select BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service Ver 9.6 build buildNumber, and click Uninstall/Change.
  4. On the Welcome page, click Next.
  5. On the Uninstallation Summary page, click View Log to view the uninstallation logs, or click Done.

Uninstalling the BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service on Linux or Solaris

To uninstall the BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service on Linux or Solaris, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the installationDirectory/uninstallBPPMAgent directory.
  2. Run the uninstall command.

View the bppm_agent_uninstall_log.txt log file from the following location:

  • (Solarissolaris/var/tmp
  • (Linuxlinux/tmp


When you uninstall the BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service on a HPUX computer, sometimes, the uninstallation does not remove the jre directory under the installation folder. You can manually delete the folder.

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