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This topic provides information to a job operator or an automation engineer about the transformation and remediation actions performed on the data provided by automation system while creating a change record. Information about all the transformation and remdediation actions is added to the change worklog. See Viewing worklog updates.

Data transformation and remediation actions are performed in the following scenarios:

  • Required data is not provided in the Request For Change (RFC) record creation -  For example:
    • If only job summary is provided, a change record is created. The change record is enriched by populating default values for change class, impact and urgency parameters.
    • If scheduled start date is not provided in the RFC, the scheduled start date is updated with the server time stamp value in the change record.
    • If configuration items (CIs) are not provided in the RFC, a change record gets created but the CIs do not get associated to the change record. 
  • Data is not in a format acceptable to the application - For example:
    • Change management expects the Date to be in Epoch format. If the Date is in UTC format, date transformation is performed to convert the date to Epoch format.
  • Data is contradictory when combination of values are provided to the application - For example:
    • If Change Class value is set to Emergency and Urgency to 3-Moderate/Limited, the Urgency value is contradictory to the Change Class value. Therefore, the value of Urgency is reset to 1-Critical so that it is consistent with the Change Class.

The following table provides information about data conversion and remediation performed to create a meaningful change record.

Automation system parameterParameter received as input from the automation system?Data remediation actionWorklog information update
Data conversion to a format acceptable to Change Management
DateDate in UTC formatDate is converted from UTC format to Epoch format 
Data remediation action for inputs not provided by automation system
Schedule_start_dateNoThe Requested Start Date is updated with the server time stamp value.Yes

If the schedule end date is not provided by the automation system, a default end date is calculated based on the scheduled start date.

For more information, see Configuring change rules for requests from automation system.

Risk level The risk level is calculated considering other parameters in the RFC.Yes
Customer detailsNoCustomer details are defaulted to requester details.Yes
Change locationNoChange location is defaulted to the customer location.Yes
Change process flowNot defined

The following order of precedence is followed:

  1. If a change template is configured and a process flow is associated with the change template, the process flow configured in the template is applied to the change record.
  2. If no change template is configured but a change rule is configured to use a process flow, the process flow configured in the change rule is applied to the change record.
  3. If no process flow is configured, the default Standard Process-Automation System process flow is applied to the change record.

For more information, see Overview of Standard Process-Automation System process flow.

Change templateNo Template Name/Template ID/Template Instance ID is definedThe applicable template is searched from template configuration rules. If no template is applicable, the change record is populated with default values.Yes
Change classNoClass is set as NormalYes
Change impactNoImpact is set to 4-Minor/LocalizedYes
Change urgencyNoUrgency is set to 4-LowYes
Change priorityNoPriority is calculated based on impact and urgency values.Yes
Automation taskNoAn automatic task is created and associated with the change template.Yes
Data remediation actions to correct data inconsistencies
Change classChange class is No Impact and value of change impact is set to any value less than 4-Minor/Localized.The value of impact is reset to 4-Minor/Localized.Yes
Change class is Emergency and value of urgency is set to any value greater than 1-Critical.The value of urgency is reset to 1-Critical.Yes
Change class is Expedited and value of urgency is set to any value greater than 2-High.The value of urgency is reset to 2-High.Yes
Change class is Latent and scheduled_start_date is in future.The value of class is reset to Normal, because the Change is not yet performed.Yes
Change class is anything other than Latent and scheduled_start_date is in the pastThe value of class is reset to Latent, because the Change has been performed.Yes


