
Create a Docker Network bridge

This topic provides details on how to install BMC AMI Cloud Analytics in an on-premise environment.


  • 8 vCPU, 32gb RAM instance, 1TB of storage (preferably SSD)
  • AWS instance types:
    • m5d.2xlarge
    • m5ad.2xlarge
  • Docker or Podman must be installed on the instance.
    • A user with docker or Podman privileges is required to run docker and Podman commands.



Root access might be required for some of the steps depending on the system's configuration. Therefore, we recommend using a root user for the installation.

Task 1: To download the installation package file

Use the following procedure to obtain the installation files and a license key:

  1. Go to Electronic Product Distribution (EPD) Open link and login.
  2. In the search bar, search for BMC AMI Cloud Analytics. Both product files are composed with the same binaries.
  3. Click on the version you want to download. 
  4. In the Product tab, select the file and click Download.
  5. Move the files to the target installation system. The recommended location for the package files on the installation system is: 

  6. Select the License Information tab and download the temporary license key.
  7. To obtain a full license key, go to Support Central Open link and select Case Management
  8. Open a license key request by clicking on Create New Case and filling in the required information. 


    Supply the output of the z/OS command D M=CPU.

Task 2: To prepare for installation

  1. Set the version environment variable:

    export GRAVITY_VERSION=<v.r.m>


    Note the following:

    • In the command above, <v.r.m> represents the package version number, for example 1.0.0.
    • The following installation steps use exported environment variables.
  2. Extract the package file:

    export GRAVITY_PACKAGES=/data/model9/gravity/packages
    tar -xzvf model9-gravity-package-$GRAVITY_VERSION.tar.gz
    export GRAVITY_EXTRACTED=$(pwd)/model9-gravity-$GRAVITY_VERSION
    export GRAVITY_BUILD=$(cat $GRAVITY_EXTRACTED/build-id.txt)
  3. Create an installation target folder structure:

    export GRAVITY_HOME=/data/model9/gravity
    mkdir -p $GRAVITY_HOME/config
    mkdir -p $GRAVITY_HOME/keys
    mkdir -p $GRAVITY_HOME/logs
    mkdir -p $GRAVITY_HOME/work


    $GRAVITY_HOME/work is the work directory used by the service for data processing. You must mount it on a block device with enough space available.

Task 3: To configure the product

  1. Copy key stores into the $GRAVITY_HOME/keys folder:



    The key stores provided in the package include the default self-signed BMC AMI Cloud certificates for setting up TLS in the BMC AMI Cloud Analytics service. If required, you can replace these key stores with key stores provided by the organization.

  2. Create the configuration file:

  3. After creating the file, edit it and specify the missing values:

    vi $GRAVITY_HOME/config/


    vi is usually available by default on Linux systems. Depending on your preference, you can also use other editors such as nano.

    # ----------------------------------------
    # Model9 Gravity Configuration
    # Documentation:
    # Support:
    # ----------------------------------------

For details on the configuration options and their default values, see Additional configuration parameters.

Task 4: To start the BMC AMI Cloud Analytics service

  1. Load the BMC AMI Cloud Analytics docker image:

    docker load --input $GRAVITY_EXTRACTED/model9-gravity-$GRAVITY_VERSION-build-$GRAVITY_BUILD.docker.gz
  2. Important

    You must create a separate network bridge for the Gravity container.

    Create a Docker Network bridge:

     docker network create -d bridge gravity-bridge
  3. Start the BMC AMI Cloud Analytics container:

    docker run --detach --publish 443:443 \
        --net gravity-bridge \
        --volume $GRAVITY_HOME/config:/data/model9/config:z \
        --volume $GRAVITY_HOME/keys:/data/model9/keys:z \
        --volume $GRAVITY_HOME/logs:/data/model9/logs:z \
        --volume $GRAVITY_HOME/work:/data/model9/work:z \
        --env "TZ=America/New_York" \
        --env "JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx28g" \
        --restart unless-stopped \
        --name model9gravity-v$GRAVITY_VERSION model9/gravity:$GRAVITY_VERSION.$GRAVITY_BUILD


    Note the following:

    • Change the TZ environment variable as appropriate.
    • Change the -Xmx value to reflect the amount of available memory for the service (in GBs) - Remember to leave a few free GBs for the operating system.
    • 443 is the default secure port, if running the service on another port, this value should be changed as well.

For tasks that you must perform immediately after installing the product, see Additional configuration parameters.

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