This documentation supports the 20.02 version of Remedy IT Service Management Suite.

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Chart type selection - restructured

BMC Remedy Smart Reporting provides several types of charts that let you visualize data most effectively. It is important to use the correct chart type, based on the data presented in your report. Once you select a suitable chart type, the data selection panel displays the components available in the chart. To generate the chart, you must add fields to each component. Component validation ensures you add all mandatory components, and add correct field types to each component. Some chart types provide drill capabilities so that you can drill into more detailed charts or tables for a greater level of data analysis.

This topic provides the following information:

Drill capability on charts

Chart drill functionality inherits drill parameters of the report and provides a way to drill into detailed or related data. Use the standard drill functions to setup the drill parameters for a report. The following drill capabilities are available:

  • Drill down—provides you with the option to drill down logical hierarchies within your data, viewing data from different angles and levels.
  • Drill anywhere—allows the user to move through levels of detail within a single report.
  • Drill through—the ability to click on a hyperlink and move from one report to another - typically to show more detail.


 Ensure that the report drill through parameters and fields are same as those used in the chart.

Chart components

When you select a chart type, the data selection panel is refreshed to display the available chart components for that chart type. Standard components are available for most of the common chart types, whereas specialty components are available for some special chart types. To generate the chart, you must select appropriate fields for each chart component.

Horizontal AxisA dimension field or a metric field that defines the horizontal axis of a chart.
Vertical AxisA dimension field or a metric field that defines the vertical axis of a chart.
ColourA dimension field or a metric field that defines the colors used on the chart.
SizeA metric or an aggregated dimension field that defines the size of bubbles in a chart.

A Date or Time field used as frames to animate the chart. Each value of the animation field generates a unique frame in the animation.
Note: it is recommended that you change the Chart Title option to display the Animation Field in order to provide the report writer with a label for each frame.
<What does this mean?>

List of speciality chart components

IconComponentDescriptionAssociated chart types
ImageA relevant image that you want to use to display your data.
  • Raster Maps
  • Comparative Infographics
  • Proportional Infographics.
RegionA field that has reference codes associated with areas on the map.Raster Maps
LabelA label for the roll over bubble.Google Maps
DescriptionA description that is contained in the roll over bubble.Google Maps
LinkA hyperlink embedded into the roll over bubble. The hyperlink takes the report user to an external site or another report.Google Maps
LatitudeThe Latitude coordinates field.Google Maps
LongitudeThe Longitude coordinates field.Google Maps
Geo FieldA field that contains GIS data types. <such as?>
  • Google GIS Maps
  • GIS Maps
  • GIS Bubble Maps
  • GIS Heat Maps
Tool TipA field for tool tip text.
  • Google GIS Maps
  • GIS Maps
  • GIS Bubble Maps

A series for the single value a meter chart displays.

RadarA category field for the radar spokes.Radar
EventsBinary values that signify if the event occurred on each of the time values. <Verify?>Event
ValueA metric to display a trend line on the chart.
  • Financial Line
  • Event
VolumeA field for number of shares traded in a specific time period.
  • Financial Lines
  • High Low
  • Candlestick
TrendA metric to display a trend line on the chart.
  • Financial Lines
  • High Low
  • Candlestick
StartShare value at the beginning of a time period, usually a day.
  • High Low
  • Candlestick
EndShare value at the end of a time period, usually a day.
  • High Low
  • Candlestick
HighThe highest value the share reached in the time period.
  • High Low
  • Candlestick
LowThe lowest value the share reached in the time period.
  • High Low
  • Candlestick

Chart types

BMC Remedy Smart Reporting provides the following ways to select a chart in your report:

  • Auto chart—automatically generates common chart types such as Bar, Column, Scatter, and Line charts. The functionality provides common component areas such as Horizontal Axis, Vertical Axis, Color, and Size. Based on the fields you select for each component area, the auto chart generates a most suitable chart.



    For selecting a specific type of chart or any special charts, use the chart selection panel from the right navigation bar.

