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Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt} If client certificates are required for any website that you are monitoring, use the following task to add the client certificate to that website.

To add a client certificate to a website

Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt}

  1. Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt}
    Copy the certificate (in PKCS12 format) to the computer that is running the web monitor.

  1. Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt} Create a keycert.spec file that identifies the certificate.

  2. Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt} To ensure that the client certificate uses the proper PKCS12 format, import the certificate by using your browser and export the PKCS12 format.

  3. Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt}

    Place the keycert.spec file in the following directory: installationDirectory/pronto/usr_config

    The keycert.spec file must contain the following two lines:
    password: xxxx
    filename: yyyy

    The xxxx variable is the password required to read the certificate, and the yyyy variable is the full path name for the location of the actual certificate.


    Do not use Internet Explorer to export client certificates. Internet Explorer does not use a proper PKCS12 format. This is an Internet Explorer known issue.

    You can specify only one certificate for each BMC ProactiveNet Agent computer. If more than one certificate is required, run the associate monitors from different Agents.

    Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt}


