This documentation supports the 23.3 version of BMC Helix Innovation Suite (AR System and BMC Helix Innovation Studio).

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Setting up your IDE and installing BMC Helix Innovation Studio SDK

Before you start with developing applications, you must install the BMC Helix Innovation Studio SDK and the components required to develop applications. For an overview of the steps to develop an application, see Setting up the environment to develop a code-based application

The following video (4:20) demonstrates the list of components required to develop the application and how to setup the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

The video shows an older version of BMC Helix Innovation Studio. Although there might be minor changes in the UI, the overall functionality remains the same.

The following table lists the different components and installers you need to set up the development environment:

Components and installersDescription

BMC Helix Innovation Studio Software Development Kit

JDK 11.0.7

Open Java Development Kit 

BMC Helix Innovation Studio server

BMC Helix Innovation Studio server and database are installed on the BMC Helix Innovation Studio Developer Instance (sandbox systems). Click here Open link to register and request a free BMC Helix Innovation Studio Developer Instance.

Maven 3.6.3Build system 
Eclipse 4.10Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (2018-12)

Required for BMC Helix Innovation Studio SDK

Node.jsJavaScript runtime engine required for Grunt
YarnPackage manager for JavaScript

JavaScript task runner for running and debugging custom web applications


  • Use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser to access BMC Helix Innovation Studio.
  • If you are using Google Chrome, you can use Batarang - the AngularJS Extension. To download the tool, click  Chrome webstore apps Open link .
  • When working with REST APIs, you can use the Postman Open link  application.

To install OpenJDK 11.0.7

  1. Download OpenJDK 11.0.7. To download, see OpenJDK 11.0.7 Open link from AdoptOpenJDK. 


    If you face issues with accessing the link to download OpenJDK11, then download the correct version from AdoptOpenJDK.

  2. Extract the archive in a folder on your computer. For example, C:\Tools\Java\ jdk-11.0.7\.
  3. Create a JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to C:\Tools\Java\ jdk-11.0.7. 
    To create the variable on Microsoft Windows:
    1. Navigate to Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced System settings.
    2. In the System Properties, navigate to Advanced > Environment Variables.
  4. In System Variables, perform the following:
    1. Add <JDKInstallation> folder to JAVA_HOME variable.  
      For example, a typical value for the PATH variable can be: 
    2. Add %JAVA_HOME%\bin to the PATH environment variable. 


Remove all references to the Oracle JRE bin folder in the system environment variable PATH. For example, C:\Program Files\Java\jre\bin and C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath

To install Maven 3.6.3

  1. Download and install Maven 3.6.3.
    For more information, see Open link and download one of the following files: 
    • (Windows) Download
    • (UNIX) Download apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.tar.gz.
    For more information, see Installing Apache Maven Open link  in the Maven documentation.
  2. Create a  MAVEN_OPTS environment variable and set it to -Xms512m -Xmx1024m.
    For more information, see Configuring Apache Maven Open link in the Maven documentation.


  • Do not change the default location of the Maven repository. By default, the Maven repository is located at C:\Users\Administrator\.m2.
  • Maven repository will now be available over HTTPS, so if your maven compilation fails due to the error, Return code is: 501 , ReasonPhrase:HTTPS Required, then add following entry in the <mirrors> section in Settings.xml file located in your <maven installation>/conf directory.

    <name>Maven Central Repository</name>

To install Eclipse 4.10 (2018-12)

  1. Download and unzip Eclipse IDE for Java developers Open link , 64-bit version (2018-12). 

  2. Modify the eclipse.ini file to increase the memory used by Eclipse. 
    1. Update the line with -Xms to -Xms512m
    2. Update the line with -Xmx to -Xmx2048m
  3. Download and install the AspectJ plug-in for Eclipse. 
    1. Download AJDT (AspectJ) Open link
    2. In Eclipse, navigate to Help > Install New Software > Add and select Archive (downloaded from above location).
    3. Select Required Tools > Next > Finish.
    4. To install AJDT M2E configurator in Eclipse, see Open link .

    5. In Eclipse, navigate to Window>Preferences > Java > Compiler, set the compiler compliance level to 11.

    6. In Eclipse, navigate to Window>Preferences > Java > Installed JREs, select the open jdk 11.

To install GitHub

The following procedures list the different ways to install GitHub:

By using GitHub desktop

  1. Install the desktop version of GitHub.
    See  GitHub Open link .
  2. After you install GitHub, add the command line git.exe in the Windows Path environment variable.
    1. Get the git.exe path. GitHub desktop is installed in the following folder:
      <YourUserName> is your Windows login name and <VersionNumber> is the GitHub version installed.
      For example, see the following image:
    2. Navigate to Windows Explorer > This PC > Properties > Advanced System settings, and in the System Properties, navigate to Advanced > Environment Variables.
    3. In System Variables, edit the variable Path to add the path to the git.exe utility, and save the changes.
  3. Verify that git.exe is available by opening a Windows command prompt and entering the following command:

    git --version

    The git.exe tool version is displayed as shown in the following image:

By using the Git command line program

  1. Access the  GitHub Downloads Open link URL and select Windows.
  2. Cancel the download for the default git installer and from the UI select the 64-bit Git for Windows Portable option.
  3. After you run the executable file, the Git command line program is installed at the C:\git\PortableGit folder.
  4. Add the git.exe path in the Windows Path environment variable by using the following steps:
    1. Get the git.exe path from the C:\git\PortableGit\bin\ folder.
    2. Navigate to Windows Explorer > This PC > Properties > Advanced System settings and in System Properties, navigate to Advanced > Environment Variables.

