PATROL Agent configuration variables

Agent configuration variables are the means by which the characteristics of a PATROL Agent are defined. To configure a remote iSeries host for monitoring by using PATROL Configuration Manager, add the following set of agent configuration variables, and apply it on the BMC PATROL Agent that runs BMC PATROL for iSeries:

Directory path and variableDescriptionExample


Sets maximum heap size value for the KM's java.exe process which collects data of the iSeries host. Default value: 1024

"/AKN_REMOTE/maxHeapSize" = { REPLACE = "512" },

Set this variable to the directory path of the JRE.

{ REPLACE = "C:\java\jre7" },


Set this variable to enable or disable User monitoring. Valid values:

  • Enable - 1
  • Disable - 0

"/AKN_REMOTE/HOST/" = { REPLACE = "1" },

/AKN_REMOTE/HOST/<hostname>/userStores the name of the user.

"/AKN_REMOTE/HOST/" = { REPLACE = "patrol" },


Set this variable to enable or disable System monitoring. Valid values:

  • Enable - 1
  • Disable - 0

{ REPLACE = "1" },


Set this variable to enable or disable Subsystem monitoring. Valid values:

  • Enable - 1
  • Disable - 0

{ REPLACE = "1" },


Set this variable to filter subsystems.

For example:


Ctrl+C: This is a separator character.

{ REPLACE = "B.* },


Set this variable to 1 for using secure connection to the iSeries host."/AKN_REMOTE/HOST/" =
{ REPLACE = "1" },
/AKN_REMOTE/HOST/<hostname>/publishName (add in troubleshooting)Use this variable to set FQDN for the iSeries host.

{ REPLACE = "" },


Set this variable to enable or disable Storage Pool monitoring. Valid values:

  • Enable - 1
  • Disable - 0

{ REPLACE = "1" },


Set this variable to enable or disable Objects monitoring. Valid values:

  • Enable - 1
  • Disable - 0

{ REPLACE = "1" },


Set this variable to filter objects.

For example:


Ctrl+C: This is a separator character.



Set this variable to filter aggregate metrics and create individual instances

For example:

<Monitor aggregate metrics?>:<Create individual instance?>

{ REPLACE = "Y:Y" },


Set this variable to enable or disable Message queue monitoring. Valid values:

  • Enable - 1
  • Disable - 0

{ REPLACE = "1" },


Indicates the MSGQueueLib name and the MSGQueueName



Set this variable to filter message queue criteria.

For example:


  • Use 1 to include and 0 to exclude
  • mIdIn - Regular expression for message id to include
  • mSev - Number for severity of message. Valid values = 0 to 99
  • mTypeStr - A pipe separated list of message types

Ctrl+C: This is a separator character.



Set this variable to enable or disable job queue monitoring. Valid values:

  • Enable - 1
  • Disable - 0

{ REPLACE = "1" },


Set this variable to filter job queues.

For example:


Ctrl+C: This is a separator character.

{ REPLACE = "B.* }


Set this variable to enable or disable network interface monitoring. Valid values:

  • Enable - 1
  • Disable - 0

{ REPLACE = "1" },

/AKN_REMOTE/HOST/<hostname>/hostnameStores the name of the iSeries host.

{ REPLACE = "" },


Set this variable to enable or disable Batch Jobs monitoring. Valid values:

  • Enable - 1
  • Disable - 0

{ REPLACE = "1" },


Set this variable to monitor the standard monitoring profiles (System, User, Pool, Batch).

  • Enable - 1
  • Advanced- 0

{ REPLACE = "0" },


Set this variable to enable or disable ASP monitoring. Valid values:

  • Enable - 1
  • Disable - 0

{ REPLACE = "1" },


Set this variable to enable or disable Active Jobs monitoring. Valid values:

  • Enable - 1
  • Disable - 0

{ REPLACE = "1" },


Set this variable to filter active jobs.

For example:


{ REPLACE = "303030:patrol*:*:*:*:*:*" },


Set this variable to filter aggregate metrics and create individual instances

For example:

<Monitor aggregate metrics?>:<Create individual instance?>

{ REPLACE = "Y:Y" },


Set this variable to enable or disable debug. Valid values:

  • Enable - 1
  • Disable - 0

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