Entities, metrics, and API calls for Azure Resource Manager model

This topic provides information about the entity relationship, mapping between the Azure metrics and the TrueSight Capacity Optimization metrics, and API calls for Azure Resource Manager model.

Entity list

The Microsoft Azure - Azure API Extractor monitors the following entities in the Azure Resource Manager model:

  • Resource Group
  • Virtual Machine

Entity relationship

The following table describes entity relationship details for the Resource Manager model:

Parent entityChild entityRelationship type

Resource Group - Azure


Virtual Machine - Azure



Metric mapping details for the Resource Manager model

Configuration metrics for virtual machines

Important: The enhanced DISK_SIZE and BYDISK_SIZE that show the actual size of the disk are available only when you apply Cumulative Hotfix 4 or later on Patch 2 (20.02.02) of TrueSight Capacity Optimization 20.02.

TrueSight Capacity Optimization metricAzure metricFormula
CPU_NUMnumberOfCoresNot applicable
DISK_NUMmaxDataDiskCountNot applicable
  • osDisk - properties.storageProfile.osDisk.diskSizeGB
  • attached Disks - properties.storageProfile.dataDisks.diskSizeGB

Not applicable

LOCATION_SITElocationNot applicable
OS_FAMILYproperties.osDisk.osTypeNot applicable
OS_TYPEproperties.storageProfile.imageReference.offerNot applicable
OS_VERproperties.storageProfile.imageReference.skuNot applicable
REQUESTED_INSTANCE_TYPEproperties.hardwareProfile.vmSizeNot applicable
TOTAL_LDISK_SIZE1\LogicalDisk(_Total)\Free Megabytes and \
LogicalDisk(_Total)\% Free Space
((\LogicalDisk(_Total)\Free Megabytes*1024*1024)*100)/(\LogicalDisk(_Total)\% Free Space)
CPU_MHZ1\Processor Information(_Total)\Processor FrequencyNot applicable

1 - These metrics are available only:

  • For Microsoft Windows operating system. 
  • If the Guest OS diagnostics or the Monitor Agent settings are enabled for your virtual machines.

Performance metrics for virtual machines

The following metrics are available for any VM when "Boot diagnostics" is enabled. (This option is enabled by default while creating VM.)

TrueSight Capacity Optimization metricAzure metricFormula
DISK_IO_READ_RATEDisk Read Operations/SecNot applicable
DISK_IO_WRITE_RATEDisk Write Operations/SecNot applicable

1 - When you collect the data at a 15-minute resolution, these values are divided by 900 instead of 3600 (for the default 1-hour resolution). For example, DISK_READ_BYTES/900. For information about changing the data resolution, see Microsoft Azure - Azure API Extractor.

2 - Indicates metrics that are set at level 4. These metrics are imported only when the collection level of the ETL is set to ‘Extended’. For information about changing the collection level, see Microsoft Azure - Azure API Extractor.

High mark metrics 

Note: The high-mark metrics are available only when you apply Cumulative Hotfix 3 or later on Patch 2 (20.02.02) of TrueSight Capacity Optimization 20.02.

High Mark metricBase metric to calculate high-mark metricAzure metric
CPU_USED_NUM_HMCPU_NUM * CPU_UTILThe calculation is based on base metrics (1M granularity*)
DISK_TRANSFER_RATE_HMDISK_TRANSFER_RATEDisk Read Bytes, Disk Write Bytes (1M granularity*)
NET_BIT_RATE_HMNET_BIT_RATENetwork In, Network Out (1M granularity*)

1M granularity indicates that the metric data is sampled every minute. 

API calls for the Azure API ETL

The extractor makes the following Resource Management REST API calls on Azure cloud services in the Azure Resource Manager model.

TaskResource Management API call

POST https://login.windows.net/<tenant_id>/oauth2/token (Application ID, Authentication key)

List subscriptionsGET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions?api-version=2015-01-01
Fixed widthList resources for a subscriptionGET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resources?api-version=2015-01-01
Get details for computer VMsGET https://management.azure.com<resource_id>?$expand=instanceView&api-version=2015-05-01-preview
Get metric definitionGET https://managemen.azure.com<resource_id>/providers/microsoft.insights/metricdefinitions?api-version=2016-03-01
Get metric values

GET https://management.azure.com<resource_id>/providers/microsoft.insights/metrics?api-version2016-09-01&$filter=(<metric_names> and (aggregationType eq '<aggregation_type>') and startTime eq <start-date> and endTime eq <end_date> and timeGrain eq duration'PT1H'

Get metric definition for diagnostic metrics

GET https://management.azure.com<resource_id>/metricDefinitions?api-version=2014-04-01

Get metric values for diagnostic metricsGET https://<storage_account_name>/<table-name>()?$filter=<metric_filter_string>&<sasToken_obtained_in above_call>
Get Resource Groups for subscriptionGET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourcegroups?api-version=2015-01-01
Get VM sizes for regionGET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/locations/<location>/vmSizes?api-version=2015-05-01-preview
Get VM network interface detailsGET https://management.azure.com/<network_interface_id>?api-version=2016-09-01&$expand=ipConfigurations/publicIPAddress
Get VM power stateGET https://management.azure.com/<resource_id>/instanceView?api-version=2017-03-30
Get VM metric namespacesGET https://management.azure.com/<resource_id>/providers/microsoft.insights/metricNamespaces?api-version=2017-12-01-preview

Get diagnostic metric definition for VM metric namespace
(for virtual machines using the Azure Monitoring Agent)

Get diagnostic metric values for VM
(for virtual machines using the Azure Monitoring Agent)

For more information, see the Azure Resource Manager Open link .

API calls for the Azure Government cloud

The extractor makes the following REST API calls to fetch the required details from the Azure Government cloud:

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