    3. In System Variables, edit the variable Path to add the path to the utility git.exe, and save the changes.
  5. Verify that git.exe is available by opening a Windows command prompt and entering the following command:

    git --version

    The git.exe tool version is displayed as shown in the following image:

To install Node.js

  1. Verify if the correct version of Node.js is installed by using the following command:

    node --version

  2. If you have installed a Node.js version earlier than 16.20.1, uninstall Node.js.
    •  If you have installed Node.js by using Node Version Manager (nvm), use the following command to uninstall it:

      nvm uninstall <version>

    • If you have installed Node.js directly, use your operating system OOTB functionality to uninstall it.
      For example the Add/Remove Programs on Windows.
  3. Install Node.js 16.20.1.

    You can install Node.js by using Node Version Manager version 1.1.11 or by using Node.js installer.


    BMC recommends that you use Node Version Manager. Node Version Manager simplifies the management of node versions when you have to frequently install, uninstall, or switch between different node versions. If you do not install Node Version Manager, make sure that you get the installer from the Previous Releases page on the Open link website.

    • Install or update Node Version Manager to version 1.1.11

      • (Windows) See  nvm-windows Open link . For more information about versions, see  nvm-windows releases Open link .

      • (Mac OS/Linux) See nwm-macOS Open link

    • Install Node.js 16.20.1 Open link installer.

      • (Windows) Use Windows Installer (.msi) or Windows Binary (.zip)

      • (Mac OS) Use macOS Installer (.pkg) or macOS Binary (.tar.gz)

      • (Linux) Use any the applicable binaries 

  4. Verify that the correct version of Node.js is running on your system by using the following command:

    node --version

To install Yarn

Install  Yarn 1.22.19 Open link command line interface by using the following command:

npm install -g yarn@1.22.19
Operation SystemUse the installation file with extension

See the Yarn installation Open link information.


If you have Windows operating system, you can install/uninstall Yarn by using the Add/Remove Programs.

To install Grunt 

You can install Grunt tool for easy debugging of custom web applications. Grunt is installed and managed via the Node.js package manager. No additional installer is required for installing Grunt.

Install Grunt 1.3.2 Open link command line interface by using the following command:

npm install -g grunt-cli@1.3.2


If the grunt command is not recognized as a command, the installer may have failed to add it to the path. Make sure the npm folder is in the path, usually located at \Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\npm.

To download and install BMC Helix Innovation Studio SDK

If you have created applications by using an BMC Helix Innovation Studio SDK version earlier than 23.3.01, you must upgrade your applications to version 23.3.01. 

  1. Download BMC Helix Innovation Studio SDK

  2. Extract the sdk folder to a desired location (for example, C:\sdk) and add a system environment variable RX_SDK_HOME pointing to the sdk folder location.

  3. Run the following command in the sdk lib folder:

    mvn clean install

    For example, if the sdk folder is located at C:\sdk, run the following commands:

    cd C:\sdk\com.bmc.arsys.rx.sdk-23.3.01\lib
    mvn clean install

To verify the development environment

You can have a quick check of installed software in the development environment by using commands. 

The following table describes the commands with output examples. The output may vary on your system depending on the installed components. 


java -version

openjdk version "11.0.7" 2020-04-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.7+10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.7+10, mixed mode)

Verify that the JAVA_HOME and PATH parameters are set to correct locations. If not set correctly, set the locations manually:

  • Set the JAVA_HOME parameters to "C:\BMCTools\Java"
  • In the PATH parameters, add "C:\BMCTools\Java\bin"

mvn -version

Apache Maven 3.6.3 (cecedd343002696d0abb50b32b541b8a6ba2883f)
Maven home: C:\Tools\apache-maven-3.6.3\bin\..
Java version: 11.0.7, vendor: AdoptOpenJDK, runtime: C:\Tools\Java\jdk-11.0.7
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

Verify that the MAVEN_HOME, MAVEN_OPTS and PATH parameters are set to correct location. If not set correctly, set the locations manually:

  • Set the MAVEN_HOME parameter to
  • Set the MAVEN_OPTS parameter to "-Xms512m -Xmx1024m"
  • In the PATH parameter, add

node --version


Verify that the PATH parameter is set to correct location. If not set correctly, in the PATH parameter add "C:\BMCTools\nodeJS\" manually.


RX_SDK_HOME=<sdk location>\com.bmc.arsys.rx.sdk-23.3.01

Verify that the RX_SDK_HOME parameter is set to correct location. If not set correctly, set the location manually to

<sdk location>\com.bmc.arsys.rx.sdk-23.3.01

yarn --version


Verify that the PATH parameter contains the location


grunt --version


Verify that the PATH parameter is set to correct location. If not set correctly, set the location manually to


Where to go from here

Creating a Project using Maven and the Archetype

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