  • Chart selection panel—makes different chart types available for selection. Charts that are suitable for the type of data in your report are available for selection, whereas, other chart types are unavailable. You can swap between different chart types to see different visualizations.

 Auto chart option

IconChart typeDescriptionChart componentsDrill DownDrill AnywhereDrill Through
 Auto charts

Based on the fields you select for each component area, automatically generates a most common type of chart such as Bar, Column, Scatter, and Line chart.

Note: The drill capability is available only for selected scenarios <such as?>

  • Horizontal Axis—A dimension or metric field that defines the horizontal axis of a chart. 
  • Vertical Axis—A dimension or metric field that defines the vertical axis of a chart.
  • Colour—A dimension or a metric field that distinguishes the values by colors.
  • Size—A metric or an aggregated dimension field that defines the size of bubbles in a chart.

Note: These options are available for the most commonly generated chart types, but may vary based on the auto-generated chart type.

Chart typeAuto chart

Based on the fields you select for each component area, automatically generates a most common type of chart such as Bar, Column, Scatter, and Line chart.

Note: The drill capability is available only for selected scenarios <such as?>

Chart components
  • Horizontal Axis—A dimension or metric field that defines the horizontal axis of a chart. 
  • Vertical Axis—A dimension or metric field that defines the vertical axis of a chart.
  • Colour—A dimension or a metric field that distinguishes the values by colors.
  • Size—A metric or an aggregated dimension field that defines the size of bubbles in a chart.

Note: These options are available for the most commonly generated chart types, but may vary based on the auto-generated chart type.

Drill down(tick)
Drill anywhere(tick)
Drill through(tick)

Analytical charts

 Analytical chart types

IconChart typeDescriptionChart componentsDrill DownDrill AnywhereDrill Through

Displays a non-linear trend of two related data series

Use this charts with categorical, sequential or time-series data. Bubble size and location combine to effectively display 3-D data on a 2-D chart. Scatter charts can also be displayed in quadrants, allowing for negative X and Y values.

  • Horizontal Axis—a metric or date field used as the x axis measurement.
  • Vertical Axis—a metric or date field used as the y axis measurement.
  • (Optional) Colour—a dimension or a metric field that distinguishes the values by colors.
  • (Optional) Size—a metric field that defines the size of bubbles.
HistogramShows the number of times a given value occurs in the dataset.
  • Horizontal Axis—a metric field for analyzing distribution <of values?>
  • (Optional) Colour—a field that distinguishes the values by colors.
Box & WhiskerGives a quick overview of series of values and their statistical properties.
  • Horizontal Axis—a metric field to analyze using the chart.
  • Vertical Axis—a field for labels to to distinguish different categories or ranges <Verify?>

Displays a segmented chart for which behaviour is determined by the selected data.

Note: The drill capability is available only for selected scenarios <such as?>

  • Horizontal Axis—fields to use as columns in the chart. You can select a maximum of two different fields.
  • Vertical Axis—fields to use as rows in the chart. You can select a maximum of two different fields.
  • (Optional) Colour—a field that distinguishes the values by colors. You can select only one field.
  • (Optional) Size—a metric field that defines the size of bubbles. This field is available for trellis chart with a scatter plot.
Heat GridPlots the intensity of a metric across multiple categories.
  • Horizontal Axis
  • Vertical Axis
  • (Optional) Colour
  • (Optional) Size

<Need descriptions, the one provided are same as trellis chart>


Area charts

 Area chart types

IconChart typeDescriptionChart componentsDrill downDrill anywhereDrill through
IconChart typeDescriptionChart componentsDrill downDrill anywhereDrill through

Emphasizes the magnitude of change over time.

