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The service model provides the following default status propagation models:

  • DIRECT–Consumer component depends on the provider's services to the extent that its status is the same as the provider's.
  • INCREASING–Consumer component is overly dependent on the provider. When a problem occurs, the consumer's status degrades faster than the provider's does.
  • DECREASING–Consumer component can function without provider's services. When a problem occurs, the consumer's status is less degraded than the provider's.
  • JUST_WARNING–Propagates the status of a provider component so that any value less than OK maps to NONE, OK maps to OK, and any value greater than OK maps to WARNING.
  • JUST_INFO–Propagates the status of a provider component so that any value less than INFO maps to NONE, and any value greater or equal to INFO maps to INFO.

The following table describes how status propagation occurs for a specific model.

How status propagation models work in relationships 

Status propagation modelRelationship stateResult
DIRECTACTIVEPropagates the provider's status without modification to the consumer.

Propagation of the provider's status is blocked by mapping the provider's status to NONE.

This value is ignored by the consumer.

INCREASINGACTIVEIncreases the impact of the provider's status on the consumer's status.

Propagation of the provider's status is blocked by mapping the provider's status to NONE.

This value is ignored by the consumer.

DECREASINGACTIVEDecreases the impact of the provider's status on the consumer's status.

Propagation of the provider's status is blocked by mapping the provider's status to NONE.

This value is ignored by the consumer.

JUST_WARNINGACTIVEFor statuses greater than OKWARNING is propagated.

Propagation of the provider's status is blocked by mapping the provider's status to NONE.

This value is ignored by the consumer.

JUST_INFOACTIVEFor statuses greater than or equal to INFOINFOis propagated; for statuses less than INFONONEis propagated.

Propagation of the provider's status is blocked by mapping the provider's status to NONE.

This value is ignored by the consumer.