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When an incident is created, incident information from Incident Management is sent to BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management/BMC ProactiveNet. This information contains Incident ID, impact, assignee information, and priority. You might also want to know to which assignee group the incident is assigned. You must perform certain customizations to know which assignee group the incident is assigned to.

Perform the following customizations to add assignee group information to IncidentInfo events:

Customizing BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management/BMC ProactiveNet for assignee group display

  1. Open and edit the ibrsd_event_incidentinfo.baroc file located in the <BMC_ProactiveNet_installationDirectory>/pw/server/etc/<cellName>/kb/classes folder.
  2. Add the following line to the definition of EVENT_INCIDENT_INFO event:
    incident_assignee_group  : STRING;

  3. Open and edit the ibrsd_ci_incidentinfo.baroc file located in the <BMC_ProactiveNet_installationDirectory>/pw/server/etc/<cellName>/kb/classes folder.
  4. Add the following line to the definition of CI_INCIDENT_INFO:
    incident_assignee_group  : STRING;
  5. Go to the command prompt and change the directory to <BMC_ProactiveNet_installationDirectory>/server/bin
  6. Run the following commands:
    • Mccomp –n {cell Name}
    • Pw p e mcell
    • Pw p s mcell

Customizing BMC Remedy ITSM for assignee group display

  1. Open and edit the <AR_installationDirectory>\pluginsvr\ibrsd\conf\ibrsd_plugin.xml file in a text editor.
  2. Add the following line under the Event-Mappings section for BEM use case and newtt, modifytt, and logtt operations:

    <slot name="incident_assignee_group" arfield-position="27"/>
  3. Add the following line under the BufferedEventMapping section for BEM and SIM use cases and newtt, modifytt, and logtt operations:

    <slot name="incident_assignee_group" arfield-name="incident_assignee_group"/>
  4. Save the file.