Note: The drill capability is not available for area charts that display time series data. <verify this note>

  • Horizontal Axis—a category label for the X axis
  • Vertical Axis—a numeric value for measuring an item, for example, number of incidents. <Verify>
  • Colour—a field that defines the color applied for the cross tab series data.
    The option is only available if you have a cross tab data set available and is used to determine the color applied for cross tab series data.
 Stacked AreaEmphasizes the magnitude of change over time, while comparing multiple categories.(tick)(tick)(tick)

Bar charts

 Bar chart types

IconChart typeDescriptionChart componentsDrill downDrill anywhereDrill through
Horizontal Bar

Highlights values for easy comparison and plots numerical values horizontally. A bar chart places less emphasis on time and focuses on comparing values.

Note: The drill capability is not available for horizontal bar charts that display time series data. <verify this note>

  • Horizontal Axis—a numeric value for measuring an item, for example, number of incidents. <Verify>
  • Vertical Axis—a category label for the Y axis.
  • Colour—a field that defines the color applied for the cross tab series data.
    The option is only available if you have a cross tab data set available and is used to determine the color applied for cross tab series data.
3D Horizontal Bar(tick)(tick)(tick)
Horizontal Cylinder(tick)(tick)(tick)
Stacked Horizontal Bar

Displays categorical data, grouped or stacked to assist part-to-whole comparison.


Note: The drill capability is not available for stacked horizontal bar charts that display time series data. <verify this note>

Proportional BarDisplays how close values in different categories came to the highest category value.(tick)(tick)(tick)
<Need icon>Layered BarCompares the contribution of each value to a total across categories.<Need info. Available in UI but description is not in YF docs either> ?? ?

Column charts

 Column chart types

IconChart typeDescriptionChart componentsDrill downDrill anywhereDrill through
Vertical Column

Highlights values for easy comparison and plots numerical values vertically. A column chart places less emphasis on time and focuses on comparing values.

Note: The drill capability is not available for vertical column charts that display time series data. <verify this note>

  • Horizontal Axis—a category label for the Y axis.
  • Vertical Axis—a numeric value for measuring an item, for example, number of incidents. <Verify>
  • Colour—a field that defines the color applied for the cross tab series data.
    The option is only available if you have a cross tab data set available and is used to determine the color applied for cross tab series data.
 (tick) (tick) (tick)
3D Vertical Column(tick)  (tick) (tick)
 Cylinder(tick)  (tick) (tick)
Stacked Vertical Column

Displays categorical data, grouped or stacked to assist part-to-whole comparison. These charts are also referred to as stacked column chart.

Note: The drill capability is not available for stacked vertical  column charts that display time series data. <verify this note>

(tick)(tick)  (tick)  
3D Stacked Column(tick)(tick)(tick)
Layered Column
Compares the contribution of each value to a total value, across different categories.(tick)   (tick) (tick)

Combination charts

 Combination chart types

IconChart typeDescriptionChart componentsDrill downDrill anywhereDrill through
Combined Category

Provides clarity and highlights relationships between data sets.

Combination charts, in effect, superimpose one chart type above or below another.

Note: The drill capability is not available for combined category charts that display time series data. <verify this note>

  • Horizontal Axis—a category label for X axis.
  • Vertical Axis—a numeric value for measuring an item, for example, number of incidents. <Verify>
  • Colour—a field that defines the color applied for the cross tab series data.
    The option is only available if you have a cross tab data set available and is used to determine the color applied for cross tab series data.
(tick) (tick) (tick)
Overlay Chart

The line chart emphasizes a trend and bar chart emphasizes specific values.

Tip: For using the line chart and chart combination effectively, use bright colors for the line graph and use subtle colors.

Note: The drill capability is not available for overlay charts that display time series data. <verify this note>


Financial charts

 Financial chart types

IconChart typeDescriptionChart componentsDrill downDrill anywhereDrill through
Financial LineDisplays a share trading value; a sub-chart displays volume.
  • Horizontal Axis—category label for X axis; a field with time series data.
  • Start—share value at the beginning of a time period, usually a day.
  • End—share value at the end of a time period, usually a day.
  • High—the highest value a share reached in a time period, typically in a day.
  • Low—the lowest value a share reached in a time period, typically in a day.
  • Volume—number of shares traded in a specific time period.
  • Trend—a metric to display a trend line on the chart.
High LowShows daily high, low, opening, and closing values. The tick positions correspond to opening and closing values.(error) (error) (error) 
CandlestickShows daily high, low, opening, and closing values with different color bars depending on the daily direction.(error) (error) (error) 

Line charts

 Line chart types

IconChart TypeDescriptionChart ComponentsDrill downDrill anywhereDrill through

Displays trends over time by plotting data at points connected by lines. A single line chart plots many metrics.

