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The top portion of the Compliance panel lists the component template parts that are used or are available for use in compliance rules.

Parts are added to the Parts section of the Compliance panel in any of the following ways:

  • When you create a component template, you can add parts on the Parts panel. If you check Compliance as an allowed operation for a part, that part appears on the Parts list on the Compliance panel.
  • When you edit a component template, you can add parts on the Parts panel. If you check Compliance as an allowed operation for a part, that part appears on the Parts list on the Compliance panel.
  • When you create a rule in the Rules section of the Compliance panel, if you reference parts that are not already listed, the rules editor adds those parts to the Parts panel and marks Compliance as an allowed operation. As a result, the added part also appears on the Parts portion of the Compliance panel.
    The Rules editor does not add a part under the following conditions:
    • Wildcard parts. You must add parts that include wildcard notations manually using the Parts panel. For example, suppose that you want to create a compliance rule that includes the following parts:
      • Directory://C/**
      • File://C/FolderA/*
        You must make sure that those parts are on the Parts list and that Compliance is checked as an Allowed Operation for them before you try to create the rule. You can add them manually on the Parts panel.
    • Child parts if the parent part is already listed and the Recursive Subfolder check box is selected. In this case, it is not necessary to add the child part to the Parts list because the Recursive Subfolder feature on the parent covers the child. For example, suppose that the Parts list includes the following line:
      Directory://C (and Recursive Subfolder is checked)
      You can write a rule using the following part without having to add that part to the Parts list:
  • When you create a local property for a compliance template, the property is added to the Parts panel. It is not, however, marked for compliance at that time. If you use the local property in a compliance rule, the Rules Editor makes compliance an Allowed Operation for that property, and as a result, the property appears in the Partslist on the Compliance panel.


    Certain types of parts cannot be included in compliance rules or Compliance Jobs. Such parts are not inherited from the Parts panel and are not displayed on the Compliance panel. These parts include various lists and containers of multiple server objects, as represented by top-level Live nodes such as Configuration, Extended Objects, and System Info.

To add or remove parts for association with Compliance Jobs

  1. On the content editor, click the Compliance tab.
  2. Click (Add Parts) to open the Select Parts window.
  3. From the All Parts list, select the parts that should be available for Compliance Jobs.
    The All Parts list shows the component template's parts. To move a part between lists, select the part and click the left or right arrow. Press and hold Shift or Ctrl while clicking to select multiple parts. To move all parts from the Selected Parts list, click the double-left arrow.
    Alternatively, you can add a part to the component template by clicking (Add New). Then use the displayed window to add a part, just as you would add a part in the Create New Component Template wizard (see Adding template parts). If you add a part, it can only be used in Compliance Jobs. You can modify that setting using the Parts tab (see Parts tab for a component template).
  4. Click OK.


You can also remove parts from association with Compliance Jobs by selecting parts and clicking (Remove Parts). This action is equivalent to disabling the Compliance operation for these parts through the Parts tab when updating a template part. 

In a Component Template, when you delete parts that are used by rules, the rules become invalid. If you then change the description of those rules, the deleted parts are automatically restored, and the rules become valid again. However, parts are not automatically added again for rules that contain an asterisk (*) wildcard character.