This documentation supports the 20.08 and consecutive patch versions of BMC Helix Business Workflows.

To view the documentation for the previous version, select 20.02 from the Product version menu.

Case reports

When agents create cases for user issues, they add different information such as requester, assignee, priority, status, and so on to the cases. Case reports provide all such information related to cases. Case reports help case managers to get information about the low and high performance points in a case, analyze the case performance, and take necessary actions. Case managers can also use the case reports to monitor agents workload, distribution of cases, service target status, and so on.


  • If you change your browser locale and select a value in the Priority list, the value is displayed in English. For more information about supported locales, see How do I set the language for the application?
  • (Version 20.08.01) The Line of business filter is available only from version 20.08.01 and later.

BMC Helix Business Workflows provides the following out-of-the-box reports with filters to view the required information:

Report nameDisplay typeDescriptionFilter(s)Purpose
Case DetailsTable

Shows a list of all the cases with details and links to view the cases.

Line of Business, Case Priority, Case Creation Date, Case Status, Assigned Group, Assigned Individual, Label, Source, and SiteUse this report to get an overview of all the cases.
Cases by AssigneeInteractive bar chart

Shows the number of cases created by individual assignees.

Tip: Click the bar chart to view a list of the cases with additional details and a link to the case. 

Line of Business, Assigned Group, Assigned Individual, Case Status, and Case Creation DateUse this report to assess the workload of agents. You can also use this report to identify cases for re-assignment.
Cases by Assigned GroupInteractive bar chart

Shows the number of cases created by the assigned groups.

Tip: Click the bar chart to view a list of the cases with details and a link to the case. 

Line of Business, Organization, Assigned Group, Case Status, Case Creation Date, and Site.Use this report to assess the workload of the assigned group. You can also use this report to identify cases for re-assignment.
Cases CrosstabInteractive bar chart

Shows the number of cases by their status. Each bar is stacked based on the assigned group.

Tip: Click the bar chart to view a list of cases for each status based on the assigned groups.

Line of Business, Case Status, Priority, Assigned Group, Assigned Individual, and Site.

Use this report to get an overview of the case volume, based on the status, for each assigned group.

Cases Submission TrendLine chart

Shows the number of cases created during the selected time period.

The table below the chart provides a list of cases with their details and a link to view the case.

Tips: You can use the following tips to view the case details:

  • Hover over the data points to view the case details.
  • Move the slider to select the duration.
Case Creation Date, Site, Priority, and Case Status.Use this report to analyze the duration when most cases were created.
Case SummaryTable
Shows the current status of a case. The fields displayed in the report are categorized into the following sections:
  • Case Summary
  • Details
  • Case Template and Categorization
  • Case Assignment
  • Related Tasks
  • Case Fields
    Shows the Dynamic Fields in the case
  • Related Cases
  • Related Tasks
    If a case has tasks, and if the tasks have dynamic fields, the task fields are shown
  • Related Person

In the Details section, you can click the View Service Targets link in the Service Targets attached column to view the service targets that are attached to the case.

Case ID
Note: This is a mandatory filter.
Use this report to get the current status of a particular case.
Case Audit Trail

Shows all the activities performed on a case and tasks in the case. 

This report shows the activities such as number of case views per user, access to confidential data, support group and users added to a case, status changes, dynamic field data changes, dynamic group data changes, priority changes, and so on.

  • If you do not have access to a case, you cannot view the Case Audit Trail report of the case.

  • In the Case Audit Trail report, you can only view the activities from the time from which you have read or write access to the case. If you have access to a case and later your access is removed, you can only view the case activities till the time you had access to the case.

  • To view the entire Case Audit Trail report, you must be a member of the support group that has access to the case for the entire case lifecycle and have the Case Business Analyst role.

Case ID, Activity Date
Note: Case ID is a mandatory filter.
Use this report to get the case activity history. This report is useful for auditors to know the sequence of activities performed on a case.
Cases by SiteInteractive bar chart

Shows the number of cases at various sites.

Tip: Click the bar chart to view a list of the cases with details and a link to the case.

Line of Business, Case status, Case Creation Date, and Site.Use this report to get an overview of the distribution of cases across various sites.
Case Reopen DetailsTableShows a list of all the reopened cases with details and links to view the cases.Line of Business, Case Priority, Case Creation Date, Case Status, Assigned Group, Assigned Individual, Label, Source, and SiteUse this report to get an overview of all the cases that are reopened.
Case Trend by CategoryInteractive time chartShows the trend of the number of cases that are based on categoryLine of Business, Creation Date, CategoryUse this report to understand the trend of the number of cases that are created based on category, date, and time.
Cases by PriorityInteractive bar chartShows the number of cases that are based on priority and assigned groupsLine of Business, Creation Date, Status, Assigned GroupUse this report to view the cases that are created according to the priorities and then assigned groups.
Case StatisticsTableShows the number of open cases Line of Business, VIP cases opened today, Unassigned cases, Pending cases, SLA breached opened cases, Critical open cases, Closed cases
Use this report to get an overview of all the cases that are open based on different types such as VIP, unassigned, pending, SLA breached, critical cases. You can also view the number of closed cases.

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