Note: The drill capability is not available for line charts that display time series data. <verify this note>

  • Horizontal Axis—category label for X axis
  • Vertical Axis—a numeric value for measuring an item, for example, number of incidents. <Verify>
  • Colour—a field that defines the color applied for the cross tab series data.
    The option is only available if you have a cross tab data set available and is used to determine the color applied for cross tab series data.
(tick) (tick) (tick) 
3D Line(tick) (tick) (tick) 
Z ChartDisplays trends over a short period of time. The chart displays data, accumulative total, and moving total.(error)(error) (error) 
Stepped LineA line chart that displays trend(?) movement as steps rather than straight lines.(tick) (tick) (tick) 


 Map types

IconChart typeDescriptionChart componentsDrill downDrill anywhereDrill through

Image Map or Raster Map

<What is the correct name? Diff in docs and application>

A thematic map that uses an image to determine regions to be coloured based on a given metric.

If you do not have GIS defined columns you can use the Image Maps to create heat maps – these are a good way to display metrics with a spatial element such as Revenue by State or Country.

You will only be able to render maps for which an image map has been defined.

<Need info> <Link to separate topic that provides details.>

  • Image
  • Colour
  • Region
  • Animation
(error) (error) (tick)
Google MapRenders location data points onto a Google map. The map is displayed as a BMC Remedy Smart Reporting Chart, along with associated Google map widgets.
  • Label
  • Description
  • Link—a hyperlink embedded into the roll over bubble. The hyperlink takes the report user to an external site or another report.
  • Latitude—a latitude coordinates field.
  • Longitude—a longitude coordinates field.

<need verification>

(error) (error) (error) 
GIS Google MapA Google map that uses GIS data for its marker coordinates. <Is it same as Google map, but only with GIS data?>

<YF has separate topics with more details and video tutorials. Is there any reason why we did not include those details?> <Should there be a separate topic with more details?>

<need info about chart data options>

Allows rendering of complex GIS polygons. Based on the GIS data available in a report, this map renders spatial reports on the fly.

(tick)(error) (tick)
GIS Bubble MapA bubble map in which bubble positions are specified by GIS points. <Is it same as GIS Map with bubble?>(tick)(error) (tick)
GIS Heat MapA heat map where colors representing GIS points are blended based on intensity.(error) (error)(error)

Map interaction

BMC Remedy Smart Reporting mapping suite has several interactive features to allow the user to view different sets and levels of data.

Zoom and navigation

Hover Navigation

The hover navigation, enabled in the Settings menu, allows the user to zoom in & out and navigate around the map.

Bottom Navigation

The bottom navigation, enabled in the Settings menu, allows the user to zoom in & out, click on an area of the chart to re-centre, and reset to the original zoom level.

Mouse Scroll Zoom

All maps now have zooming enabled with the scroll of a mouse, just hover over the map and scroll up or down to zoom in or out.

Layer Selection

If the map you're viewing has additional layers that are enabled as Selectable, then you will have a layer selection panel on the right hand side of the map.

Clicking on the arrow will expand the panel and allow you to select layers to display or hide.


Active Tooltips

Active tooltips on maps allow the user to hover over an area, highlighting it and displaying its value.

Google Tooltips

Google map tooltips allow for a label, description, and link if desired. The user just clicks on a pin to display the bubble and contained information.

Meter charts

 Meter chart types

IconChart typeDescriptionChart componentsDrill downDrill anywhereDrill through
MeterDisplays the rate of change of a measure against predefined targets. This chart is useful for dashboard reporting.

