What's new in this version

The latest monthly release of Control-M Automation API, version, was released on January 17, 2021. New developments in this version are divided into the following categories:

New features

The following new features were introduced in the specified versions:

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...

The new deploy jobtype command enables you to deploy a new job type to the Control-M/Agent based on job definitions that were exported from Application Integrator in .ctmai format. servicedeploy jobtype

New elements have been introduced in the JSON syntax of Deploy Descriptors to support new options for manipulating job definitions in JSON files:

  • Add: Enables you to add new objects or properties
  • Delete: Enables you to delete existing objects or properties

These elements join the Replace and Assign elements that modify existing objects or properties. Descriptor



And various other information on the same page.

File Transfer jobs now support file transfers from the one Amazon S3 storage or S3-compatible storage to another, using S3 connection profiles. For such file transfers, the new S3BucketNameSrc and S3BucketNameDest parameters must be included in the job definitions. Reference > Job typesJob:FileTransfer

A new group of commands that begin with config server:agent:mft enable you to manage the setup of your integration with Control-M Managed File Transfer (MFT), to enable file transfers to, from, and between remote hosts.

Using Automation API commands, you can configure the following aspects of Control-M MFT:

  • SSH settings — generate SSH keys, authorize an SSH host, or authorize an SSH cluster
  • PGP templates — add, update, or delete a PGP template, or retrieve details of PGP templates
  • z/OS templates — add, update, or delete a z/OS template, or retrieve details of z/OS templates
  • MFT configuration — retrieve details of MFT configuration and update MFT configuration
  • File Transfer Server (FTS) settings — retrieve details of FTS settings and update FTS settings

Config service

Configuration reference for file transfers to or from remote hosts

Configuring file transfers to and from remote hosts

Full page

Support added for two new types of Hadoop jobs involving Apache Tajo — a job for running a Tajo command from an input file, and a job for running a Tajo query. Reference > Job types



Support added for an SAP R/3 job with a CREATE action, that is, a job that creates a new SAP R3 job. Reference > Job typesJob:SAP:R3:CREATE

Jobs-as-Code now supports SLA Management jobs, which enable you to identify a chain of jobs that comprise a critical service and must complete by a certain time.

To manage SLA Management jobs, you must have the SLA Management add-on (previously known as Control-M Batch Impact Manager) installed in your Control-M environment. Reference > Job typesJob:SLAManagement
A new If action, Action:Remedy, enables you to create a Remedy ticket in response to an If statement that is fulfilled. Reference > Job PropertiesAction:Remedy

When registering an agent image using the provision agent::setup command, you can now use two new parameters, serverHostName and serverPort, to override the default server settings. You include these parameters in the optional configuration file. These parameters are required if the user performing agent provisioning uses Role Based Administration authorizations. > Provision serviceprovision agent::setup
You can now manage calendars through Control-M Automation API. New JSON code was developed for inclusion of calendar definitions in JSON Definitions files that are used by the deploy, build, or run API commands. The deploy command can now be used to deploy a new calendar or to update an existing calendar. Two new commands enable you to get details of defined calendars (deploy calendars::get) and to delete an existing calendar (deploy calendar::delete).

Code Reference > Calendars

Services > Deploy service

Full page

Discussion of the following APIs:

Two new API commands have been introduced for the management of host groups (groups of Control-M/Agents):

  • config server:hostgroup::update enables you to update the list of Control-M/Agents that are in a host group, overwriting the current list of Control-M/Agents. If the specified host group does not exist, a new host group is created. This API command is especially useful if you want to add or remove multiple agents in a host group, all at once, or to create a new host group with multiple associated agents.
  • config server:hostgroup::delete enables you to delete a host group from the Control-M/Server.

Services > Config service

config server:hostgroup::update

config server:hostgroup::delete

You can now create group connection profiles for file transfers, which enable you to transfer a file from one host to multiple hosts in one transfer. In each group connection profile, you include a variety of previously defined connection profiles for file transfers. Reference > Connection ProfilesConnectionProfile:FileTransfer:Group

Several job properties have been added as fields that can be used in query strings of the run jobs:status::get command — held, folderHeld, cyclic, and deleted — all with true|false values.

Responses for the following commands were updated accordingly, to include the cyclic property: run status, run jobs:status::get, and run job:status::get. > Run service

run jobs:status::get

as well as run job:status::get and run status

Extraction rules can now be defined in a Hadoop connection profile for an Oozie server. Extraction rules are used for filtering Oozie workflows.

Code Reference > Connection Profiles

The run job::rerun command for rerunning a job now supports z/OS jobs. To provide advanced parameters for this job type, you associate a configuration file with the API command using the -f option or you include the advanced parameters in the REST request body. > Run servicerun job::rerun


The following changes were made in existing features in the specified versions:

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...