Measure—a series for the single value a meter chart displays.
This is typically a numeric value to be measured on the chart, for example number of incidents <verify?>

ThermometerDisplays a range of qualitative indicators. This chart is a vertical representation of the meter chart???
Dial<What does it display?> This chart is useful for communicating key performance indicators.??

Pie charts

 Pie chart types

IconChart typeDescriptionChart componentsDrill downDrill through 
IconChart typeDescriptionChart componentsDrill downDrill through 

Shows part-to-whole relationship of data. This chart highlights proportions rather than actual values.

Tip: To highlight actual values, use other chart types such as bar charts or column charts.

  • Color—category label for the X axis. <What does this mean? Can we change description?>
  • Size — Typically a numeric value such as $. An item that you want to measure on your Chart

<What does the descriptions mean? Can we change it? What are actual descriptions?>

3D Pie(tick)(tick)(tick)
 Multi PieHighlights individual component sizes in a system of multiple components.
  • Size
  • Label

Verify the chart components available for this chart. Existing doc says it is Color and Size. In the system it shows Size and Label. But when I tried creating a chart with 3 fields, it showed Horizontal and vertical axes and Color.


Special purpose charts

 Special purpose chart types

 Special purpose charts


 Special purpose charts

FunnelShows the status of stages in a process. <any example?>
  • Colour—category label for the X axis
  • Size—a numeric value for measuring an item, for example, number of incidents.

<Need to check if the descriptions apply correctly?>

Proportional InfographicDisplays segments on an image, with the segment size representing metric value.
  • Colour—category label for the X axis <Verify if the meaning is correct>
  • Image—an image that you want to use to display your data.
    It is an image file which is used as the shape of the infographic.
    Note: if you wish to use your own image you will need to make sure it has some transparency. Basically, any area of the image that has colour (of any shade) will be coloured in the chart, any transparent area will be left blank. You need some transparent area in order for the chart to be anything other than a large block shape.
    <Verify what the note means?>
  • Size—a numeric value for measuring an item, for example, number of incidents
Comparative InfographicDisplays images that are sized to correspond to a metric.
  • Colour—category label for the axes.
  • Image—an image that you want to use to display your data.
    It is an image file which is used as the shape of the infographic.
    Note: if you wish to use your own image you will need to make sure it has some transparency. Basically, any area of the image that has colour (of any shade) will be coloured in the chart, any transparent area will be left blank. You need some transparent area in order for the chart to be anything other than a large block shape.
    <Verify what the note means?>
  • (Optional) Horizontal Axis—the value displayed directly above each image
  • Size—a numeric value for measuring an item, for example, number of incidents
RadarDisplays data comparison by integrating multiple axes into a single radial graph.
  • Radar—category label for the X axis
  • Size—a numeric value for measuring an item, for example, number of incidents
WaterfallShows how an initial value is increased and decreased by a series of intermediate values, leading to a final value. This chart is a special type of floating column chart.
  • Horizontal Axis—category label for the X axis
  • Vertical Axis—a numeric value for measuring an item, for example, number of incidents.
EventMaps the occurrence of events with respect to the values of a numeric dataset, over time.
  • Horizontal Axis—time value
  • Vertical Axis—a metric shown in the line (the top of the chart)
  • Events—binary values that signify if the event was occurring on each of the time values

<Verify descriptions meaning>

Week DensityShows the density of occurrences based on hour relative to other densities on the same day of the week.
  • Horizontal Axis—a time field that will be used to identify days of the week and hours of the day.
  • Vertical Axis—a numeric value for measuring an item, for example, number of incidents.
Digital Numeric DisplayShows the value of a metric on a digital display.<Need info>(error)(error)(tick)
<Need image>Numeric DisplayShows the total value of the field, either defined by the aggregation applied to it, or the column total aggregation, if available.<Need info>(error)(error)(tick)

Chart selector guide


a field that defines the color applied for the cross tab series data.
The option is only available if you have a cross tab data set available and is used to determine the color applied for cross tab series data.

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