The terms used for resource types have been changed:

  • Semaphore resources are now called pool resources
  • Mutex resources are now called lock resources Reference > Job PropertiesResources
The response to the config server:agents::get command was changed. In addition to the node ID and status of each agent, the response now also contains the product version and the host operating system.

Services > Config service

config server:agents::get

Corrected problems

The following table lists issues that have been corrected in the most recent releases:

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...

Tracking #



The deploy jobs::get command fails to retrieve details of a folder that contains the node_id property set to a non-default value.
CTM-4395When the config server:hostgroup:agents::get command is run with an invalid token, an incorrect message is returned, "Control-M Server... not found."
DRDEV-171The deploy jobs::get command fails to retrieve details of cyclic jobs (that is, jobs with the Rerun property) that were defined with an interval set to 0 (that is, with "Every": "0").

Provisioning of a new agent for product version 9.0.20 on Windows fails due to an issue in password decryption. The Provision service returns an error with exit code 6.
DRDEV-170When deployment of a folder fails the validation of a site standard that was specified within the folder due to rules that restrict the use of variables, the error message provides incorrect information regarding the validation issues.
DRDEV-168Deployment of a folder fails if the scheduling settings contain the SpecificDates property under the general When property (not within the settings of a rule-based calendar).
DRDEV-167The expiration interval for an authentication token is not extended in response to user activity.
DRDEV-163Deployment of a Hadoop Tajo job that is based on an input file (Job:Hadoop:Tajo:InputFile) fails due to an issue with the FullFilePath property.
DRDEV-161Deployment of a connection profile fails if the port defined in the connection profile is below 1024. A message notifies you that the port number is outside of the valid range.

The deploy jobs::get command fails to retrieve details of jobs of type Command, Script, or EmbeddedScript that contain the %%$BMCWAIORIGTYPE variable.

The /run/job/$jobId/rerun REST command fails if the -d option is not included in the request body, and the message "Required request body is missing" is issued. The -d option should be required only for specifying advanced parameters for a z/OS job.
DRDEV-72When deployment of a folder fails the validation of a site standard that was specified within the folder due to rules that restrict the use of If actions and events, the error message provides incorrect information regarding the validation issues.
DRDEV-46When the run order command is used to order all jobs in a subfolder, an OK status and run ID are returned, but no jobs are run.

AAPI connections appear in Control-M Reports with an incorrect IP address (

The deploy jobs::get command fails to get folder data for a folder that contains a Database job, and returns an error regarding an unsupported over_lib property.

Parameters included in role definitions or user definitions are not properly validated when updating the role or user.

Deployment of a Stored Procedure job (a type of database job) using a connection profile for a non-default agent, job parameters are missing in the job definitions.

When using the deploy jobs::get command, excluded rule-based calendars are returned with an erroneous exclamation character - ! - at the beginning of the name of each excluded calendar.

When a connection profile for a file transfer that uses the FTPS (FTP over SSL) communication protocol is set with ConnectionMode=Passive, details returned by the deploy connectionprofiles:centralized::get command display ConnectionMode set to the default of Active.

The Control-M Automation API yaml file for version or fails to import into Postman.

During provisioning of an Agent of version 9.0.20, the connectionInitiator parameter from the configuration file is not set correctly if the specified parameter value is AgentToServer or ServerToAgent.

When deploying jobs in a subfolder, combinations of WeekDays schedules and periodic calendars are defined incorrectly.

After upgrading Control-M, a constant increase is observed in inactive database sessions from the Automation API Server when Control-M/EM uses the Oracle database.
DRDEV-143When the DaysRelation property is set to OR and is used in combination with a rule-based calendar, the DaysRelation value is changed to AND (the default value) during deployment.

Scheduling settings in a job within a subfolder are changed during deployment. This occurs when WeekDays, Months, and MonthDays are all set to None, and during deployment the Months and MonthDays properties are changed to ALL. As a result, the job runs every day.

Deployment fails when the SpecificDates scheduling property is used in a job within a subfolder.

The deploy jobs::get command fails when folder definitions were configured through the Control-M GUI. This occurs when a value was entered in a field, but a subsequent change in another field made that value obsolete.
DRDEV-139Erroneous validation errors are returned by the Deploy or Build command when the JSON input is, in fact, valid. This occurs in versions and Examples of erroneous validation erros are "Field is not valid", "Cannot validate CreateBy field. user token is invalid.", and "Out of sequence response: expected X but got Y."

Building, deploying, or running a folder causes a "No site standard set to folder" validation error when Folder Strictness is set to true, even if the Enforce Site Standard option is set to false.

When a deploy jobs::get command returns details of a cyclic folder with defined specific times to run, the specific times (which should be defined by the At parameter under the RerunSpecificTimes object) are not returned in the response.

When a deploy jobs::get command returns details of a cyclic folder with a defined interval sequence, the sequence of intervals (which should be defined by the Intervals parameter under the RerunIntervals object) is not returned in the response.
DRDEV-135If a variable was defined (for a job or folder) with an empty value, the deploy jobs::get command does not include this variable in the response.
DRDEV-133The Deploy command fails to deploy a job of type Job:FileTransfer if the NumberOfRetries parameter is set to Default.
DRDEV-132When a deploy jobs::get command returns details of a job of type Job:SAP:BW:ProcessChain, the RetrieveLog is always set to true (the default value), even if it should be set to false. As a result, RetrieveLog is not included in the JSON response.
DRDEV-131When a folder and subfolder have the same name and the subfolder contains a job, the deploy jobs::get command returns details of the job under the parent folder.

Several commands in the run service time out after 10 minutes, with no user control over the timeout definitions.

To resolve this issue:

  1. In the automation-api.properties file, add the thrift_gui_callback_timeout parameter, and set it to a value that is longer than the default 600000 milliseconds (10 minutes).

  2. For the new setting to take effect, restart the API process (the emrestsrv process).
DRDEV-130When two different folders contain jobs with the same name, the deploy jobs::get command returns only one of the two jobs.

When a folder contains two or more levels of nested subfolders with the same name, the deploy jobs::get command does not return all subfolders.
DRDEV-128The deploy command fails if an action of type Action:Run was included in the defined job in the json code.
DRDEV-127Typo in message issued when an invalid object or property is detected in the json code.

SLA Management jobs are not deployed correctly if the defined Service Actions include two actions of the same type and an additional action of a different type in between them.

Specific dates specified for Service Actions in an SLA Management job are replaced by the order date (the default value) during deployment.
DRDEV-124An error returned by the run job:status::get command reports "Server Error" without providing further details.

The deploy jobs::get command fails when it is run on a folder that contains definitions of a rule-based calendar with specific dates. The error message "date_str not supported" is issued.

In an environment where Control-M/EM has been patched with multiple patches, configuration of authorizations fails due to the requirement of a minimum version of Control-M/EM.
DRDEV-119Action:Mail messages fail to parse and return an erroneous message, "for String <xxxx>".
DRDEV-118Building of a job with a rule-based calendar fails during validation, with an "external validator TagSelectionsValidator not found" message.
DRDEV-113Deployment of a folder fails if the folder contains a non-cyclic job with cyclic properties.
WBL-119629Deployment of a Database connection profile for MSSQL SSIS fails when attempting to update the connection profile definitions . This occurs when the json definitions contain asterisks for the SSIS password. Error message 500 is returned.

The run job::get command fails, with an error message regarding unsupported property type em_stat_cal_ctm, em_stat_cal, or em_stat_period.
DRDEV-111When the agent parameter is set to ALL, the config server:runasuser::test command fails without notification that this parameter value is not valid.

When a job of type EmbeddedScript is defined with "RunAsDummy": true, the job is deployed as a job of type Dummy instead of an Embedded Script job.

Uninstallation of Control-M Automation API version fails on Windows. An error is issued regarding failure to stop the emrestsrv process.
DRDEV-106The deploy jobs::get command fails to return details of Script jobs, with an error regarding an unsupported instream_jcl property.
DRDEV-109The deploy jobs::get command fails with an error regarding the tag_relationship property.

API requests end with a server error (error 500) due to a short timeout definition. The error message does not provide sufficient information.

To resolve this issue, the server timeout setting was changed from a default of 10 seconds to a default of 10 minutes. A new error messages now provides more information when the issue occurs.

The XML property DAYSCAL was not ignored when defined in a SMARTFOLDER element, as expected, and it caused the retrieval of the job to fail.

Deployment in XML format does not synchronize the folder with Control-M/Server when the XML file contains a defjob element.

When you run deploy jobs::get set to JSON format on a folder that contains multiple jobs with the same name, the output includes only one of those jobs.

For the resolution of this issue, an error message notifies you that a folder cannot be extracted into JSON format if the folder contains multiple jobs with the same name.
DRDEV-101Deployment of a Stored Procedure job (a type of database job) fails in an environment with multiple Control-M/Servers.

Deployment in XML format fails when the XML file contains special characters and the encoding at the target environment differs from Latin-1.

Business fields of a Site Standard are not populated when deployed under a simple folder.


At times of high load, API calls might result in a "not found" (HTTP 404) error.
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